Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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^ Exactly. After questioning himself, his ability and his choice to become a ME he definitely needed to gain some confidence back. You could tell from the look on his face after the paramedic asked if he was a doctor that he was proud of himself. Go Hawkes!! :D
Wow, Ambers got her claws out today! :lol: I'll actually agree with the inter-racial thing though. I'm a white woman, but I'll be the first to say that I find the tendency to pair successful black men with white women to be somewhat distasteful. When I picture a girlfriend for Hawkes, I picture an amazing black woman. I don't mean that to sound racist. Quite the contrary. I mean it with 100% respect. There are some beautiful and talented black actresses out there and I'd be disappointed if TPTB felt they needed to pair him with a white woman because that's what people want to see. It's not. Really. And I did find that horrendous party girl to be an insult to Hawkes. His heart was in the right place, but his head is screwed on far too well to be interested in some trash he picks up at a party.

As for Hawkes' testifying against Shane at trial, that's not really an option. If he's subpoenaed, he'd have to testify and he'd have no reason to struggle with that.

I like mention of Shane trying to screw with Hawkes and Danny from behind bars though. Surely there are people behind bars with connections to Danny, who may be able to assist Shane.
This is my first time to post ANYTHING! But you gals are lighting it up on here today. I have sincerely enjoyed reading your messages and today you guys drew me in. I'ma hafta agree with Mrs. G. I personally would critique whomever they put him with just because it wouldn't be me. Just saying...
Welcome to the board, ebonygirl! Glad you saw something that made you want to speak up. Join us more often. We have fun here, even if it does get a little heated now and then.

As for critiquing whoever they put Hawkes with -- me too. Both Hawkes and Hill are so amazing that it'd take a hell of a woman to live up to that. No matter who Hawkes gets paired with, we'll always be able to find 50 ways in which she isn't good enough for him. :lol: But I just want to see the brother get some love in his storyline. A man that fine should have a little somethin'-somethin' to go home to at night. :devil: They've got him working the damn graveyard shift! Now how the hell is that gonna help his love life? :eek:
Welcome aboard Ebony!

Well said Mrs. G...I have no problem with interracial dating! I just feel that TV goes out of their way to do it lately because it's quickly becoming the "in" thing to do. It's still very taboo though, and you are so right..it isn't what most people want to see, whether they admit it or not. I don't think what you said was racist at all.
By the way, the whole graveyard shift thing had me crackin up! Hawkes needs a life coach to get him out of the freakin office..Hell, I"m thinking of sending over a few call girls to his home to get the party started. :lol: Just kidding of course! :p

**Putting claws back up** :lol:
Welcome ebony :). It's nice to see another Hill & Hawkes supporter on the forum.

I agree that what's right should be done for Hawkes love life, not what's popular. I'm sure he could get any woman he desired but it'll be really hard to match up with a guy like him :lol:. Who knows, maybe he'll get lucky this Christmas & find himself a lovely lady. Maybe he'll meet someone while going for his morning run. Hopefully it won't be one of the ladies who are looking for a good time :lol:.
Hey Everyone...can we all just get along??? :lol: Hmm, a Christmas find, let it be ME!!! Hill + Tish = Heaven... ;)
Claws out or not, I'm going to respond to this. I wanted to ignore it and move on, but I am far too bothered to just let it go.

As a black woman whose husband is not, this discussion about the only woman good enough for a black man is a black woman is personally offensive. I had wanted to avoid this by not encouraging the whole discussion based on race, but I have felt that option is now long gone.

Far from being "played out" on tv, in my opinion, interracial relationships happen in every day life and, like many many other scenarios, not really addressed on network television. You don't choose your friends based on their race, do you? If that were the case, huge communities of people on this board would not be talking to each other. What's played out is this trite and pointless discussion that comes up every time someone says: he/she should find him/her a nice ____ man/woman. rolleyes.gif. Stupid me; I thought we had moved far beyond that.

It's also marginally insulting to suggest that many of the people who are posting in here did not start watching the show because of Hill. So... other people who aren't black didn't start watching because of him either? That does not compute.

Every time someone brings up that tired and sorry and poor argument that a character of color on a tv show should only hook up with another character of color it's more than an affront to me. It's an affront to everyone who ever lived and worked to make sure that people of different ethnic backgrounds can live and work and screw each other if they want to. I think it's a flat-out slap in the face. Given the fact that exactly 4 people have participated in this inane argument speaks volumes.

And again, I stand by my assertion that this discussion does not belong here because it is far too easy for it to spiral out of control. This is a frigging TV show. Thoughtful discussion on character development, plots and a certain amount of squealing over the overwhelming amount of pulchritude is what makes this board fun. Me having to sit here and write this after being directly attacked for disagreeing with someone is not.

Now, back to our discussion...

Welcome, ebony to our little community! I hope you enjoy posting here.
Do yourself a favor Springmoon and give it up. You're showing your insecurities with your own interracial relationship and people's perceptions about it. If you're a black woman, then you should know exactly what I was getting at when I was talking about the importance of a successful woman of color being on Hawkes side. What world do you live in? You sound very far from reality.
You're grasping at straws...I didn't say EVERY one black or non black started watching the show because of Hill. I said many black women I've met/know/heard of.
Nobody attacked you, I called your opinions out because that's what a discussion is. Nothing is inane on this board if someone finds it necessary to speak on it.
It is just a TV show, now that someone disagrees with you?? Of course it's fiction, but real life situations influence TV and perceptions of the people it portrays.
I'm so done with your madness! :mad:
Well, I personally have no place giving an opinion either way on this issue, so I will stick to discussing Hill Harper's wonderful acting and the character of Dr. Hawkes because that's what this thread is for, and I think it's sad that the thread is being ignored. :(

Now, let's see...

I like mention of Shane trying to screw with Hawkes and Danny from behind bars though. Surely there are people behind bars with connections to Danny, who may be able to assist Shane.
That's an interesting idea. Hawkes has been a CSI for more than a year now, so there are surely people in there who'd want to get at him as well...I don't know that I think Shane would do so, just because the whole point of him going after Hawkes in the first place was because he thought his brother had been wrongfully accused, and now that he knows that wasn't the case, why would he go after Hawkes?...

I'm still wondering why Hawkes was working the extra shifts at night. Is he having some sort of financial problem? It will be interesting to see if they ever address this issue again...

This is one of my favorite pictures of Hill as the good doctor. ;)
Ladies, this thread is becoming a little too hostile. It's fine to attack each other's opinions, but not each other personally.

Fay - Nice post. Thanks for steering us back to Hawkes. :D I think Danny might have mentioned that Hawkes just moved into a new apartment. Maybe that's why he needs extra money. Poor honey's gonna be too tired to get his groove on if he works that extra night shift for very long. :(
Wow. :eek:

Um, I'm a bit far removed from all that happens in the overall scheme of online communities and any associated ettiquette, but it seems to me to be in poor taste to highlight a little tiff on one board on another. It's kinda like the online equivalent of talking behind people's backs. That's just me though.
Mmm. Maybe. On the other hand, anything on the Internet is up for public discourse. If no one has a seizure, Fandom Wank will have forgotten by noon.
You know, it occurs to me that I still don't quite know the definition of 'wank' in this particular context :p...

I think Danny might have mentioned that Hawkes just moved into a new apartment. Maybe that's why he needs extra money. Poor honey's gonna be too tired to get his groove on if he works that extra night shift for very long.
I thought about that. I wonder why he moved into a different apartment--maybe he's feeling the difference in his paycheck going from being a coroner to being a CSI. Hawkes strikes me as the type to be wise with his money, so I can't really see him having outrageous debts or anything...actually, I could see him taking care of other people he cares about. Maybe someone he's close to needs medical care and he's paying for it...that came out of nowhere, actually. :lol:
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