Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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Danny has enough women he doesn't need Angell too. And although the dead girl wasn't a smart one she reminds me of Angell. Who is a smart & sassy and who I could see Hawkes wanting to date. But how ever it happens it has to be a smart girl for the Doc! ;) (And I don't mean to step on anyone's pairing of Angell with whoever)
Angell is hot and sassy, but she doesn't seem right for Hawkes, in my opinion. He needs intelligence and class, not hotness and sass. I'd expect the right woman for him to be hot, but not in the way that Angell is.
I will agree to disagree. But to make things interesting you don't always want the exact same thing in the pairing your putting together.

So back to the lovely man. I wonder if we will get any after effects of what happened to him. I remember he didn't give much thought to Shane coming after him but now the boy really did it. ;) Maybe we can see a little angsty Hawkes but only for a short period. Hawkes can't stay mad for too long.
I can kinda see him with Stella. She's gorgeous as hell & she seems to be really intelligent & strong as well. Plus, it appears that she knows her Greek mythlogy & I think Hawkes is into that kind've stuff as well. She'd probably be extremely supportive as well. Plus, an interacial(sp?) couple on the show definitely wouldn't hurt. I can see it working.
NO NO NO!! Stella and Hawkes. NO NO NO!! That's almost incestuous to me..they have such a brother and sister relationship already. I really hate to say this, but interracial relationships on TV are getting played out. It's like TV is going out of it's way to pair people together interracially. Like it's some trend. That is a route I don't think CSI NY should take.

I know Danny gets chicks. Obviously.. :lol: However, he and Angell would be amazing together..it would be a lot of attitude in a room though. :lol: I don't know if Angell is Italian or what, but I think her look suites Danny very well. I"m just not buying that this tough streetwise Italian guy would be so hot for a farm girl who is secretive as hell (Lindsey).
*shrugs* Well, we all have different opinions so...

Does anybody think that Hawkes will testify if Shane ever goes on trial. I'm sure he'd love to see Shane in prison. Also, what I would've loved to see the bouncer approach Hawkes & apologize as well. I wonder if Hawkes was able to forgive him but by judging by his personality I can say so. Hawkes doesn't seem like the type of guy who could hold a grudge.
I really hope they won't forget about this storyline. There's still a lot that could happen even if Shane's in prison now...
jorja_fan86 your right I see Hawkes testifying at the trial. But since we were talking about Shane being a recurring character would you think that Shane would try to get to Hawkes & Danny from his cell. Since Shane knows about Louie maybe he will use that against them.
Well, I for one, will disagree with you, ambersdream. I don't get a brother sister vibe from the two of them nor is it necessarily an interracial pairing so much as a pairing. They are a hot couple.

Anyways.... Hawkes would have to testify, wouldn't he? Shane showed up at the prison and the guard was all about ignoring the alleged felon in front of him instead of getting a hold of the real one in front of the glass. Just doing his job I suppose.
Your opinion and YOUR opinion only Springmoon. The interracial angle is played out and I wouldn't want Hawkes involved in it. Every hot black man on TV doesn't have to have a non-black woman on his arm. Also, there are many black women who watch this show just because Hill is on the show. That would really piss them off and could possibly lose CSINY ratings. There was some article I"ll have to find about this specific thing..Black women who specifically watch this show because of Hill. There was an uproar just because the idea was even explored on that episode when he was so sprung over the white trash druggie. Message boards were buzzing about how wrong that pairing was. The audacity that they would pair this gorgeous, black, catch with that idiot who could barely hold her head up.
I think we all can agree that Hawkes just needs some good loving from a beautiful and smart woman to matter what shade of the rainbow she is.

I wonder if Hawkes will ever mention to anyone about how he saved that biker's life a episode ago. Feel bad that Hawkes is having so many up & downs this season but its good Hawkes TV. ;) More Hawkes TPTB!
I'm perfectly aware of the existence of those boards, but we're not here to debate race, so I think we should move on from that discussion.

I do agree that pairing Hawkes with a strung out drug addict was a very poor choice. His heart was certainly in the right place for wanting to help someone who clearly was in need of someone's help at the time, but the writers were not thinking clearly when they suggested a romantic entanglement between the two of them. They should push for someone as smart and successful as he - and not have it end like crap like they did with Warrick's marriage over on LV.
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
I wonder if Hawkes will ever mention to anyone about how he saved that biker's life a episode ago. Feel bad that Hawkes is having so many up & downs this season but its good Hawkes TV. ;) More Hawkes TPTB!

Ooh yeah I totally forgot about that! Maybe he figures it's not worth sharing since he does stuff like that almost day but still, it was heroic of him too. I wonder what the significance of that situation was to him. He looked slightly proud of what he just done. Whether or not he divulges(sp) that it was still amazing of him to save that person's life. He's such a sweetheart & he's brave as well. I agree, more Hawkes TPTB :D!
We're here to debate whatever we want to..It's called a message board for a reason. I'll move on from this topic when I'm good and ready thank you very much. You don't get to tell me or anyone else on this board when to move away from a topic.
You're looking at this thing from an angle that is one dimensional and you can't possibly understand the full scope of how important pairing Hawkes with the right woman of color is. The pairing of Hawkes with that drugged out woman meant much more than you obviously know and it spoke volumes to many who saw that show when they paired him with that street trash.
jorja_fan86 said:
Ooh yeah I totally forgot about that! Maybe he figures it's not worth sharing since he does stuff like that almost day but still, it was heroic of him too. I wonder what the significance of that situation was to him. He looked slightly proud of what he just done. Whether or not he divulges(sp) that it was still amazing of him to save that person's life. He's such a sweetheart & he's brave as well. I agree, more Hawkes TPTB :D!

In true Hawkes' fashion, he did it in a truly selfless fashion and he probably didn't even talk about it at work! It may have been very cathartic for him to save that person's life - seems like just what he needed after such a jolting reminder of why he chose to leave off being a surgeon and switch over to the ME's office instead.
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