Heroes and Every Day Men: CSI NY - NCIS Crossover

Thank you guys! :) Ok, here we go...


After Gibbs had gotten back to the hotel he joined Ziva, Tony, McGee, Ducky and Abby for dinner. Afterwards he excused himself and went for a quick shower. While he was under the shower, he wondered where thing with Jordan would lead him and what was on her mind. He got dressed and headed back to the lab too meet Jordan.

“Still working?” Gibbs asked as he walked in to the lab.

“Almost done”.” Jordan said. “I only have to save these results.” She informed. “I think it should get us somewhere tomorrow.” She added.

“Have you eaten at all today?” Gibbs asked as he handed Jordan a small bag.

“Just a few apples.” Jordan accepted the bag. “Why, what did you get me?” She opened the bag and welcomed a warm cheeseburger. “Thanks. I think I really need that right now.” Jordan smiled as she poured herself a glass of water. Gibbs reached for his phone. “Gibbs, hold on.” Jordan said before Gibbs got the chance to call a taxi.”

Gibbs shut his phone. “That’s the first time you called me Gibbs when we’re alone, Angel.” Jordan had his attention now. Gibbs stared at Jordan to continue.

“I think we need to have a talk before we go.” Jordan started. “I would like to know where we stand.” Jordan put the burger back in the bag and took off her lab coat.

“Right now, we’re not standing in the shower.” Gibbs dryly joked and earned him a little smile from Jordan.

“Seriously Jethro.” Jordan blushed and approached Gibbs. She put her hands on his shoulders and met his ice blue eyes. “I need to know how you feel, it’s important to me.”

Gibbs gave Jordan a little peck on her lips. “Does this have anything to do with avoiding booze, coffee?" He leaned in... "And Mac being overprotective of you?” Gibbs whispered in Jordan’s ear and faced her.

Jordan’s face went in to a astonished look. “How…?” She asked uncertain. “And most important, how do you know it’s yours?” Jordan’s hand automatically went to her belly.

“Jordan, I am a trained investigator.” Gibbs said. “I never take anything for granted, rule #8.” He grinned as he kissed Jordan again and put his hand over hers. “Besides, you’re wearing way too oversized sweaters.” Gibbs remarked as he pulled on Jordan’s jersey.

“You're good." She smiled uncertainly. "But how do you feel about this? I mean, us having a baby?” Jordan asked and rested her head on Gibbs’ chest. Then she looked up.

“In my wildest imagination I never believed I could be a father again.” Gibbs started. Jordan didn’t interrupt and let him finish. “I had a child once, Jordan. A little girl. She and her mother were taken away from me… Took me a long time to get over it. Hell… It’s something you can never get over. A tear rolled over Jordan’s eye. Gibbs continued. “I wasn’t there for them when it happened and when I found out, they were already buried.

“I’m so sorry.” Jordan whispered.

“This time I’m gonna be there to protect the two of you.” Gibbs promised. “We were in this together.” Gibbs started. “I’d like to think we can do this together.” Gibbs kissed her gently. “Cause I’m in love with you, Jordan.” He stroke Jordan’s face. “But I want you to be careful from on. No more dangerous stunts.” He kissed her again.

“I love you too.” Jordan told him. “But please don’t become so overprotected as Mac.” Jordan pleaded. “I promise to be careful.” Jordan leaned in and gave Gibbs the most passionate kiss.

“Did you tell anyone that I’m the father?” Gibbs asked as the parted for air.

“Only Stella.” Jordan confessed. “And in her defence she had to drag it out of me.” Jordan moaned.

“Good. The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell one other person - if you must. There is no third best.” Gibbs said.

“Is that another one of your rules?” Jordan enquired. “How many rules have you got?” She smirked.

“About 50.” Gibbs grinned. “Now let’s meet Stella, she’s waiting at the elevator.” Gibbs reached for Jordan’s coat and helped her in. They walked to the elevator to meet Stella.

Mac was on stage as he saw Stella enter the club. He gave her a smiling nod to let her know that he noticed her. To his surprise he saw that Stella had Jordan in her tow. His smile disappeared as noticed Gibbs with four drinks. He wondered what Gibbs was doing here since he was not exactly the club type.

After the song had ended Mac stalled away his bass, he thanked the band members and walked towards the table where the trio had seated. Mac gave Stella a quick peck on her cheek.

“Evening.” He greeted them all. “Jethro, I’ve known you for years, but I don’t think I’ve seen you in a jazz bar before. Mac commented as he accepted the beer Gibbs held out for him.

Gibbs smiled. “First time for everything.” Gibbs took a sip of his beer. “Moreover I haven’t heard you play in a long time. That stage suits you.” Gibbs complimented. Mac reddened.

“And what brings you out here?” Mac asked Jordan as he took a chair and sat down. “And don’t tell me you haven’t heard me play for years as well.” Mac joked.

“I invited them.” Stella answered instead. “I didn’t want Jordan to be by her lonesome self again tonight.” Stella sweetened. “She needs to get out more, and maybe, just maybe, you could get Jordan to perform as well. Stella suggested.

“Please don’t, Stella.” Jordan butted in.” Mac got an amused expression.

“I think you’re right Stella. It’s about time that Jordan and I get together on that stage again, I’ll go over and ask the band.” With that Mac got up and left the table.

“Oh c’mon, Jordan.” Stella said when Jordan mocked her face. “Unlike Mac I haven’t heard you sing in years. And that is a fact. I’m going for another round.” Stella got up, took the empty glasses and walked over to the bar.

“You sing?” Gibbs asked surprised while he couldn’t take his gaze of Jordan.

“Once in a while.” Jordan smiled. “My dad made my brother take guitar lessons when we were kids. I started singing along when I was about 14. Ever since they wanted me to sing whenever my brother reached for his guitar.” Gibbs leaned on his elbow while he listened to Jordan’s story.

Mac and Stella came back at the exact same moment. “It’s settled.” Mac told Jordan. “We’re up after the next song, D´Angelo.” He took the new round from Stella and passed over the glasses. “Jordan, the song will be ‘Since I fell for you’. Mac glanced over to Stella. “You know the lyrics, right?”

“Oh, I do, Taylor.” Jordan reminded Mac. “Natalie Cole has always been one of my favourites.” Jordan took grabbed for some crackers and handed some over to Gibbs. “We’d better get ready then.” Jordan got up. “Seems to me this song is ending, Taylor.” Jordan tapped Mac on his shoulder to get him moving. “See you later, guys.” Mac said leaving with Jordan.

With Mac and Jordan gone, Stella had gotten exactly what she had hoped for. Some time with Gibbs alone.

“So…” Stella began. “What do you think of Jordan?” Stella asked while she reached for her glass of wine.

Gibbs picked up his beer too and took another sip. “Stella, you can spare yourself the trouble.” Gibbs smiled. “I know you know about us.” He added while he gazed over to Jordan who was singing. “Beautiful voice.” Gibbs praised as he imagined Jordan singing to the baby.

Stella’s gaze went over to Mac and waved again. She nodded to Gibbs. “She should sing more often.” Stella agreed as she observed Jordan moving towards Mac while she sang. “They look good together.”

“I’m sure Jordan will pick up singing again anytime soon.” Gibbs couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Especially now that he knew that she was carrying his child. “And I’ll be there to record every moment.” Stella gave Gibbs a surprised stare. “What?” Gibbs laughed.

“She told you?” Stella carefully asked.

“Yup.” “And by the looks of it, you couldn’t be more pleased. Am I right, Jethro?”Gibbs gave her the cutest smile. “Thank heaven’s for that.”

“Yeah, but we’re not screaming it from the rooftops yet.” Stella got the hint.

“Thanks for taking her in, Stella.” Gibbs sighed as the song ended.

“She made Mac sleep on the couch when she came to New York.” Stella laughed.

“Ouch!” Gibbs joked.

“My apartment is big enough, so enjoy.” Stella laughed. “Ready to go, Mac?” Stella informed.

“You leaving already?” Jordan asked Mac as they came back from the stage.

“Yep, early morning.” Mac said. “And so have you.” He tipped her nose.

“I’ll make sure Jordan gets home safely, Mac.” Gibbs said dryly.

“Well ok then, thanks Jethro.” Mac shook his hand.

“Night you two.” Jordan called after them.

“You ready to go?” Jordan asked while reaching for her coat.

“Yup, let’s roll.” Gibbs smacked her behind as they left the jazz bar.

Gibbs and Jordan hailed for a cab. After Gibbs had told the driver the address of the hotel Jordan snuggled into Gibbs. “We’re going to your hotel?” She wondered.

“Only to pick up my stuff.” Gibbs told her. “Stella told me we should enjoy her apartment while we’re here.” Gibbs whispered in her ear.

Jordan looked in surprise. “Oh Angel, if we are going to do this together, we can at least start trying at once.” Gibbs kissed her.

“Yeah, but what are you going to tell your team?” Jordan wanted to know. Gibbs didn’t answer. Instead he took his phone out of his pocket to make a call.

“Abbs… meet me in my hotel suite in about erm…” he stared at is watch.

“Ten minutes the driver piped in. “Then minutes Abbs. Where’s the rest of the team?” Gibbs waited till Abby was done. “Good, leave them there and make sure none them follow you.” Gibbs waited for Abby’s response. “I’m sure you’ll find a way, Abby.” Gibbs encouraged, then hung up.

“You’re telling Abby?” Jordan questioned.

“Hey you told your one person. I get to pick mine.” Gibbs said and moved Jordan back to his chest. “Relax, everything will be fine.” Gibbs guaranteed her.

Jordan lay back to Gibbs chest and closed her eyes. Ten minutes later they were in front of the hotel. “Wake up, Angel.” Gibbs whispered. Jordan yawned as the cab stopped. Gibbs got out first and then helped Jordan.

Jordan and Gibbs went in to the hotel and straight to his suite. Abby had gotten the key from reception and was waiting for him to arrive. Gibbs knocked on his door, letting Abby know he was there.

Abby opened the door. “Gibbs!” she shouted jumping up and down. “What the heck is going on?” She demanded. “You made me come over like ASAP when I’m having a good time. What the hell happened?”

“Relax Abby.” “You remember Jordan?” Abby nodded. “I’m gonna move in with her.” Gibbs told Abby while he was packing his belongings in his backpack.

“Wow, back up the train, Gibbs!” Abby exclaimed. “Moving in? This is so hinky and so not making sense.” Abby paced around.

“Hinky?” Jordan asked.

“Jordan, I really really like you. But isn’t this going way too fast, you only met like what, yesterday.” Abby went hysterical.

“Abbs… sit down.” Gibbs pushed her on the bed and sat next to her.

“Jordan and I didn’t meet yesterday.” Gibbs got up. Abby was confused. “Remember three months ago, when I had to go and collect that petty officer?” Abby quickly thought back and nodded. “Well the person that delivered him to me was Jordan.” Gibbs explained.

Jordan waved at Abby. “Hi.” she said.

“So you two have known each other for 3 months already?” Abby asked a bit sad that Gibbs never told her.

“And we hit off.” Jordan said. “Big time.” She then sat next to Abby.
“Abbs, you mind if I call you Abbs?’’ Jordan asked as she put an arm around Abby. Abby nodded no. “Well Abbs, Jethro and me went out for some drinks, and decided we really like each other. And erm… one thing led to another.” Jordan blushed.

“Yeah… we made love and a baby that night.” Gibbs sat down on the other side of Abby and waited for Abby’s reaction.

“Too much info Gibbs. But a baby?” Abby asked. “A Gibblet after all?”

“Yeah, a Gibblet after all. Jordan is expecting.” Gibbs told her with a big smile. Jordan’s looked questionably at Gibbs. “I’ll explain later.” Gibbs promised. Abby was ready to jump up. “Wait on Abbs, we don’t want anyone to know yet, Abbs. Gibbs explained further.

“Okay.” Abby sat back. “So no one knows?” Abby turned to Jordan and gave her the biggest hug. “Welcome to the family, Jordan.” Abby smiled and hugged Jordan again. “I’m so happy that Gibbs found you, he deserves to be happy.”

“Well, Stella knows, so you can only talk to her.” Jordan explained.

“Thank you, Abbs.” Jordan returned the hug.

“Now what do you need from me, boss-man?” Abby was back on auto-pilot.

“We want you to keep this quiet and cover for me.” Gibbs explained.

“I can do that.” Abby shrieked. “I can deliver you a newspaper, coffee, call you, come over, you name it. I’ll even leave evidence. The others will never now. Moms the word.” Abby said as she hinted to turn the key and threw it away. “Thanks Abbs.” Jordan said.

“Ok, I’m good to go.” Gibbs informed after he finished packing. He then took Jordan’s hand and they walked out. “See you tomorrow Abbs.”

“Night mommy, night daddy.” Abby sang as she waved them goodbye.

A/N: I'm working tomorrow, so Ill treat you with a double post tonight. Sweet dreams to you all :drool::drool::drool:

Stella and Mac had headed back to Stella’s apartment to pick up some of her clothes. After they had gotten home Stella was hanging her clothes in one of the closets Mac had cleared for her. Mac was sitting on the bed, staring at a childhood picture of him and Jordan.

“When was that taken?” Stella asked. She took the frame from Mac and admired two kids standing in a flower field, holding hands.

“That was a long time ago, Stell… If I remember correctly it was taking on Jordan’s 5th birthday. We celebrated it during a picnic.” Mac said as he took the picture from Stella.

“You both look cute with those plastic sunnies.” Stella admired.

“It was my first real gift to Jordan.” Mac snickered. “God, she loved those sunnies. Specially with that white dress.” Mac remembered Jordan twirling around as she put on the sunnies that day. “She hasn’t changed a bit. And know she’s going to be a mum herself.”

“You on the other hand have changed a lot. I would love to see you in short trousers again.” She teased as she looked at his lips. She leaned in and aggressively kissed him.

Mac immediately gave in to the desire that had been building all day. He kissed her eagerly as her hands ran through his hair and pulled him closer. Stella unbuttoned Mac’s shirt. Mac pulled her back to the bed continuing their kiss and removing each other’s clothes.

“You are so beautiful!” Mac exclaimed between kisses. Stella responded by moaning and caressing his back and squeezing his tight butt. Soon Mac started to progress down Stella’s body caressing, kissing and nipping at her exposed skin. He couldn’t get enough of her.

“Stella… I need you now…” Mac moaned as he suckled on her body and she cried out in pleasure.

“Mac… make me yours…” Stella whispered as Mac stopped for a second.
“I want you Mac… Right this minute.” Stella moaned as she pulled him on top of her. Both of them groaned out in pleasure as Mac slipped into her warm, hungry body.

In the aftermath as they lay side by side catching their breath Mac realized that they have not used protection. He planned on bringing that up with Stella just as Mac’s cell phone went off.

“Taylor…” Mac answered his phone and listened to the caller on the other side. “Take Sheldon and Adam, Flack.” Mac ordered as Stella came up from behind. “I’ll be on stand by.”

Stella used to opportunity by caressing and kissing Mac’s back again. It was hard for Mac to stay focused on Flack’s phone call. “Stella?” Mac asked. Stella looked up, but kept quiet. “Last thing I know she and Jordan are having a girls’ night out.” Mac fibbed causing Stella almost to giggle. “See you tomorrow Don.”

Mac hung up the phone and turned his attention to Stella fervent. And with her little distraction he totally forgot to bring up the protection detail.


Back at Stella’s apartment Gibbs and Jordan were lying in bed. Gibbs gently stroke Jordan’s tiny belly. Jordan took pleasure in his sweet caress.

“Mmm… tell me about that day you first saw me.” Jordan said as she turned to face Gibbs.

“I thought you wanted to go to sleep?” Gibbs teased.

“I changed my mind.” She replied, playing with her finger over his chest while he massaged her tummy. Sleep could wait.

“You captivated me.” Gibbs kissed her belly and worked his way up.

“Mmm… “You’ve got me all curious now.” She answered with a smirk.

Gibbs flipped them over and Jordan crossed her arms over his chest. The sincerity in his voice got her full attention. “You just… I was drawn to you.” He closed his eyes. “So confident and God, so beautiful. I knew that I just had to be near you.”

“Go on. What happened next?” Jordan whispered.

“You’re evil.” Gibbs complained.

Jordan cocked her eyebrow and grinned. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“When I ran in to you at that pub.” Gibbs smiled. “You were so cheerful and full of life.”

“You were sneaky.” Jordan commented.

“Sneaky?” Gibbs snickered.

“Yes, you followed me. I saw you, you know.” Jordan told him. Gibbs’ grin was catching and she returned it with a smirk of her own. Raising her head she brought up her hand and grazed her fingertips over his bottom lip. “Do you wanna know something?”

“What?” Gibbs was curious.

“That evening, when we made eye contact… I never felt that way before just from looking at somebody.”

They spent the next couple of minutes in silence, each of them enjoying the touches of their new lover. Every caress and kiss spoke of a promise that would never be broken. Gibbs’ hands found their way back to her hips.

“God, Jordan.” Gibbs groaned.


“I’m going to try my very best at this, Jordan.” He promised.

“That is all I ever wanted.” Placing her palms on either side of his face, she leaned in for slow kiss. “I love you too, you know.”

“Mmm, I do know,” he said, covering her hands with his own. He closed his eyes as her forehead rested against his.

“So, hips, huh?” Jordan laughed. “I thought you’d be a breast man, Probie.”

Gibbs opened his eyes to see hers smiling above him. “I’ll show you a Probie…”

Before she could reply, Gibbs flipped them both over with a grace that surprised them both and claimed her mouth hungrily. He pulled away long enough to speak one word. “Angel…”
