Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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I think most people gasp when they look him up on IMDB and see that he's 40..It doesn't seem real. I mean, the only clue that he's a more mature man is when you hear him speak. He's not childish like many younger guys, but other than that, he sometimes looks younger than most people who are in my age group of 25-30. I wouldn't put him a day over 25 if someone asked me how old he was and I hadn't seen him ever before.
Yeah, I have to agree with you. I still can't believe that he's 40 years old. Like you said he doesn't look a day over 25. It must be very good genetics that give him his youthful apperance. I bet a lot of stars in Hollywood wish they could look that good at that age & I seriously doubt he had any work done. His skin is flawless & amazing!
Not to stir up any sh*t, but I saw a link to this discussion and wanted to add my thoughts...

Firstly, I'm not about to share Sean Connery, Rick Yune or Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt or Vin Diesel with any of you ladies so back up...Don't make me get the industrial sized can of Mace!...LOL

Seriously, though...

This discussion reminded me of the stand Eriq LaSalle (Dr. Peter Benton of ER) made regarding his character being involved with Elizabeth Corday (a Caucasian doctor) on the show...Especially after the Black woman he was involved with before that was portrayed as an insane, unfair, money hungry bitch...

While not against interracial relationships in real life situations, the actor questioned why the media seemed to focus on interracial relationships, specifically when the man was "of colour"...It was the focus of a successful man of colour suddenly with a White woman that bothered him in interviews...Sorta the idea that once a man of colour reached a certain level, his "prize" should be a White woman...As opposed to, a woman commensurate with his intellect, etc, but of his own race...

At the time, I asked men & women of colour why this was important...Time and again, I was told that it seemed to imply that a successful man of colour could not find his equal in his own race...

An example I kept getting pointed out was, "Do you think any White woman would touch Dennis Rodman without wearing a HazMat suit, if he weren't RICH?"...(Let's not even discuss Flava Flav...)

It wasn't that they "hated" White folks or thought interracial couples weren't making a valid choice or shouldn't fall in love or whatever...It was the perception played up by the media that bothered those I asked...

If you'll notice, until the recent random pairing of the Black female lawyer/Jewish doctor in the now defunct 3 lbs (and even that was portrayed as a one night stand, not a true relationship) or the Christian/Michelle pairing on Nip/Tuck (with the Black woman an ex prostitute who marries an elderly billionaire, a la Anna Nicole Smith), women of colour very very very very very rarely get the "prize" of a White man, regardless of how accomplished they become...And yet, I'd venture to say that just as many interracial couples exist with women of colour, no?...

Media double standard...See?

I was quite shocked to hear he's 40. I'm almost 40 and I thought he was younger than me. Eddie on the other hand, I thought he was closer to my age and I was shocked to see he was only 28. But I suck on guessing ages.
Welcome to the NY forum, GreatTyrant. :D That was a well-thought post and without wanting to stir anything up in here, I agree with you.

As for the man actually being 40, he looks freakin' fantastic. Doesn't have a 40 year old bone on his body. Though these days I really think there are a ton of great looking "older" people. It's all about how well you care for yourself and he obviously drinks his milk and eats his veggies.
Thanx, MrsG,
I dunno the NY characters cuz I just recently finished CSI:LV and I'm still catching up on all the CSI:Miami episodes so I've only seen the Miami/NY crossover, but I'm working my way towards CSI:NY as fast as I can...

So much CSI, so lil time...LOL

It's an obsession, I tellya...

Damn that Jerry Bruckheimer!...

I do like that there's some depth to the discussion in here (the OMG he's so hot!!! discussions do get a little stale after a while), but please, do not get personal and lob insults at each other. Telling people they sound "far away from reality" is getting personal. Debate the issue--not each other's merits. Thanks. :)

The trashy girl was a bad choice for Hawkes, but was he really romantically interested in her in the first place? I know he met her at a party and reached out to her, but I more saw it as Hawkes befriending someone he thought was pretty troubled. I just could not see him going for a party girl, period.
I think his conversation with Mac at the end of the episode explained his feelings toward that girl--he thought that, if he had gotten her number instead, and called her, she might not have ended up dead. He's clearly someone who wants to help people, and I agree that it was probably more about helping her out than wanting to make babies with her. :lol: When it comes to who I'd actually see Sheldon with, it would have to be someone who he could have intelligent conversations with and all that. Not that a party girl couldn't be intelligent, I just don't think that is the kind of thing that interests him...if that makes sense. :lol:
Well, no one's really going to that kind of party to have intelligent conversations, methinks. It would have been an interesting twist if they had gone to the diner and she impressed him with her mad conversating skillz - and a fun one too. The washed up hag was not working. Poor Sheldon - wanting to help people who maybe don't really want to be helped. I used to be such an idealist once upon a time :rolleyes:. I think Washington DC has ruined me for decency.
We could always set him up with Warrick's cute nurse wife, Tina, but ya'll would have to chip in to fly her from Las Vegas to NY...

Then mebbe Warrick & Cath could finish up a lil sumthin'sumthin' they tried to start a coupla seasons ago...

Look Miss Top 41....That comment that you put in quotes was my opinion. Not an insult, an OPINION. In my opinion, her thoughts were just that..far from reality. An insult would have been to call her stupid or any other adjective you can think of that is debasing. I don't know her "merits", all I had to go on are the opinions that she offered. Have a great day.

Welcome aboard GreatTyrant!
Your post was thoughtful and gave great points. I enjoyed reading it....However, women of color tend to stay with their own race for the most part. Black women, usually no matter how successful they are, don't consider white men as possible mates. For the most part I say. I don't know if you know this, but there is an idea in real life and in TV that some black men consider a white woman the ultimate "prize" once they make it big. Black women usually don't have that frame of mind. That's why you don't see the black woman/white man pairings on TV as much as you see the black man/white woman pairings. The latter happens much more often and TV capitalizes on it. :p
Well, no one's really going to that kind of party to have intelligent conversations, methinks.
No argument there. :lol: I'm kind of surprised that Hawkes met her at a club or wherever, since he doesn't seem like the type to hang out at clubs to me...

In any case, I think it comes down to the fact that she was alone, drunk and vulnerable, and Sheldon isn't the kind of guy to just leave someone in that kind of position. Hence, the coffee and conversation. Not sure why he gave her his number, though, since she apparently just cried the whole time...Sheldon, my darling, it's not a good sign. :lol: She was lucky she ended up with Sheldon and not some skeezy guy who would take advantage of her drunk-ass self. :rolleyes:

Can you tell I'm not the partying type? :lol:
I think that he gave the girl his number, not to hook up, but in case she needed someone to talk to that isn't going to take advantage of her. Sheldon is a guy that helps everyone who is in need, and yes it is lucky for her that Sheldon was there and not some skeevy guy looking to score.

and there might be a side of Sheldon that we don't know. Someone who likes to go have a drink or go to a club once in a while, and not to hook up, per se.

EDIT: It is 1CSIMfan's birthday, and we all know what that means.... :devil: Happy Birthday!
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