Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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I think you have some good thoughts, DJ. My only concern, if TPTB did those things, is how it'd play out. Grissom giving Hodges advice is an interesting idea on paper, but it'd have to be perfect to not seem like Grissom has all of a sudden become an expert at relationships. (He is, after all, quite stupid in TGTBTD) Wendy going into the field, which already might seem cliched, would, IMO, ruin her character. Or, at least, it has the potential to. The field changes people. (OT: That sounds like it should be an X-Files line.) It makes them come to terms with how fragile life is and how hardened you have to be in order to deal with the depression of seeing people on the worst day of their lives. Being a lab rat means that you get to be humorous in many of your scenes. You're softened to the darkness because all you see is individual pieces, not the whole puzzle. While the lab rats are in no way oblivious to the horrors that are around them, they have less of a direct contact with them. Hodges is smart enough to know that. He might resist the idea because it would change Wendy, and I'm not sure he'd want that.
Oh I don't argue with anything you pointed out Alex...after all, these were mere thoughts...as to how they would work out...could very well prove to be much more difficult....easier said then done. But I didn't mean it in the way that Grissom was suddenly some expert in the relationship department because we all know he isn't....but from his lack of expressing himself to his powers of observation, if her were the one to pipe up and say something, it would probably be to the affect that I stated just above.

Your point about hardening by being out in the field...that is a possible reason behind why Hodges spoke up about it in You Kill Me when Wendy mentioned it. He knows it would happen and won't be able to prevent it.... you don't have to look hard to see the results of a jump...just look at Greg. Then that "chemistry" is lost forever....

Anyway, they were just thoughts I figured I share...didn't expect them to make complete sense...lol
If she decides to move forward with the idea, will that be the point of no return where he voices his true concern and feelings for her...to her? If he does?

Those are good ideas actually, though I wouldn't want that to happen... for a while at least. Let them have their banter and bonding moments first. It'd be interesting to see how TPTB would tackle this issue, but I hope that if they are gonna do it, I hope they preserve the Wedges goodness. *crosses fingers*
I don't know if you guys are about the spoilers or not...and just in case for those who view this thread that wanna stay spoiler free.....

though it's not official...we're gonna have to wait and see but someone mentioned over in the spoiler thread that the relationship between Hodges and Wendy is suppose to heat up in the upcoming season.

question is....yet again....in a good way or bad way? Romance or tension wise?

I agree....I want lots of banter too.... a nice build up to the moment before it happens, if it happens.
I'm a pro-spoiler person. Because I'm impatient, and I don't care if I know everything about an episode- I still want to see it. CSI is a very visual show, after all.

Personally I'm going for a combination. Like, in the beginning of the season the tension will rise, and then we go into the romance-esque area. Nice mixtures of both never hurt anyone.

I love their banter. It's, like, the best thing about Wedges. It sort of takes the place of the black hole that Greg's humor has become, y'know?
I'm pro-spoilers too... I don't care if they give something away, I still want to see it 'cause words don't exactly make up for visuals on a show like CSI.

Wedges is gonna heat up, huh? I say it's about time... I'd like to see tension with a hint of romance 'cause I think they need to take it slow at first so the Wedges dynamic isn't screwed. *crosses fingers*
*hums "happy birthday"* Maybe CBS'll move the S9 premiere date up for my birthday. *looks around* Or not.

If they lose the Wendy/Hodges dynamic, they lose part of the character of the show that's developed over the past season. It's always been something you could fall back on if something was getting too serious. If TPTB lose that now, when the show's getting into depressing territory, they might lose the show.
Happy birthday Alex! *hugs* Oh by the way, help yourself to some of my homemade triple chocolate chunk cookies. *grabs one* Hope you like 'em.

Oh god I hope they don't do that... *crosses fingers* Wedges is one of the reasons I keep coming back to watch the show so I don't know what'll happen if they lose Wedges.
Well it's a good thing I like chocolate. *laughs and takes virtual cookie* Thanks, karu.

I do hope that they don't mess up season nine. If they do, it might seriously make me lose faith in the competence of TPTB. But, you know, maybe the writers will do well this season. Let's hope, huh?

Wow, I've been gone for three days and only one post. You guys are lame. XD
Bump with some topic:

I was thinking about season nine and how they should work Wedges, and I think that this could work pretty well. I mean, the premiere has the opportunity to show Serious!Hodges like we saw in Empty Eyes. If TPTB can combine the humor with the serious, we'd have a pretty kickas* ship here. However. In the beginning of the season, they can't just say "here's a relationship, goodbye". We need more flirting first. Although there has been plenty, there has yet to be the right amount that is really necessary in that type of relationship. In order to "heat up", we need more spark, y'know? If TPTB do something stupid, like have them kiss or something in the first episode, it'll ruin the dynamic and thus ruin one of the best progressive relationships in the CSI fandom. IMO.
Okay, I agree we can't have TPTB to introduce them as a couple in the first episode...plus from what was being said, as I stated before from the other thread, it was said that their relationship was to heat up in season 9...not in the first couple of episodes. I still think that being female, Wendy will take the news about Warrick hard...be upset, the typical reaction bit and Hodges will put all pettiness aside and be the strong shoulder for her to lean/cry on. Not solely for the fact that she just happens to be his crush, but as a concerned co-worker. Of course having the oppotunity to do something like that, I am sure, wouldn't elude his mind completely, but I think he'll take on the more mature role and be there...as a friend...and in the end will probably get her to look at him in a different light. Now, many things I've thought or suggested have never panned out...but it is one of many possible scenearios to contiplate.
*rushes in* I'm late! Sorry about that guys... my computer crashed and just when it got fixed, my uncle called at the last minute and I had to leave for Missisauga. But I'm here now... now where were we?

Oh we definitely can't have Wedges introduced as a couple... at least not until next season or sooner if you guys prefer. But I'd still like to see how TPTB balance Wedges humour with the heavy themes of the episode.
I do think that we should get some "This is a canon ship" classification before next season, but only because they've been flirting for an entire season. Throw me a bone here, people. XD I think that TPTB can cautiously balance Wedges humor and the seriousness of the episode. Like, if she hugs him randomly and someone walks in and makes them feel awkward, that would be funny. It can be done. I added "Wedges plausibility but canon ASAP" to the wishlist in my head when I blew out my birthday candles. ;)

I honestly can't remember the csi site that I seen it on, but there was a lot of info and the typical stuff you'd find on a site like that, and amongst it, it had a complete list of what was considered canon ships. If I can remember correctly, it did list the Wedges ship as a 'now canon' ship for the show. No this was not the wiki page where you could add whatever, whenever either.

Well, we don't have to much longer to wait to see how things are in their relationship, but then, I'm sure they won't be greeting us as a couple in the first part seeing the season finale and premier are supposedly tied into the same time frame....spanning over several days (in the show). It would be totally ridiculous to see anything other then how they were left, in the early stages of the new season.
By the way, karu, I forgot to tell you: You're allowed to be late, once.

I don't think they'll throw Wedges at us in the first episode. There may be hints, like I said with a hug or something, but they can't just say "Well, yea they were flirting last season, but they got together five minutes ago". That would be stupid.
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