Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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I've gotta add my two cents -- the brother needs some damn hair. Doesn't have to be a lot. Short is nice. But he needs something there.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^^ Yes, yes, you MUST fix that!!! Hill gets quite a kick out of my username and it's about time he got his own Mrs. on this site. Send TBonz a PM and ask her to change your username.

lol..Mrs.G, Hill made me laugh so hard when i read the live chat..this guy has a great sense of humour..wonder what his reaction is when he sees his Mrs. on the site... :lol:
Thanks Fay, I couldnt' be able to find the link again for mrshawkes cause i just got there by luck (clicking this link and that link)...

mrshawkes..enjoy reading it.. :)
mrshawkes, you will definitely have to attend our next chat with Hill so we can see what he thinks of your username! :D
^ Definitely! He'll love that. If he thought to comment on the presence of "Carmine's wife," he'll really get a kick out of seeing his wife there. :D Glad you changed your user name to reflect your true intentions.
I saw this pic yesterday and I had to show it to ya'll
Check it out.


Can you believe this thread was all the way in page two?
It, er, kind of looks like there might be a bit of hand-holding going on here. :lol:

I thought about this the other day, so I thought I'd ask. ;) Hill is involved in a ton of stuff outside the show itself, which is great, but is it possible that maybe he has a shorter shooting schedule to accomodate his other obligations? I was just wondering if that might explain some of the lack of screentime that Hawkes has seemed to have lately. (Did that make sense?)
Oh Hill, first you're holding hands with Carmine and now Gary? The boy's hand sure does get around. j/k

But really, I never thought of it like that. It could certainly be a plausible explanation and one I prefer more than the writers simply skipping out on screentime for Hawkes.
Has anyone seen Hill's new movie, "Premium?" To my understanding it has been released in only about 4 cities, and Los Angeles was not one of them. Also, did any of you go to the NBA All Star Game? A couple of my friends went. Hill and Gabrielle were there together. They shared a room at the Belliago down the hall from where my friends were. From what they saw, Hill and Gabrielle are very much a couple. They were kissing and hugging at several events they attended. They are seen here in Los Angeles together alot. I wish he would stop denying he's dating her. They make a wonderful couple.
I wish he would stop denying he's dating her.
Well, they clearly have their reasons for keeping things private, if they are in fact dating.

I, er, have never even heard of "Premium." Have we discussed it in here?...
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