Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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^ That could be. I do see one other plausible reason for why he could be strapped for cash. A medical degree ain't cheap. Perhaps he buried his ass in student loan debt, assuming it would be no problem to pay off on a doctor's salary, and now finds himself struggling to make those payments on a CSI's salary.
We deserved the wank. The entire discussion was f**ktarded.

A medical degree ain't cheap. Perhaps he buried his ass in student loan debt, assuming it would be no problem to pay off on a doctor's salary, and now finds himself struggling to make those payments on a CSI's salary.

Funny, I was just having the student loan discussion with the (loan-free) hubby last night. Graduate degrees will put you in the poor house for the first several years after graduation, and a medical degree hits you where it hurts the most. I had forgotten that aspect of Hawkes - that he would likely owe massive amounts of money on student loans. And the cost of living in NY can't be cheap, especially on a CSI's salary. I'd be eating ramen noodles for a long time.
Ah yes, this is very true...I'd just move in with Danny or something. :lol: "Hey Messer, got a futon? I'll buy the groceries." :p Nothing wrong with splitting the rent, especially when they're hardly ever home anyway. ;)

I love his expression in this scene. I was giggling when the episode was on last night. :p
Yes! Rhonda and I were yapping as that scene and I paused in mid-sentence to repeat the line: Sid... Sid... Sid! You're going to that creepy place again.

Yep! :lol: I was like 'Mom, hey mom, watch this part, really, it's hilarious, watch!...*he says the line* Bahahahaha, isn't that funny?' My mother was a bit disturbed. :lol:

Of course, whenever I see that cap, with his eyebrow quirked up like that, I think of that lame banner I made that said "Can you smell what the Doc is cooking?" *giggles*

Pssh, I'm so sexy...

Yes, darling, you are. ;)

I wish my mom would just admit she has a big ole crush on Hill. :lol: She denies it, but I know better. :p


The lips...:eek:
Who was attacking anyone? Not me. I'm used to discussing issues on a mature adult level, not tip toeing around controversial topics. I guess this board isn't for real discussions about the show though, especially if it makes someone uncomfortable....It's only about frivolous things such as how hot Hawkes looked. How shallow. Which is of course very true about his hotness! :lol:
Yes! Rhonda and I were yapping as that scene and I paused in mid-sentence to repeat the line: Sid... Sid... Sid! You're going to that creepy place again.

One of my favorite quotes from Hawkes.

Yep Fay, your mom just needs to fess up and come clean with her crush.

Let's see if I can dig up some Hawkes pics.

ummmm...leather jacket


Hawkes looks like an undergrad in that first pic... so young!! I'm thinking it may be time for him to grow the facial hair back. And come clean to Mac right then that he knows the vic to avoid all unpleasantness.
Springmoon, I'd definitely like to see the facial hair make a come-back. My mother even commented on it the other night. ;)

I hope we get more from Hawkes soon so that we can really have a meaty discussion about the character. Even when he seems to have a big part, we don't get much to talk about. So I guess for now I'm left with saying how hot he is. I love those pictures, 1CSIMfan. :)
Hill definately needs to grow the facial hair back. It was so hot.

We definately need more Hawkes. Isn't he working with Danny and Flack this week or is it Danny and Angell?
About the facial hair... I was upset when Hill said he had his face shaved. But now I like it :)
But I agree with you, 1CSIMfan, it was so hot :rolleyes:
:lol: He is hot like sunshine, but I'm with Springmoon on this on..It's time for the facial hair to return..he's hot as a firecracker either way, but I think he looks more mature with it. Must be nice to be a fully grown person and still look like you're a freshman in college. :lol: He's blessed!
Must be nice to be a fully grown person and still look like you're a freshman in college. :lol:
I know, right? :p I told my mom he was ~40 and she didn't believe me.

I'm not sure who Sheldon is working with this week...I wish the Futon Critic would put up an episode thing, but I guess they want to keep this one super-secret. ;)

If he's working with Danny or Flack, maybe they'll take some time for some **cough**sideaction**cough**
Hehe, I like the way you think, Springmoon. ;) *slashy senses tingling*
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