Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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Is it... macabre that I'm looking forward to Wendy and Hodges both being in the premiere because it might bring a bit of humor to the dark-looking "For Warrick"?

Nah..even the darker of episodes needs a little lite humor in it...as long as it's done wisely just like any ship development. But for me personally, Hodges doesn't have to do anything special to get a chuckle out of me. I have a feeling though that we won't get much humor out of the first episode given the storyline and I still think that if there is any interaction between Wendy and Hodges it'll be more on the serious note. As I said in an earlier post, I believe it was here...*maybe it was in the Nick/Mandy thread*, it may be more on the comforting side if anything. You know, the typical man comforting the woman...but what would be amusing is if it were the other way around with our labrats...given what Hodges laid witness to in the finale. heheh Wendy comforting him.

Alex, did you get to see the episode after on the CBS site?
Seems in Canada here, we can't pick up the different eps on the site...well, at least where I am too, I can't.

Really? Aw man, I was gonna have another look at that scene! *sulks* Oh and by the way Alex, I don't think looking forward to Wedges in For Warrick is macabre... all drama needs a little humour to balance it out. If it's only a small moment, then I think it's fine.
Okay, if it's not a bit macabre then it's definitely obsession. :)

I haven't watched the episode yet, mainly because I haven't been online since I posted my last comment. I'll watch it eventually. It is, after all, the main reason that I'm buying the S8 DVDs as soon as they come out, just to hear the commentary. :D
It is, after all, the main reason that I'm buying the S8 DVDs as soon as they come out, just to hear the commentary.

*backtracks* There's DVD commentary? *blushes* Ignore the less-than-tech-savvy girl here... but seriously, I would love to hear what the rest of the cast had to say about Wedges moments... methinks they'd have something quote-worthy to say.
I wonder though if it'll be just a regular commentary, or will they have all the lab techs again...or maybe they will just have just Liz and Wally. Now that would be funny...the information that was given for the labrats episode on the boxset stated the actors involvement in the commentary, but there is nothing for You Kill Me yet. *crosses fingers*

Either way, it don't matter, we just have commentary on another Hodges/Wendy centered episode....yay!
will they have all the lab techs again...or maybe they will just have just Liz and Wally.

I'm all for Liz and Wally... I'm curious about what they have to say about Wendy and Hodges. I think they'd tease each other and comment on the characters' interactions with each other. What do you guys think?
Oh, totally.

Lab Rats commentary:

(In episode) WENDY: What are we, twelve?
(Commentary) VASSEY: We are. We really are.
LAGHAM: No, no, you're a fully formed adult. I'm twelve.

(In episode; the look Wendy give Hodges during the beginning of the breakroom scene)
(Commentary) VASSEY: *fake-dreamily, as if narrating Wendy's thoughts* I love you...

They rib each other constantly. Gotta love it.
A friend directed me to a site that had a couple of mini wally interviews. One was him on David Hodges in You kill me....and the other, for gedda...he mentions his characters liking for wendy in I believe it's the you kill me interview... If either of you are interested in checking it out PM me cause I don't think I can toss up those links in this thread...so to be safe...lol

actually, there is only a little talk of it, in both clips, now that I've rewatched it, but if yer still interested, buy all means...I'll share
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You can send me the link, DJ.

Okay, so, I've decided that I need to watch "Lab Rats" again, with the commentary. It might be sad and pathetic and very geeky, but do I look like I care?

I thought not.
Okay, so, I've decided that I need to watch "Lab Rats" again, with the commentary. It might be sad and pathetic and very geeky, but do I look like I care?

LOL...don't feel bad Alex...I know it almost word for word. Oh and as for the link...consider it done.

A question to noodle over....*as Hodges would say*

Okay, should Hodges actually confess his undying love for Wendy...heheh...how and where do you think he'd do it? And who if anyone would be present to witness it?
I don't know, I don't think Hodges would be able to bring himself to admit it. (Remember that he's twelve. XD) Wendy'd have to make the first move. But I don't think anyone'd be there. Poor Henry's had enough chemistry to lay witness to. :lol:

By the way. I'm watching Lab Rats as I'm posting this.

And I purposely learned how to use PhotoShop just so that I could make my avatar. Call me a geek and I'll agree 100%.

I'm feeling an increased urge to quote this, because it echoes thoughts I've had:

ARCHIE KAO: I love the tension between your characters. It's absolutely palpable. I feel, like, "KISS ALREADY! GOD!"
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Okay, should Hodges actually confess his undying love for Wendy...heheh...how and where do you think he'd do it? And who if anyone would be present to witness it?

How would he confess? I think he'd be in denial for a long time before he admits it... I agree with Alex and say that Wendy will make the first move. Though I have to wonder how he'll react if she kisses him on the cheek unexpectedly! And of course, Henry has got to be a witness... it's hilarious to see him unknowingly take part in Wedges scenes, the poor guy!
You're right, karu, come to think of it. Henry needs to be there. Because he's always the unfortunate soul that has to sit there.

Wendy kissing Hodges on the cheek and walking away. That would be a scene worth watching. If only for the look on his face. :lol:
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I don't want Henry to be alone though. Someone oughta join him... you need two witnesses after all. Hmm, maybe Archie could comment everytime he walks by them having a moment, like "God, just kiss already!" That oughta be a great moment... followed by Wendy kissing Hodges on the cheek! I would love to see something like that... I can't even begin to describe the look that would be on his face. It'd be the kind of look that you have to see...
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