Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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Yes! Even if they have to re-film joke scenes for it! (No, I didn't just suggest that they film the scene from Lab Rats again just for the fun of it...)
The first time I heard that...that they considered pulling off the joke but didn't because of time etc., I got all excited then in the same motion, the wind was taken out of my sails....that would have been hilarious to of seen. I bet some of the takes during "labrats" and "you kill me" were funny. If I were in liz's place, having to listen to wally site off some of Hodges' lines, I would have busted with uncontrollable fits of laughter.

I wonder if this lad tech...hodges/wendy centered type episode will happen again this season. I mean, there's a trend happening here now...you can't just stop it
And you know what that trend means, DJ (may I call you DJ?). More hilarious flirting! *laughs*
(may I call you DJ?)

By all means. :)

I think...again as they've commented on in the commentary....that Jon Wellner (henry) really sells those flirty scenes between hodges and wendy cause they are so subtle and he's the poor soul to have to lay witness not once but twice to them.


Although I'd say if they decided to do another tech related, hodges/wendy centered ep, it will probably be closer to the end of the season seeing how the last season ended off. you know there will be lots of angst in the first so many episodes....Good chance for Hodges to make a move in comforting Wendy, cause you know EVERYONE will be affected
(Call me Alex. like i told karu_mila, it's easier to spell. XD) You are right, Jon Wellner totally sells the flirty look in Lab Rats. ("That was a very good idea." "I do have one occasionally.")

What's the second time Henry has to witness to flirty? Do you mean the "we can hear you" comment?

By the way, from what I remember, Liz Vassey is listed as appearing in the premiere...

They're much more interesting to watch than GSR.
In 'you kill me' just after Mandy leaves because she got paged and it Henry, Wendy and Hodges left in the break room. That is what I am referring to..

(Wendy smiles and leans on the table toward Hodges.)

WENDY: So ... you got time for one more?
(Hodges leans on the table toward Wendy.)

HODGES: Well, someone's having fun.
WENDY: Maybe a little.
HODGES: You're not bad at this.
(Henry looks around the BREAKROOM awkwardly.)

WENDY: Thanks. I've been thinking about taking the CSI field test. This is actually really good theory and practice for me.

Thanks to the twiztv.com site for that little insert plucked from the 'you kill me' transcript.
Oh, that's why. I didn't really watch that episode. Now I need to go watch it, at the very least that scene because I'm imagining Henry watching this and just imagining is cracking me up.

By the way, is this picture from an episode, or is it just a promotional photo?

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Tciddaisc - your banner is still too wide - it is 350 pixels. The max width it can be is 220. Please resize it. Thanks!

I know, I know, I'm trying. I need to find the image code. *glares at banner website that lied to her*

Forget it, I'm just using an image.
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That was just a promotional snap taken from last season around the time of the ep. it wasn't in the 'you kill me' episode or any other. Still a great shot though...I can only imagine what he is thinking...on second thought...maybe I don't...lol!

Jon Wellner: "Acting is reacting" which is so true because his reactions like I said, sold those little scenes
It is a fun picture, whether it's an episode or not. It definitely seems like the producers agree with us.

Is my signature better now?
Jon Wellner (henry) really sells those flirty scenes between hodges and wendy cause they are so subtle and he's the poor soul to have to lay witness not once but twice to them.

Aww, poor Henry... I think he doesn't know exactly what he's interrupting some of the time. But I do like seeing him in scenes with Hodges and Wendy especially the scene in You Kill Me that DJ was talking about... can I call you DJ too?

Where did you get the promo pic Alex? They way that Hodges is looking at Wendy while she's not looking is priceless!
Actually, I found it earlier on this thread. There was just so little explanation that I had to ask about it. I dunno, something about Wendy's smile makes me think she suspects... *snicker*

Okay, so it's not really a smile. More of a tiny smirk. But isn't that Wendy for us?

Does anyone know how I can watch just that scene from "You Kill Me"? The awkward-Henry one?
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By all means KARU..DJ is fine....that is what everyone calls me anyway...:)

As for that scene? *wonders if DJ will get a slap on the hands for this :lol:*

Over at the official CBS site, if you go the the CSI main page, you should be able to view the whole episode...that is if you're in the States. Seems in Canada here, we can't pick up the different eps on the site...well, at least where I am too, I can't.
By all means KARU..DJ is fine....that is what everyone calls me anyway...:)

As for that scene? *wonders if DJ will get a slap on the hands for this :lol:*

Over at the official CBS site, if you go the the CSI main page, you should be able to view the whole episode...that is if you're in the States. Seems in Canada here, we can't pick up the different eps on the site...well, at least where I am too, I can't.

Well then, I'm glad that I'm a New Jersey girl. :lol:

Yeah, DJ, a lot of people had said that they can't get the CBS videos because they're in Canada. Don't think that moving'll get you better reception. *laughs*

Is it... macabre that I'm looking forward to Wendy and Hodges both being in the premiere because it might bring a bit of humor to the dark-looking "For Warrick"?
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