Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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Hm. How about Greg? After all, he fits in the the lab rats and has no screen time anyway, so maybe it'd be a good chance to get him into more episodes. *laughs*

Although, they have had flirty scenes without other people hovering. Think "Theory of Everything" and "Two and a Half Deaths". (TaaHD's scene makes me crack up, even when I'm just reading the quote. Plus, he said she was "lucky [she's] cute", thank you very much.)
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Hm. How about Greg? After all, he fits in the the lab rats and has no screen time anyway, so maybe it'd be a good chance to get him into more episodes. *laughs*

That'd be a good idea actually... god knows Greg need more screen time. You know I love the alone moments, but once in a while you need someone to witness the moments. Though I can't help think that he'll piss off Hodges if he has a funny strictly friends moment with Wendy... *checks to see if Hodges is turning green*
Aw. That's mean. Poor Hodges. :lol:

Hey, this way we get our fun little shipper moments. AND, then all of those complainers get to see their Greg. (Sadly, with Warrick leaving Greg should get more screen time. Yay? I think?)
Hey, this way we get our fun little shipper moments. AND, then all of those complainers get to see their Greg. (Sadly, with Warrick leaving Greg should get more screen time. Yay? I think?)

I think so... it'd be fun to see Greg interacting with Hodges and Wendy, though I think he might suspect that there's something going on between the two. Methinks that he'd ask Hodges about it... how do you think Hodges will react?
Well, don't bet on it, karu. None of the CSIs noticed anything with Grissom and Sara, and I always found that blatantly obvious a lot of times, too.

But, for the context of we-need-SOMETHING-to-talk-about-for-the-next-month, I think Hodges would just give a slightly-defensive sarcastic comment (and then betray himself by quickly changing the subject, of course).
Well, if I'm not mistaken, when Wendy first came on the scene, Greg too had an interest in her, even though he didn't really pursue her after that ...so if Greg suspected anything going on between Hodges and Wendy...Or if one of the Labrats informed him...say Henry or Mandy, given the type of relationship Hodges and Greg has (the constant 'try to get one up on the other'), I could see Greg taking a bigger interest in Wendy...even if it's just to spite Hodges, just to get him to openly admit to his real feelings toward her. Could be one of many ways that Hodges interest in Wendy could come out...thanks to Greg. Know what I mean? :lol:
Hodges is kinda cute. He has nice eyes...good personality too! Him and Wendy are cute together!
Henry is cute in a weird way too. LOL those big ears
Well, if I'm not mistaken, when Wendy first came on the scene, Greg too had an interest in her, even though he didn't really pursue her after that ...so if Greg suspected anything going on between Hodges and Wendy...Or if one of the Labrats informed him...say Henry or Mandy, given the type of relationship Hodges and Greg has (the constant 'try to get one up on the other'), I could see Greg taking a bigger interest in Wendy...even if it's just to spite Hodges, just to get him to openly admit to his real feelings toward her. Could be one of many ways that Hodges interest in Wendy could come out...thanks to Greg. Know what I mean? :lol:

That makes perfect sense to me. Actually, that'd be really fun to watch, just because all three of them are good at silent reactions. In regards to if someone told Greg, I'd vote for Mandy because she seems more suspicious about it. I think Henry suspects, but I don't think he'd be the one to admit that he suspects... Does that make sense?
Yeah, my money would still be on Mandy if any of the labrats were to find out, cause thinking about it...she KNOWS he's moving out because he wants to impress a girl, whereas Henry has just seen the casual flirty looks which could, in all honesty, happen between anyone at almost any time. Sure they all know he's looking for a place but Mandy still knows the reasoning behind it. But it would be fun to watch the three interact...Hodges, Greg and Wendy...I'm sure Greg would do anything to embarrass the Trace tech or to call him on his emotions.

And to answer you u2005t, Hodges (wally) does have nice eyes and has the longest and most amazing eyelashes I've ever seen on a man...I'm a sucker for those close ups...lol...I wonder what it is that Wendy sees in him besides being the dumbest smart person she knows
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smartest dumb person

No no no, DJ, he the dumbest smart person she knows. *laughs* Which I translate to mean that he's socially kind of an idiot, despite the fact that he's smart. The "socially kind of an idiot" part might sound harsh, but think about it. The game piece in You Kill Me was really quite stupid.
:guffaw:OMG.. I'm such an idiot! And here I can shamefully rhyme off almost anything said between the two and I mess THAT one up. Tsk tsk on me!
How'd you mess that one up? It was the only time Hodges looked genuinely "Oh. Crap. I am an idiot." :lol:
It was the only time Hodges looked genuinely "Oh. Crap. I am an idiot." :lol:

*snickers* That fits perfectly with Hodges' realization... he's supposed to be this really smart guy but obviously he's not picking up on how you're supposed to communicate with women. Maybe he oughta get lessons... that is, if he stops denying that he has a thing for Wendy.
I always found You Kill Me to be somewhat of a turning point for the denial. It was the first time I really believed that Wendy might have a crush on Hodges, and knew it. I also found it to be the first time that Hodges admitted to himself that he had a crush on her. No one looks that guilty unless they know exactly what they've done, in terms of themselves as well as the other person. He might not admit it to anyone else, but I thought that Lab Rats was sort of a "flirty but not really noticing it" sort of thing, and by the time You Kill Me rolls around, they've come to accept it within themselves but still can't bring themselves to say anything.

(Hope that made sense)
That totally makes sense...which makes me super impatient to see how things are between them in the upcoming season. Their interactions in You Kill Me compared to Labrats were so much more advanced...I knew it, but it wasn't until you just mentioned it that I actually realized it. Good observation
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