Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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LOL...I read a fic somewhere once where Wendy did end up being the one to take the the first step and kissed Hodges...and lurking not to far away were the rest of the labrats. Once the deal was sealed, Mandy had turned to the rest of them, held her hand out and told them to pay up...

I bet that would be kinda funny, if the rest of them could totally sense the "love" and all decided to bet on it. On one hand, Henry has an advantage, witnessing those candid looks....but then on the other hand, Mandy was the one to advise Hodges on how to get a girl to like him....
I'm back to drop in a wallie i entered in the Coloured Text Challenge....

Here's the coloured version:
and lurking not to far away were the rest of the labrats. Once the deal was sealed, Mandy had turned to the rest of them, held her hand out and told them to pay up...

*snickers* That sounds like something the labrats would do... I wouldn't be surprised if they already set up a betting pool. As for who wins, I'd have to say Archie... I mean, his job is seeing what others might miss and that could apply to life at the lab. Plus I think he's the other witness besides Henry... he is in charge of the A/V lab after all.
You Kill me.....on spike....now

LOVE the wallpapers....*snag*

I don't know....as Arch is the AV tech....would he really care enough to nose about???
Lab Rats Wedges Betting Pool, now open!

I dunno, I think Mandy'd win. If only because that would be the best thing ever, her turning around and Henry and Archie, scowling, handing her money.

I think we need to place "bets" on who starts it. Although, unfortunately, all money would go on Wendy. And, knowing TPTB, we'd all lose our money and they'd make it Hodges. XD

*groans* School starts on Thursday. And, if my post seems a bit... distracted, it's because I'm busy learning how to use long division on polynomials, as well as how to do synthetic division. By Friday. Neither of which I've ever learned. At least the test on the stuff isn't until about February.
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I think we need to place "bets" on who starts it. Although, unfortunately, all money would go on Wendy. And, knowing TPTB, we'd all lose our money and they'd make it Hodges. XD

*snickers* Oh if only... that would make a hell of a plot twist! I think I'd drop dead if Hodges ever did that. But wouldn't it be funny if they both confessed? Then no one would know who wins the bet... maybe that's the way TPTB would go.
Ooo, that'd work too! Although you have to think that at least one of the lab rats would think of that possibility. That IS what they do, after all. Of course, we'll have to see. This is rather fun to talk about, come to think of it.
lol....I could see Wendy finally tossing her hands up in the air in defeat, march right on in to the trace lab, grabbing Hodges by the lapels of his lab coat and planting one on him.

Thinking about it now....it seems that even though we're seeing more of the Hodges view toward this relationship then Wendy's, it's Wendy has been the one to nearly say something about it...twice.
Ooo, that'd work too! Although you have to think that at least one of the lab rats would think of that possibility.

Hmm, if they did, then things just got a whole lot interesting. Who do you think would consider that possibility? Maybe Mandy 'cause I think the others would be too occupied with who will crack first. It'd be pretty funny to see the guys pay up to her.

lol....I could see Wendy finally tossing her hands up in the air in defeat, march right on in to the trace lab, grabbing Hodges by the lapels of his lab coat and planting one on him.

*snickers* And then they'd hear a faint "Pay up guys!" in the background... right after poor Henry walks in on them!
*long sigh* I would've responded earlier but it's was my first day of school today. Joy to the world? I even like school. And my Human Bio teacher is going to show us a video on an autopsy, AND a video on the Body Farm, AND called me the "CSI Expert" as soon as I walked into the room. (I had her for regular Biology freshman year)

I could see Wendy finally tossing her hands up in the air in defeat, march right on in to the trace lab, grabbing Hodges by the lapels of his lab coat and planting one on him.

That would be amazing. DJ, go crash one of the writer sessions and make them do that. TPTB took six years for GSR. I think I'd cry if they tried to do that again. (It wouldn't work, anyway. We're much too impatient.)
Yeah, that is the worse....the move has kinda been done before so if it DID happen, as excited as we wedges fans will be, it'll lack originality...which could ruin the overall feel. What they almost have to do, is do the...close, so close, so very close...sit on the edge of the seat biting the nails...will they kiss this episode?....sort of thing...lol! Wait, does that make sense?

The producers better not cheapen it. I don't particularly want to see another Sara like moment....although, personally, Wendy could have pulled that move off better. Her and Hodges have so much more natural chemistry then GSR
No offense to GSR (I'm a minor GSR shipper after all), but I think that they suffered from waiting a bit too long. Finally inserting it into the sixth season finale made it feel like "Wait, what? But... last week they were talking about how the WEREN'T... but... Huh?". Plus, it made it feel like TPTB were just doing it for the sake of stealing ratings from Grey's.

I don't think we'll wait as long. Wendy/Hodges has made more progress in one season that GSR did in four, and neither of them seem to have (nearly the same level of) commitment issues like Grissom (and Sara, to be fair) did.

When we finally achieve enough posts to make a new thread (which is a long, long, long way from now) I think we need to call it "Hodges/Wendy #2: The Bets Are On Her". :lol:

Okay, it's official. I am a hopeless shipper. I just watched the extended S9 Promo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1_cqqxQjDI) and I actually NOTICED that in one shot Wendy's examining a bullet and in another shot Hodges is examining a bullet and the first thing I thought was "They're working together!". Instead of, you know, sadness over the poor dying CSI. The first thing I thought was shipper-related. *sighs at self*

(Sorry CSI_Kat)
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What they almost have to do, is do the...close, so close, so very close...sit on the edge of the seat biting the nails...will they kiss this episode?....sort of thing...lol! Wait, does that make sense?

That actually did make sense... as much as we hate the writers for doing that to us, the suspense is one of the best parts. I think that TPTB should include more of those moments with Wendy and Hodges as well as the funny hilarious moments that the labrats witness. I just hope we don't have to wait long too...

When we finally achieve enough posts to make a new thread (which is a long, long, long way from now) I think we need to call it "Hodges/Wendy #2: The Bets Are On Her". :lol:

Nice! Hmm, I oughta come up with something too... how 'bout Hodges and Wendy #2 - God, Just Kiss Already!
When we finally achieve enough posts to make a new thread (which is a long, long, long way from now) I think we need to call it "Hodges/Wendy #2: The Bets Are On Her". :lol:
Nice! Hmm, I oughta come up with something too... how 'bout Hodges and Wendy #2 - God, Just Kiss Already!

I think you win with that one, karu.

And you KNOW that the other lab rats have thought that, too. Especially Henry. Poor Henry. He's, like, the ultimate symbolism for us. *laughs* "Oh, Henry's in a scene with Hodges and Wendy! There must be a Wedges scene coming up!"

Here we go: Hodges/Wendy #2- Jon Wellner Sells It.
*laughs* "Oh, Henry's in a scene with Hodges and Wendy! There must be a Wedges scene coming up!"

Oh, poor Henry! I think that TPTB are starting to use him as a cue for Wedges scenes... they can't outright have a romantic moment--god forbid--so TPTB are pretty much using Henry as the distraction. I say they use someone else once in a while... who do you think should sub in for Henry?
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