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^ Oh, such a pretty goal! Their reactions are pretty priceless too ;)

Gotta love Eddie, he always finds a way to sneak in a Rangers mention for us fans :D
Cause we need the love.

So Avery is a step closer to possibly becoming a Ranger again? Interesting.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
"(I) just think as far as his rehab and everything he's gone through, apparently he's done well at it, things are going good, and everyone is happy for him in that regard," Chris Drury said. "From what you hear and what you read, and what you guys say, everything has gone well. I have no reason to think differently. Now that he's back on the ice, we'll find out for sure."
I agree with that. Time will tell if Sean's changed or if he's the same old guy.
The Rangers WON!!!!!!
Can you tell I'm really really really happy? :D
Not only did they win, but they beat the Capitals 5-4 in a shootout! (And now I get a week of bragging against my sister)

So I thank you Ryan Callahan, Lauri Korpikoski, Markus Naslund, and Paul Mara for scoring in regular time, and a HUGE thank you to my man Nigel Dawes and Ryan Callahan for scoring in the shootout! And Henrik Lundqvist of course who managed to hold out wonderfully. I'm not going to lie, when they announced Callahan for the shot, I was a little worried. However, I now have complete faith in him.
The Rangers played about 300% better then they have been recently.

I haven't been this freaked out and excited for the Rangers in a very long time. I actually think I held my breath during the entire shootout, and when we won I jumped up and danced around my room. (And then ran in, woke up my sister, and yelled that we beat her man ;) ) If I could type and dance around at the same time I would probably still be doing it. It's a good thing I got a lot of sleep last night because I'm kind of hyper now :lol:

I'm like the happiest person on the face of the Earth right now. :D
And we can essentially count up two wins for the "Rangers" tonight because I, in my Chris Drury t-shirt, beat my Islanders jersey wearing 12 year old neighbor at street hockey. :)

ETA: Haha, I just switched over to the Pens game (who also went to a shootout and won, thanks to Sid Crosby) and the announcer goes "The Rangers won tonight in a shootout against Washington" and the other guy goes "Was Lundqvist in net? He's a tough one." :p
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NY Rangers 5 - 4 WSH (F/SO)

Goals made by: Callahan, Korpikoski, Mara, and Naslund.

Colton Orr got a fight with Brashear 17 min 17sec into the first period. Go Orr! I get a real kick when this guy fights.​

And of course Hank was in the zone last night. Making great saves as always. It always helps to have a solid

goaltender between the pipes.

Overall it was team effort, which got Rangers a very important 2 points last night. I'm extremly excited (if

that even a word).Unfortunatly I wasnt able to watch the game, I was shocked when I saw 4 - 4 2min and

31sec into the 3rd period. I had to rub my eyes twice to make sure I wasnt dreaming.

I think this is the turn around we`ve all been looking for. I hope Rangers will continue with the same effort in the next games.


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Happy Hockey Across America Weekend! :D

Well, I knew the Rangers couldn't keep up the good luck for the rest of the season, but I didn't think it would only last one game. :(
They lost in a shootout to the Panthers. Oh well, what can you do about it?

Fredrik Sjostrom did get the lone Rangers goal though, with Colton Orr and Blair Betts with the assists :D Really good for all three of them. And Lundqvist made some absolutely amazing saves!

Even though we lost, I must say that the Rangers played wonderfully overall.
They had good control when the puck when in their zone, they went to the net and made countless shots (hm...didn't I say that?)
They also played very well defense wise and did not completely rely on Lundqvist for everything. (I think I said that too) Apparently the team took what I had to say to heart ;)

So they lost, but it was a valiant effort from the entire team. And that is a loss that I can live with. :)

On a different note, here's something we Rangers fans will probably enjoy. I did anyway. It's the "Tom Renney Line Generator"! It will randomly select the starting lines for the Rangers games. The scary part is, these generated choices actually make about as much sense as Renney's does sometimes. ;)
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SpeedyMeg25 said:
On a different note, here's something we Rangers fans will probably enjoy. I did anyway. It's the "Tom Renney Line Generator"! It will randomly select the starting lines for the Rangers games. The scary part is, these generated choices actually make about as much sense as Renney's does sometimes. ;)

True dat. LOL:lol:

Personnaly I'd send it to Renny so he could see how easy it is to make a bad choice in line ups :rolleyes:. Rumour is Renny gettin' fired. But its not official.
They are putting # 11(Messier), to tell Renny what to do. The fans are NOT happy with Renny pointless coaching skills.
If the Rangers want someone who can coach probably as good as Renney does sometimes for a much cheaper price, I'm available ;)

I used the line generator to predict today's lines and got pretty close. The starting lineup for the game was Drury, Callahan, Korpikoski while my prediction was Drury, Korpikoski, Dubinsky. I also had Dawes, Naslund, Betts when it really was Dawes, Naslund, Gomez. That thing is almost so accurate it's scary.

Rangers lost again, 5-2 to the Flyers.
They didn't play so well for the first half of the game. We seemed a little off. Once they got a goal they started to play a bit better, but by that time is was too little too late.
Lundqvist let in 4 shots before he was pulled in favor of Valiquette, who let in the first shot he faced. Neither of them were having good days- the camera kept panning over to Lundqvist sitting on the bench and he looked mad.
Thanks to Korpikoski and Zherdev for our two goals and not making the Rangers look like total idiots.

Sean Avery played 20 minutes in his first game since anger management with the AHL Hartford Wolfpack last night. He managed to have no fights or penalties. He even made a reference to "The Old Sean" in postgame comments. :)
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Rangers v.s Philadelphia Flyers

If Rangers continue to lose games - Renny will be the first one out the door.Because a good play is lead by the coach, and of course with Renny's line switching (again!!!) that turned out to be horrible.

Following firing Renny will be a few other Rangers on this team who are NOT doing their job.

Speaking of which : Chris Drury, Scott Gomez, Wade Redden, are the guys to blame. This would not be the first time I would question Chris Drury's leadership skills. Take a hit, get in front of that net! This is the guy who always was in front of the net when he played for Buffalo Sabres, he wanted to play for New York, he wanted the "C" - he got that. But where are the skills that go along with that? (Where is the leadership, motivation?)

Scott Gomez whom I heavent even seen in the first period. He can move the puck, he should have been there.

Wade Redden another defenceman who can move the puck well into the other side and could have let his team mates take it from there.

It is up to these guys to take leadership upon their shoulders and get the game going. And they heavent been doing that so far.They way the game was played - it was a mess, it was terrible. Of course these guys feel the weight on their shoulders, they are not happy with the way things are going, the fans arent happy either (Quite Frankly - who isn't??) and their lack of confidence, all of that shows, worst of all it shows during the games. They should be using that to turn things around...and use that to fuel the energy for the team.

And this is where Sean Avery comes in and gets things fired up. Forget the risks with his behaviour, this team is in a dire need of a guy like Avery right now. He is not afraid to start things up with other guys on the team.He's a great hockey player. He may open his mouth once too often - but he will back it up 100%.

I just couldn't wait for Orr to come out to get things going during the game....He had a few chances, but then he got a ridiculous penalty for Misconduct (For exchanging words with a Flyers player) for 10 min. And nobody could even tell what exactly went on in that brief moment. That was a bad call.(To say the least).

Most of the game Rangers spent it in their own defensive zone. They were trying to keep up with Flyers who made easy goals. Lundqvist gave up 4 goals, 2 of which I think he could have stopped. (i.e. one that was deflected off his left skate and into the net ). Momets later, Lundqvist takes the bench, and Valiquette takes the front stage.

Lundqvist spent much of the remainder of the second period with his mask still covering his face as he sat at the end of the Blueshirts' bench. Clearly not happy with what just happened.

But that idea doessen't hold out for much either, because Valiquette give up a goal in the first minute he's been on.

Rangers attempt to fireback was - as they put it - too little to late.

Although Lauri Korpikoski and Ryan Callahan - the team's most effectively energetic players through out the game - combined on the goal. Nikolai Zherdev deflected Wade Redden's left point shot past Biron. This would conclude the positive notes on Rangers game against Flyers.
I just couldn't wait for Orr to come out to get things going during the game....He had a few chances, but then he got a ridiculous penalty for Misconduct (For exchanging words with a Flyers player) for 10 min. And nobody could even tell what exactly went on in that brief moment. That was a bad call.(To say the least).

That was a horrible call.
Even my dad who was watching the game with me and doesn't know the first thing about hockey couldn't figure out what was going on either.
Since when is talking, albeit "fiercly", with the other team a penalty? I'm sure they'd use the excuse that Orr kind of pushed the other guy a bit with his stick. I hate to break it to the refs, but that happens all the time! :shifty: In fact, I'm pretty sure about a dozen other people did it throughout the course of the game and not one of them got a penalty, let alone a 10 minute one!
Even the announcers were like "What just happened here?"

I think another one that might be following Renney out the door is Markus Naslund. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but I just don't think that he is living up to his abilities. With Scott Gomez out there, Naslund should be a scoring machine. But he has what 17 goals? And that's the Rangers scoring leader. I expect more out of him being one of the leaders of the team. Same with Chris Drury. He always acts like he doesn't have the confidence in himself to be the captain of the team. Drury needs to step it up and start taking control, or else every team is going to just steamroll right over the Rangers.
Totally agree on Wade Redden though. I was worried about signing him in the beginning because it doesn't seem to me like he really does anything for the team. He's a defensemen, shouldn't he act a little more, oh I don't know, defensive?

I think that some of the best players for the Rangers are the ones who hardly ever get mentioned. Fredrik Sjostrom, for one. Ryan Callahan has been explosive the last few games. Blair Betts, probably the most consistent player we have.
SpeedyMeg25 said:
I think another one that might be following Renney out the door is Markus Naslund. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but I just don't think that he is living up to his abilities. With Scott Gomez out there, Naslund should be a scoring machine. But he has what 17 goals? And that's the Rangers scoring leader. I expect more out of him being one of the leaders of the team. Same with Chris Drury. He always acts like he doesn't have the confidence in himself to be the captain of the team. Drury needs to
step it up and start taking control, or else every team is going to just steamroll right over the Rangers.

Totally agree on Wade Redden though. I was worried about signing him in the beginning because it doesn't seem to me like he really does anything for the team. He's a defensemen, shouldn't he act a little more, oh I don't know, defensive?

^^ Agreed. Naslund was another one I was gonna put on the list but held back (for whatever reason). I definatly expect a whole lot more from him. Looking back at his record with Vancouver Canucks - he did great things out there.He was the guy that got in front of net, or whatever he could to help the team win, he was a tough player. With Vancouver Canucks he was a true leader. When he got to New York - I think he left "that guy" in Vancouver and became somebody else in NY.

Before, I wanted him to wear the "C" because I hoped he would continue that leadership here. But Now I think that Ryan Callahan deserves the "C" because he does a lot more than what the team accomplishes on ice as a whole.

Actually, in today game Gomer, Naslund, and Wade Redden made a pretty good 3 on 2 play. That line up might work. As I said before,bothe Gomez and Redden can move the puck, pass it to Naslund, and he shoots he scores! (Well maybe)

Chris Drury is a coward (to say the least),as far as I'm concerned. Who seriously lacks leadership skills. He came out, what - like twice in todays game? Pathetic. Leadership is leading by example, motivating your team mates, no wonder Rangers can't play behind Drury's pathetic act. Oh and I love how he makes comments with no emotion what so ever( And his speeches a'int so good either).

Wade Redden - no body really knew what to expect when they first signed him. Now we know. Waste of money.

I think the organization wasted 7 mill. on each player mentioned above........Its a bad move made by Sather, the GM, and the Managment. Now that the March deadline is approaching they can trade one of the above. I hope that who ever they trade they trade in for Avery. I think he's the last hope to turn things around.
I agree with Callahan getting the captains position. He's definetely one of the hardest workers, if not the hardest, on the team. Truly someone who deserves to be recognized for his contributions to the team every game and every shift. I think this is proven by his wonderful game against the Capitals the other night.

As for Drury and his speeches:
The Game of the Week had a special little segment about him during first intermission today. I cannot honestly tell you one thing he said. He sounded dead to be honest. He showed no emotion at all, it was really kind of awkward. Now's one of those times I wish I had the NHL Network on my television so that I could have watched the show "Captains: Chris Drury" tonight. It was probably super exciting...

Here's something interesting though:
Penguins fire Therrien

PITTSBURGH (AP)—Michel Therrien, his team fading in the Eastern Conference playoff race less than a year after making the Stanley Cup finals, was fired as the Pittsburgh Penguins’ coach on Sunday night and replaced by minor-league coach Dan Bylsma.

Therrien oversaw one of the NHL’s best single-season turnarounds in his first full season in 2006-07 and coached the Penguins to within two victories of the Stanley Cup last year, but this team has struggled badly since mid-November and is danger of not making the playoffs.

General manager Ray Shero decided to fire Therrien after a 6-2 loss in Toronto on Saturday night in which the Penguins led 2-1 going into the third period. The Penguins are 27-25-5 after winning 47 games each of the last two seasons and are five points out of the final conference playoff spot. They also are 1-7-1 in their last nine road games.

“I didn’t part like the way, the direction the team was headed,” Shero said on a conference call, not long after giving Therrien the news. “I’ve watched for a number of weeks and, at the end of the day, the direction is not that I wanted to have here. I wasn’t comfortable, and that’s why the change was made.”

I knew Therrien was on the hot seat, but I didn't figure he'd get fired until the off season. Goes to show you that no coach is safe as we're getting into the seriousness of the playoffs. Therrien is the fifth NHL coach to be replaced this season and second this month. Ottawa fired Craig Hartsburg two weeks ago.
Maybe this will convince Renney to kick it into high gear...
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Maybe the team will do better with another coach, because I don't think they could do much worse. Sad but true.

Well, you were right. Since Clouston's taken over, the Sens have been 4-1-1. We're on a 4 game winning streak (That's the longest one this season. Sad, I know) and we're playing Nashville tomorrow night. I'm liking the new coach a lot more than Hartsburg. Brian Murray's finally hired a decent coach. Crap. I shouldn't write this. I'll jinx it:lol:

Pittsburgh lost to the Leafs last night. 6-2 and Pittsburgh had a 2-0 lead til about halfway through the second. As much as I dislike Pittsburgh, I'd cheer for them over the Leafs. I'm a Sens/Habs fan. I was born hating the Leafs.

GO SENS GO! GO HABS GO! GO RANGERS GO (That one was for you guys)! GOLF LEAFS GOLF:lol:!
Maybe the team will do better with another coach, because I don't think they could do much worse. Sad but true.

Well, you were right. Since Clouston's taken over, the Sens have been 4-1-1. We're on a 4 game winning streak (That's the longest one this season. Sad, I know) and we're playing Nashville tomorrow night. I'm liking the new coach a lot more than Hartsburg. Brian Murray's finally hired a decent coach. Crap. I shouldn't write this. I'll jinx it:lol:

Pittsburgh lost to the Leafs last night. 6-2 and Pittsburgh had a 2-0 lead til about halfway through the second. As much as I dislike Pittsburgh, I'd cheer for them over the Leafs. I'm a Sens/Habs fan. I was born hating the Leafs.

GO SENS GO! GO HABS GO! GO RANGERS GO (That one was for you guys)! GOLF LEAFS GOLF:lol:!

I saw where the Sens had won their last few games and was really impressed.
It's great that they can come from losing basically every game to winning quite a few in a row. Hopefully they'll keep that up. :)
I like the Sens too. They keep on a'chugging even when they're losing, and that's very respectable. They don't let a few (Okay, more than a few) loses get them down. Maybe cause they're used to it (Sorry again). Anyway, they're a good example for other teams that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Also, the team has quite a few really good players who deserve to be showcased on a winning team.
And it doesn't hurt that Jason Spezza's laugh cracks me up :lol:

Thanks for the Rangers support, they need all the help and love they can get. :p Maybe they too pull a miracle out of their hat like the Senators seem to have done.
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The Rangers lost to St. Louis last night, 2-1.
Lauri Korpikoski got the single Rangers goal. The whole one goal thing seems to be happening a lot lately.

"The New York Rangers have lost eight of nine while scoring two or fewer goals in all the losses, and the strain seems to be getting to Henrik Lundqvist.

After giving up the go-ahead goal on a rebound to B.J. Crombeen with 5:14 to play in Monday’s 2-1 loss to the St. Louis Blues, Lundqvist said the confidence of the players is fragile.

“You see when they score a goal, we totally lose our composure and start running around,” Lundqvist said. “It takes a lot for us to bounce back from a goal because everybody gets so tight.”'

Henrik's right. They let the other team score and the Rangers skate around like they have no idea what is going on. That is the time when they need to be focused on getting the game even not hanging out in la-la land.

On Sunday I thought the Rangers started playing better as the game went on, but last night they started out strong and finished weak. Seriously, what is going on with them?

Rangers defenseman Paul Mara injured his right shoulder Sunday during a third-period fight with Philadelphia’s Arron Asham and stayed home from New York’s trip to St. Louis after the game.

Mara had a brief examination of his shoulder at Madison Square Garden, but swelling prevented a closer look. He was immediately ruled out of Monday’s road game against the Blues and left the arena with his right arm in a sling.

The fight was stopped when Mara was injured 6:14 into the third period of Philadelphia’s 5-2 victory.

“The first two punches I was swinging and I could feel something in there and I stopped,” Mara said. “Give Arron a lot of credit. The respectful player that he is, he stopped. It was a very good character thing on his part.”

Mara, who conveyed that sentiment in a conversation with Asham, said he has never had a shoulder injury and held out hope he could return quickly from this one.

Hope Mara gets well soon. We need all the healthy players we can get. :(
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