Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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Speaking of panties, when Hawkes smashed that glass to the floor, I needed to change mine. In fact, all of the men in this episode need to report to my bed. Now.
Dear Hill,

You are the reason why I need to do more laundry. If you start being anymore sexy I'll need to wear 2 extra pairs of panties at a time. Thank you. As a gift I offer you my [censored]
:lol: I'll have to clean my pants as well. Oh, and when he knocked that glass over in pure rage the floor wasn't the only thing that got wet :devil:.

Oh, and who else had dirty thoughts when there was that brief moment of Hawkes bending over in that flashback? I just wanted to reach over into that tv screen & smack that ass :devil:.
Jorja!! I had a BAD thought when Hill was bent over that table....really REALLY bad. :lol: Face down, A** up. :lol: Me in that position of course. ;)
Springmoon! You are sick...and I was thinking the same things! By the way, how fine was Danny tonight?? Man! When he called that old guy "grandpa" I was too through. Send him over to my place after you're done. Don't trip!
Mrs. G...you are NUTS. SAT words. lol I could actually see that going on in my mind. You get an answer right, and Hill gives you something in return. LOL :eek: :lol: ;)

Mac can't report to your bed, he's currently busy with me. Despite what Iheartnickcath might tell you.

It was good to see Hawkes get center stage for once :)
I bet Mac can't even stroke it right. :lol: It cracks me up to imagine Mac in bed with Peyton. He's so straight laced it's hilarious.
It's my bedtime right now, but I will definitely be back with something of substance tomorrow. Hill was absolutely amazing in tonight's episode, so I'm going to bed hoping he'll get some love in this thread. The man deserves some serious f***ing props for a job brilliantly done.
This episode has shown me why I'm head over heels in love with Hill. I can't even form a phrase to explain how he was so excellent tonight. His acting is beyond the words I speak in the English language. He just excels at showing rage, especially in that scene where he was asked all those questions by the captain to when Shane was right there in the prison. He was able to make me feel for him. Seriously, I'm just amazed at how fucking brilliant this man is. He's consistent, he's talent & he just makes the screen explode when he's on the television. He deserves every single second of screen time that he's been getting because it's him & Melina that make this show worth watching. He gives this show life & he gives it dynamic. His passions heightens the reality of his character. If he was to ever leave I'd never watch this show again. I devote my time to him every Wednesday from 7:00-8:00. I'm just in awe of this man. He is a god!
Great post jorja!
Hill was amazing in the episode tonight. From the first scene with him and the Cheif/Captian when he knocked the glass off the table to the scene with Shane (both intense!!), etc...Amazing job Hill!!
Thanks :).

I am just shocked at how underrated this man is. I bet if you were to approach a random woman on the street & go, "have you heard of Hill Harper?" she'd probably say no. If you asked her about Brad Pitt she'd be like, "OMGZ yeah. He's so beautiful & I lovez hiz bluez eyez. I wanna sex him up!" :lol:

It's sad that you have to be over the top sexy & scandalous(sp?) to be known. I mean, we all know that Hill likes to keep his life private. Still, he's beautiful & intelligent as hell & he deserves 100x the amount he's getting right now. Not only that but he has the biggest heart & he's like a soft teddybear.

It's sad that the majority of "stars" pull a stupid stunt to get noticed. Isn't being a Harvard graduate, a famous authour & an unbelievable actor good enough? I guess not...

*eta* Now I feel like a fool for missing out on the panty drive for Hill. I am SO not missing out on the next one... :(
I'm glad to see that Carmine's manboobs didn't steal Hill's thunder this week. :lol:

Hill was fucking amazing in this episode. I wasn't able to sit still when he was on the screen. You could just feel the emotion that charged his scenes. When Shane was right there and the guard wouldn't listen to Sheldon, I wanted to scream at the tv. There was so much frustration and just knowing he couldn't do anything had me pulling my hair out.

The scene where Mac locked himself in the interrogation room with Sheldon and they were yelling about what happened was so powerful. The urgency and the frustration about not knowing what happened was palpable.

I'm still bouncing around like an idiot 3 1/2 hours after the show went off. Stellar performance by Hill, absolutely stellar! :D :D :D

Oh, and bonus points for Hawkes getting a bit gangsta this week. :p
Exactly! Here are a few pictures of Hawkes, one taken from every season:




Um, marry me please :D.
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