Hockey Fans

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I must say.... Olli Jokinen was sold two days ago (or three.. whenever the deadline was) to Calgary from Phoenix (was C of Panthers last year) and his first match, he got to play in 1st line with Iginla..and some other dude and scored twice :D

People (here) don't always appreciate his personality, but damn how much he has developed and he is just a great hockey player.

As for other hockey, playoffs for our own league start today. They have this stupid semi-playoffs first where 4 teams (theat were 7-10) play for the last two spots in "real" playoffs... we call these first games as "pity playoffs". But our league has been supertight this year, any of those teams could win...
In past 15 seasons, it's been only two, three teams that have made it to the finals. I think in 90s there was 8 years when the same two teams were in the finals, so this is pretty interesting. My #1 team doesn't give me much hope, but team #2 is kicking some ass!
^ I hope your teams win Ducky :D

So, the Rangers have won their last three games:
February 28th against the Avalanche, 6-1
March 5th against the Islanders, 4-2 and
Today, March 8th, against the Bruins, 4-3.
Is this not exciting or what?

Scoring in the March 5th game were: Nikolai Zherdev, Chris Drury, Scott Gomez, and Markus Naslund

That was also the Mr. Sean Avery's first game back as a Ranger. He was actually quite calm, only receiving one 2 minute penalty for cross checking.

Scoring in today's game were: New Ranger Nik Antropov, Scott Gomez, Ryan Callahan (with a little help from Boston goalie Manny Fernandez ;) ) and Nikolai Zherdev. Avery got an assist on the Callahan point, and almost had what would have been a beautiful goal.

I felt that the Rangers started off real strong in this game, but they kind of began to fade in the third. But they did win it, so you can't complain too much.

The Rangers added two talented veterans to their mix on Wednesday afternoon in the closing hour of the NHL's trade deadline. Joining the team are defenseman Derek Morris of Phoenix and 6-foot-6 forward Nik Antropov of the Maple Leafs, who has 21 goals this season. Antropov, who has a goal and two assists in two games so far, was obtained in exchange for a 2009 second round draft pick and a conditional draft pick. Morris, who has one assist, was traded for forwards Petr Prucha and Nigel Dawes, and defenseman Dmitri Kalinin.

I'm not too heartbroken about Kalinin and Prucha being traded away, but I want my Dawes back! I absolutely loved him :( And I'm hoping that somehow he either ends up back with the Rangers, or with Pittsburgh or Boston...
Prucha has actually managed two assists in three games for Phoenix, so I think the trade has been a positive thing for him. :)

But as of right now, the Rangers seem to have been able to turn their game back in the positive direction. Perhaps there's a chance they can make it to the playoffs after all.
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And now, I bring you Hockey Record Setters:

- On Friday, Henrik Lundqvist of the New York Rangers became the first goalie in the history of the NHL to win at least 30 games in each of their first four seasons. :D

- This afternoon, the Pittsburgh Penguins tied an NHL record for most consecutive games ending in a shootout at four games. The record was previously held by the Edmonton Oilers from Dec. 2007.

- Martin Brodeur tied Patrick Roy’s NHL career record of 551 wins when the New Jersey goalie led the Devils to a 3-1 win over the Montreal Canadiens on Saturday night. He will get his first chance at setting the record Tuesday night at home against the Chicago Blackhawks.

- Brodeur is also dangerously close to recording the most shutouts by a goalie in NHL history. Brodeur currently has 100 shutouts, while the record of 103 is held by Terry Sawchuk.
Well, my team won't be making the playoffs...:( But we can spoil :)

I hope we helped out someone's team yesterday when we beat Pittsburgh in a shootout. I didn't want it to be in a shootout, but it happened. I'm just happy that Comrie's the one who won it for us! I smell contract in his future :)

I don't know how the Rangers did yesterday. The last I heard they were losing :(
First our league... first round of playoffs was fun! Both my fave teams won, eve the other one didn't have much hope - too bad both lost the 2nd round. 4 wins and they are on the next round :p

Secondly Olli Jokinen, who was sold to Flames -dude he is on fire. He got to first line, and in six games his poinst are 8+2 :eek: Few nights ago he got 3+2
And I am glad he finally plays in a team that actually is going to playoffs :p

Thirdly... saw some fugly hit yesterday. It's Swedish Elite League (Elitserien) and that poor Finnish player, Antti-Jussi Niemi. He has concussion (sp?) and serious fracture I think above his eye and few other fractures as well.
Here's one clip, bad quality but you see what's going on

There is another vid, where they show when doctors and other people lift him and I believe he is unconcious (sp?) ... :(
Long time no see.........
Just dropped by to brag about Rangers. Can't help it. LOL :lol: :p

Boy, is it ever good be Ranger fan......especially now. When we are on a winning streak. LETS GO RANGERS!

Won 6 of 8 games so far. With Torts runnin' this club things are looking a lot better. And of course Avs is a part of that.

Anyways, Rangers beat Sabres last night 5- 3!

Markus Naslund scored the first goal for Rangers - leading 1 - 0 Rangers.

Nikolai Zherdev scored a goal.

Ryan Callahan - scored 2 goals on his birthday yesterday. (Happy Birthday Cally!) What a way to celebrate a birthday!

Lauri Korpikoski had an excellent chance to put the Rangers on the scoreboard 6:24 into the first when he was awarded a penalty shot after being tripped from behind by Spacek during a shorthanded breakaway.

Henrik Lundqvist recorded 38 saves, he's been a solid guy for this team. I hope he stays healthy so we can have him behind the net every game.

Anyways that wraps it up.

Later Days.
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GO RANGERS!!! I totally wish I could've caught the game--sadly, I don't have any cable...
I keep up with them online though :D

Us New Yorkers love our teams :) <3
Long time no see.........
Just dropped by to brag about Rangers. Can't help it. LOL :lol: :p

It gets so exciting when they actually win a game! :lol:
My family doesn't believe me that they've actually won three games in a row. I'm like "you'd better believe it, they want in the playoffs."

The Rangers have went from practicaly no post-regular season hope to having a fighting chance of squeezing in there.
Getting a new coach with a new style has definitely helped them out big time. A few new players didn't hurt any either, especially Nik Antropov. And how about Sean Avery, he was on a nice goal streak there for a few games.
(I still miss Dawes though, poor guy's not hardly even got to play in Phoenix :( )

GO RANGERS!!! I totally wish I could've caught the game--sadly, I don't have any cable...
I keep up with them online though :D

Us New Yorkers love our teams :) <3

Welcome to the madness Project DAY! :D

I know how you feel, I can't watch any of the Rangers' games either. Unless NBC decides to show them as the Game of the Week and thankfully they have quite a few times already.
Tonight's game is on TSN at 7:00 ET. Rangers v.s Ottawa Sens.

I'll be cheering Rangers on tonight! LETS GO RANGERS!:beer:

As far as players go:

Nik Antropov - has been a nice addition to the mix. He scored a goal on his first game (If memory serves). I think a lot can be expected from him.

Avery - Has been doing well, it took a while to get used to the new system, but he is the "Tortorella" type player. He wants more action, and more enrergy. And that exactly what we've got.

Players feed off it, as do the fans. Nice to have # 16 back! (I will regret saying that last part later)

Also he managed to keep his mouth shut, and focus on game rather mouthing off.

Avery in his own words:

"A mild version of Avery isn't "really" that mild."
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Tells ya how much I know, I didn't even realize the Rangers played tonight...
I'd better go charge my phone so that I can check the scores while I'm at church. :p

I think Avery has been doing well largely in part to Tortarella's coaching style. It's a much more hard going, action based technique then Renney's ever was, and that's the kind of player Sean is. Like a little kid who's had too much candy, Sean's not content to just pass the puck; he wants in the middle of the action.
Also, I think he likes the fact that he's almost being billed as the Rangers "savior" after they've improved so much since his return ;) But the fans like it.
And like you said, learning to keep quiet and just play is a definite improvement.

My only thing with him is: has Sean Avery really changed?
Is Avery being a more quiet, reserved player because the anger management has really affected him and that's who he is now? Or is he doing it because he's trying to make a good impression with the head honchos, and he's only one bad hit or one remark away from snapping completely?
Well - we had some articles about that game, how Jarkko Ruutu, who is probably one of the most annoying players in NHL at the moment, tried to annoy Avery and he kept his cool.

In same article there was talk, how Rangers fans just had been yelling "Ruutu sucks!" and Ruutu just said it doesn't matter good or bad, it's good that they remember :p

Hee, then some seriousl "being pissed off"

this was two nights ago in AHL, Providence goalie Tuukka Rask (he is a Finn, that's why it hit the news here) got really pissed off after shootouts when two, obvious NOT goals were accepted as goals :D
Hm, Jarkko Ruutu. I remember him from when he played in Pittsburgh. He drove me insane every game; he was annoying as all get out!
Stupid question, but why exactly should Rangers fan remember him?
I do remember the time he was sitting on Avery's stick when Ruutu was on the bench and Sean couldn't get it out from under him :lol:

Anywho, I absolutely love Tuukka Rask! :D
I'll take him as the Bruins goalie any day over Manny Fernandez!
And those were definitely not goals, unless the rules have magically changed that you can score off a rebound in the shootout after you pause.
But I don't think it was that bad of a meltdown. Wasn't it one of New Jersey's coaches who threw like a wooden bench onto the ice when he was mad?
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Rangers Stick it to Minnesota Wild

Minnesota wild did a good job of keeping the pressure going as the two teams fight for a playoff spot.

1st period goal by Nicky Zherdev.

2nd Period Scott Gomez goal minute short of Gaborik Marian.

3rd Period No goals

A couple of close calls, but luckily Henke made the key saves.

~ Voros was in the game tonight (after not playing for a few games)

Both Rangers are Minnesota pressuring the D.

Minnesota Wild were unable to deliver and Rangers win 2 -1 !!!!

I've never never posted as the game was goin'.......this game was makin' me break a sweat. I was worried for Rangers, it was a tight game. But luckily Rangers did a good job. Woot!

Rangers are now off on a road trio for two games as the weekend approaches.
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Whoot! GO TEAM! It sounded like an intense game, wish I could've caught it. I miss going to the live games or even seeing them on tv. Going to any live game where I currently live is pointless as the Columbus Blue Jackets suck x_x
It would be fun to see them get their butss whooped though :p
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