Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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Faylinn, I was right there with you on that. I was just so excited that I kept moving and yelling at the screen.

I really liked that Mac actually locked himself with Hawkes. Doesn't make up for the time he yelled at him. But at least when Hawkes really needed him. He was there for him. I loved the whole team for really being there for Sheldon. Even Flack was trying to help get the Caption off the team's back. From Danny talking to the witness to just Lindsay watching over the evidence and of course Stella almost getting in Peyton's face. That would have been a good fight. :lol:

Little tears in his eyes, broken voice... his best perfomance, really :)
I'm glad to see a brother getting a little love today. :D It's fantastic that the writers are finally developing Hawkes a little and utilizing Hill's talents. It's been such a shame to see him in the background until recently.

Hill delivered a powerful performance last night. Each of the emotions he displayed -- anger, confusion, helplessness, dispair -- felt genuine. There was an intimacy to his performance, a vulnerability we never see in Hawkes or in Hill. Yet the character's intelligence showed through even in a time of dispair. He was able to control the situation and logically reason through how in the world Shane could have gotten the best of him.

The writing was fantastic and Hill's performance was flawless.

There is one very minor directing/editing point that kind of took me out of the moment. During the scene in the police station with Mac, when Hawkes flings the glass of water off the table, that was so clearly an insert shot. Nothing wrong with that. It emphasizes the action. However, when it cuts from the shattered glass back to Hawkes' face, Hawkes is far too in control to have just lost control in the milisecond before then. The contrast took me out of the scene for a brief moment.
K, I don't mean to double post but I didn't want this thread to fall to the second page...

So, do you guys think Shane Casey is done with Hawkes or do you think he'll come back to harress(sp) him even more? Personally, it would make for an interesting storyline & plus I'd love to see my baby get some revenge :devil:.
Well, Casey's deal was getting back at anyone that was instrumental in putting his brother in jail. Now that his brother has been proven truly guilty, he doesn't really have motive to come back after Hawkes, does he? UNless his wires have truly come loose and he comes after Hawkes again in some misplaced sense of revenge for putting Casey behind bars? Did any of that make sense?
Interesting question. When I read about Edward Furlong being cast as a "recurring character" I thought they meant he'd appear throughout the whole season. So far he's guest starred in two episodes and well, the storyline seems over but I'm sure the writers would find a way to bring him back if they wanted.

If he does come back, I'd say Danny's in trouble as much as Hawkes.
I was thinking the same thing when they said recurring. Because I remember them telling us how many episodes the Peyton character would be in. And I would have to agree with you Orison if he did come back both Hawkes and Danny would be in trouble.
^^ I thought exactly the same thing. Sure, I suppose technically two episodes is "recurring," but I thought it implied more of an on-going role throughout the season. I'd like to see him come back. It's an interesting character and an opportunity to tie in interesting storylines with both Danny and Hawkes. Shane said he knew about Louie. How? Maybe the writers could flesh that out a bit. And, as for Hawkes, wouldn't it be great to see Hawkes seek some sort of retribution against this psycho who put him in a position where he could have lost everything? Surely that little incident is one Hawkes won't easily forget. The character is far too intelligent and rational to seek revenge, but maybe there's something the writers could do with that.
Exactly Mrs. G...there is a lot the writers could do with the Shane/Hawkes/Danny story line..it's very interesting and possibly the most interesting on going thread in the show for me at least. I still want them to give Hawkes a romantic storyline though. We talked about this....a woman with common sense and an education! Not a druggie who likes to ride subways and die. :eek: :mad:
Hell, I want them to give Danny a woman I'd actually believe he'd be feeling..Lindsey doesn't seem like a girl Danny would try and get with..it seems like an odd pair. I'm picturing Danny with a girl who could be on the Sopranos, not some farm girl. :lol:
I agree with every line of that post. That nasty drugged out skank they paired Hawkes with, even if only for a minute, pissed me off. Show the brother some respect and get him a decent piece of ass. I'm picturing an intelligent, well-educated, classy and drop-dead freakin' gorgeous black woman. The man isn't gonna settle for anything less, so I won't believe any lesser pairing.

As for Danny and Lindsey, oh boy, don't even get me started on that one. That's such a shitty pairing Carmine can't even sell it convincingly on-screen. It's the only time his performance falls completely flat. Now hook him up with Detective Angell and that I'll believe. She's hot enough and sassy enough for Danny. He needs a NY hottie with attitude to match his. Lindsey would bore Danny as much as watching that pairing on TV bores the hell outta me.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
As for Danny and Lindsey, oh boy, don't even get me started on that one. That's such a shitty pairing Carmine can't even sell it convincingly on-screen. It's the only time his performance falls completely flat. Now hook him up with Detective Angell and that I'll believe. She's hot enough and sassy enough for Danny. He needs a NY hottie with attitude to match his. Lindsey would bore Danny as much as watching that pairing on TV bores the hell outta me.

:lol: Now, I know this is Hawkes' thread but how could I not comment on this??

You're absolutely right, MrsG, Danny/Angell is a pairing I'd buy immediately (and I have to admit I was kinda hoping they'd go down that road...). There's been some fun exchanges between the two since the beginning of the season that reminds me of the cute banter between Danny and Maka and the two actor have better chemistry.
I agree Mrs. G and Orison..that Angell is cute! She and Danny would look amazing together.

**Waiting for the writers and producers to pick Hawkes a decent woman** :lol:
I'll be happy as long as he doesn't pull a Warrick and get married, then fight all the time with her.

As for Danny, I'm a D/L shipper myself.
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