Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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I was watching the boob tube last night and came across a commercial for a movie that Hill is in which will be released this weekend. It's called Constellation and according to imdb.com, it was filmed back in 2005.

Hill portrays Errol Hickman, and the movie is about the lives and loves of an African-American family in the deep South as they are forced to come to terms with a tumultuous past marked by an unrequited interracial affair. The film explores the way in which the family patriarch must confront his demons amidst the changing racial fabric of society and his own family.

Looks absolutely fascinating, can't wait to go see it. Of course, my ghetto movie theater goes for the big budget sure-fire movies, so I may have to work to find this one.
^Hill talked about that movie in his last CSI Files interview. It sounds really, really good! I hope there's an art house theater in your area, Springmoon. I'm going to have to look for this one, too.
I found one that's fairly close by, but the show times are weird... I am perfectly willing to rearrange my weekend packing schedule to fix this, and will.
I remember Hill talking about "Constellation." Thanks for the heads-up that it's coming out this weekend, Springmoon. But, um, I really can't thank you for that pic you posted on Saturday. :eek: WTF? I thought we were all friends here and then you go and set our eyes on fire like that. :confused: :lol: :lol:
Hey, someone else mentioned the pic, I went looking for it, I found it without trouble, and I thought I was dreaming :eek:, it was so hideous. Don't shoot the messenger! :lol:
Springmoon said:
I thought I was dreaming :eek:
Should I ever dream about the man, I imagine he'll be wearing his birthday suit not that heinous crime of cloth. :lol:

Alright, won't shoot you this time and I suppose you can escape drinking penalty shots in July on the basis that you were simply the messenger. But daaaaamn, whoever selected that outfit has essentially defaced a beautiful man.
Hill is in a great commercial for Black History Month on CBS and no, the man is NOT wearing his gold suit!!

and he looks fiiiiine............ :lol:
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Is the commerical on CBS's site? So I can catch it. Because I know once I try looking for it I will never see it. ;)

I don't know if it is on the CBS site. The commercials are airing on CBS and my local affiliate here is sponsoring them. (At least that is what they say on TV). So it may be a local thing, but I highly doubt it. It makes no sense to me to not promote something so important all over the US.
Whoa, it's been a while since I showed Hill some lovin'! :D.

Hmm, usually, I don't like men in HATS, but baseball caps are more of my type.

"Constellation" seems interesting. I like that it tackles the struggle of a family.

So... to leave you all for the moment, I leave a pic for you:

Hi everyone, I am new to this. I am HUGE fan of Hill Harpers and glad I found a place where I could chat with others about him. In regards to the movie he did with Gabrille Union, Constallation, I was planning to go see it this weekend, but was not able to. Even though this was filmed a couple of years ago, I am sure that he and his girlfriend (Gabrielle Union) will be doing more movies together in the future. Thought he wasn't dating her, think again! I guess they try to keep there on again/off again relationship quiet because when if first started a several years ago, she had not gone public that she separated from her husband Chris. Well I do wish them luck.
Interesting information... I was wondering if they were a couple or if they were really close friends based on the sheer number of publicity photos of them together.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to go see the movie this weekend and I'm heading out of the country for a couple of weeks starting on the 10th. I may have to catch this one on DVD, or hopefully it's still playing when I get back.
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