Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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by the time You Kill Me rolls around, they've come to accept it within themselves but still can't bring themselves to say anything.

(Hope that made sense)

That actually did make sense... it almost shows the difference in their interactions. In Labrats, it was mostly about the bickering and sexual tension but in You Kill Me, it's starting to go beyond that and I think they're starting to realize about having a crush on each other. Did that make sense or am I just repeating Alex?
I'm looking forward to how it progresses, too, DJ.

It's not really repeating, but it does make sense, karu.

In Lab Rats, I caught on that they were on passive-aggressive terms, and I maybe picked up sexual tension, in particular in the breakroom scene. You Kill Me is when I totally noticed that it was pretty obvious- and I got that just from reading the quotes, right after it aired. Subsequent episodes, like Theory of Everything and Two and a Half Deaths proved that their relationship, even just as friends, is moving forward, slowly but nowhere near as slow as most of the other CSI franchise relationships.
I think Wendy likes to tag along with Hodges and his crazy little schemes even if it means she gets frustrated with him in the end. He is like that little addiction in her life that she can't say no to.

Labrats - Even though she finally gave up and quit the investigation, she was she curious enough to keep an eye on him, to talk to Sara, to approach the man after the fact.

You Kill Me - She was totally on board with the "thought experiment" until she found out not all things were as it seemed (him recording the others). She called him on it and then when she got mad, admitted she would have willingly helped him if he had asked.

I'd go into greater detail, but I just realized the time and I gotta get to work...:lol:
I think Wendy likes to tag along with Hodges and his crazy little schemes even if it means she gets frustrated with him in the end. He is like that little addiction in her life that she can't say no to.

*snickers* But seriously, you make a good point. I think it's cute that Wendy is including Hodges in her life like that and I think the same might apply to Hodges. He always seems to get into an argument with her because he likes that she stands up to him. What do you guys think?
He always seems to get into an argument with her because he likes that she stands up to him. What do you guys think?

I think you have a point there. He seems to pick fights with her, more than he does with anyone else. I agree that he likes the fact that she stands up to him when no one else really does. In Theory of Everything, she totally ripped apart his assertion that Spock's blood was green because of sulfur. Instead of looking offended, he looked impressed, which isn't something Hodges normally does.
she totally ripped apart his assertion that Spock's blood was green because of sulfur. Instead of looking offended, he looked impressed, which isn't something Hodges normally does.

I didn't see that episode... again. I've really gotta catch up on CSI episodes. But seriously, he was impressed? Wow... Wendy definitely knows her Star Trek. No wonder Hodges likes her. Between that and her standing up to him, I think he's met his match.
He definitely looked impressed IMO.
You should watch the ep. Or at least the clip.
CLIP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw5Rbyh12tw&feature=related

The quote's funny too:

Hodges: When the sulfur atom joins the hemoglobin molecules red blood turns green. Which is why First Officer Spock's blood is green in Star Trek.
Wendy: No, its not.
Hodges: Uh, yes it is. Trust me, I'm an expert.
Wendy: Well, apparently not, because otherwise you would surely know that the oxidizing agent in Vulcan blood is copper. And that is why his blood is green. I mean it was that and the fact that he had a Vulcan father since his mother was actually human. And furthermore, he was promoted to captain just prior to Star Trek II, and then he retired a civilian ambassador.
Hodges: (pauses, looking impressed) You're like a geeky, nerdy guy trapped in a woman's body.
Wendy: (smirks) So are you.

(I copied it from TV.com. I had it typed it out from memory, but I accidentally hit the back button. Argh.)

Later on in the scene, he actually says "Thank you" to her. Granted, it's somewhat teasing, but I never expected him to say anything polite to anyone. (Let alone her.)

And, the fact that he actually looks impressed, which I thought was impossible, just proves, to me at least, the fact that he totally has a crush on her. Like, major.
Impressed? It takes a special person to impress some people and Hodges sure is one of them people...for Wendy to have rattled his feathers like that, well, I don't need to say any more.

But the last couple of episodes he had been a little more civil toward her...lol, tryin' real hard to behave himself and watch what he says...even after the two random feminine related comments Wendy tossed out at him...:guffaw:
*jaw drops after she reads Alex's quote* That is so cool... now I really gotta watch that episode! You can totally tell that he's totally impressed with her Star Trek knowledge. Not to mention his behaviour's starting to improve... methinks that Wendy appreciates the effort.
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That is a really fun quote, isn't it? It's true that he's a hard person to impress at all, and the fact that Wendy manages it is, admittedly, impressive. And it seems that ever since his huge screwup in You Kill Me, he's gone out of his way to hold his tongue and watch what he says around her. He's probably finally figured out that insulting the woman you have a crush on isn't helpful. Like, at all.
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He's probably finally figured out that insulting the woman you have a crush on isn't helpful. Like, at all.

Let's hope that he makes more of an effort not to do that... knowing him, he might slip up. But I'm think after he saw what his comments were capable of, he's gonna at least try. *looks side to side, then pokes Hodges* By the way, Wendy's looking for you...
*looks side to side, then pokes Hodges* By the way, Wendy's looking for you...

...so that she can flirtatiously insult and make fun of you!

That is the basis of their relationship at the moment, really. It's so much more fun than the other CSI relationships, though. I'm going to go off on a bit of a tangent here, so just bear with me. On LV, GSR is a more serious relationship, in the way that they're both private and literal people. On NY, Danny/Lindsay is a bit tense, and seemingly like the relationship between high school sophomores. Flack/Angell, which isn't really a relationship yet so I can't really say much, is sort of just flirty. On Miami, which doesn't really have any pure relationships at the moment, the "relationship quota" is mostly fueled by the sexual tension between Eric and Calleigh. All of these relationships reflect different relationship styles. The tension between co-workers that doesn't go anywhere, the flirty friends, the sophomoric crush, and the stable, private relationship.

Wendy/Hodges is the most fun to watch, IMO. It's the passive-aggressive type of relationship. At first it seems like they hate each other, then they seem to have mild crushes, and now they mildly insult each other in flirty tones.

(Is this rant pointless or do you get what I'm saying here?)
No edit button, so I have to double post. I'm bumping the thread up to try to get some responses here.
Hey Alex... sorry I wasn't here sooner. I got sick a little while ago and I just started to get better. Anyways, where were we?

Wendy/Hodges is the most fun to watch, IMO. It's the passive-aggressive type of relationship. At first it seems like they hate each other, then they seem to have mild crushes, and now they mildly insult each other in flirty tones.

I get it... it shows that their relationship is slowly growing. I like that TPTB chose to approach it that way and I hope they don't royally screw up next season 'cause Wedges is great the way they are.
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