Heroes and Every Day Men: CSI NY - NCIS Crossover

Jordan grumbled and sat down. Gibbs had an aggravated gaze on his face.

“I’m not getting my new shoes wet, Gibbs.” She explained while she took off her sneakers and socks.

Gibbs held out a hand to help Jordan up and sat on the grass watching Jordan go in the pond.

“Whoa, this water is cold!” She screamed.

“Don’t be a sissy Jordan!” Gibbs shouted.

“Hell, you’re not the one getting all soaked here.” Jordan yelled back.

Not long after later Gibbs heard a big ‘Yes!’ coming from the pond.

“Find anything?” Gibbs called.

“Found a boot!” Jordan confirmed.

“Well, then get the heck out of that pond.” Gibbs ordered.

“What the hell do you think I’m doing here?” Jordan replied.

“Move it, Jordan!” Gibbs grinned at her complaint.

Suddenly he heard a scream coming from Jordan. Gibbs got up and ran in the direction of the pond. Jordan was halfway standing in the water.

“What?” Gibbs asked.

“I’m stuck!” Jordan snapped.

Now Gibbs really was pissed. “Give me your hand.” He whined.

Jordan reached over her hand and before Gibbs knew it, she pulled him into the water causing them both go under.

“D'Angelo?!” He shouted as he reached the surface. “What the hell where you thinking?!” Gibbs demanded as he swam to Jordan.

“That’s for cheating.” Jordan snickered.

“Cheating?!” Gibbs innocently asked.

“Yup” she giggled as she reached for his pocket and grabbed the fourth and shortest stick. “I did win. And payback is a bitch, Probie!” She triumphed.

“Really Angel?” Gibbs reached out for her waist and pulled her close. “Then…” Gibbs pulled some hair out of her face, “… you should be awarded.”

He leaned in and claimed her mouth for a long required deep kiss that he had missed for the last three months. Jordan wrapped her arms around his neck to and welcomed that kiss with the same desire. An old lady that had watched the whole commotion brought them back with her applause showing her approval.

“Let’s secure that print and get this back to the lab, I’m soaked.” Gibbs grinned.

“Well, at least my shoes stayed dry.” Jordan sneered as he helped her out of the water. “But I do need a shower.” She declared as they left for the lab.

Gibbs took out his phone and speed dialled 2. “Abs…”

Ok, now I need a fan or a cold shower....both the Mac/Stella scene at Mac's place, and the Gibbs/Jordan kiss in the pond were so HOT.
Loved Stella checking Mac out, and that he's a good cook.
The old lady was funny:lol:
I like Jordan a lot, she's a strong woman but with an emotional side, and her relationships with Mac, Stella and Gibbs are really interesting.
Mmmm, wet Gibbs....:drool::drool::drool:
Glad you liked it.


After the call from Gibbs Abby hurried to his hotel room and collected some clothes as requested. She didn’t question Gibbs on what he had done. She too excited to go back to the New York crime lab.

Adam Ross had shown her around the day before and Abby was more than amazed by the facilities it had. She really needed to have a word with the Director about Major Mass Spec and Captain Comparison Microscope. But for now she enjoyed the fact that she got to play around with the latest equipment.

“Hey Adam!” She greeted as she walked in to him. Nothing. “Adam!” She yelled. Again nothing. She approached him and pulled the earplug out of his ear. Adam swiftly reacted.

“Abby, don’t sneak up on people like that!” He whimpered shyly.

“Sorry, am I that scary?” Abby informed.

“Not at all, just special.” Adam stared at her dog collar.

“Everybody’s special Adam, what’s on that Ipod?” Abby asked curiously.

“Android Lust.” Adam look down at his Ipod.

“Really?” Abby grinned happily cause some liked the same music. “Let me listen in.” She reached for the Ipod.

“Android Lust presents a blend of electronic rock that is challenging, engaging, and fiercely emotional.” Adam shyly wanted to let Abby know about his knowledge of music.

“Great Ipod. It’s a necessity.” She complimented.

An ‘Uh-hum’ from the door reminded them where they were.

“How long to get results on that fingerprint?” Mac asked Adam as he walked in?

“Well, I’m flying solo here, so-”

“Does it go any faster if you had an assistant?” Mac invited.

Definitely.” Adam smiled.

“Okay, you got the job, Abby.” Mac informed.

As he wanted to leave he bumped in to a soggy Gibbs and Jordan.

“Do I even wanna know?” Mac asked dryly.

“You’d better.” Gibbs said as he passed Mac.

“Gibbs!” Abby yelled. “What happened? You’re both wet to the bone.”

Abby gave Jordan a big crushing hug. “Abby…” Jordan breathed.

“Oh sorry Jordan.” Abby let go of Jordan and squinted at Gibbs.

“I lost.” Jordan looked at Mac.

“You pulled straws.” Mac accused Jordan angry.

“Then why are you so soaked, Gibbs?” Abby questioned.

Gibbs didn’t answer that one. “Clothes Abbs!”

“Oh, right clothes.” Abby ran off to get her coffin bag with Gibbs’ spare clothes.

“So any other body parts show up?” Mac asked looking at the bag Jordan was carrying.

“Not likely, all we found was this boot.” Jordan showed Mac the collected item.

“Adam, take the boot and get to work.” Mac was angry. Gibbs observed the scene.

“Don’t tell me you pulled that stunt again?” Mac shot to Jordan in front of Gibbs.

“Well, he pulled rank, Mac, and he cheated.” Jordan snapped.

“Jordan, you shouldn’t have been in that water in the first place.” Mac reminded her angry.

“Don’t you-”

“Hey!” Gibbs interrupted Jordan having enough of the bickering. Both Mac and Jordan faced Gibbs. “Jordan, go and take that shower.” Gibbs ordered. “Now, Jordan.”

Jordan watched Mac who had calmed down. “Go on.” Mac touched his brows and looked up to Jordan. Angry she left for the locker room.

“You didn’t have to be that harsh.” Gibbs told Mac.

“Yeah, I know, but she needs to grow up.” Mac excused himself.

“Don’t you think she is?” Gibbs asked. “She’s one hell of a CSI; perspective, committed. If it wasn’t for Jordan, we would never have found that boot.” Gibbs said in Jordan's defence. “We marked the spot where the footprint was.” Gibbs remebered.

“I’ll send Sheldon and Adam.” Mac reached out for his phone. “You better get a shower as well.” Mac grinned as he looked at a still soaked Gibbs. “And don’t cheat on any of my CSI’s again. They are good.” Mac laughed as Gibbs left for the locker room.

Mac entered his office thinking more and more about Jordan and the baby. In his opinion Jordan still shouldn’t have gone in to that pond. What if she had really slipped? He didn’t want her to take any risk. He sat down in his chair and gazed of the city of New York. Deep in thoughts he wasn’t aware of Stella’s presence.

“Earth to Mac.” Stella said for the third time.

“Huh?” Mac looked up.

"Mac, you seemed miles away.” Stella commented.

“Nothing.” Mac still had a worried look.

“Nothing? Ok Taylor, out with it.” Stella ordered as she sat down as well.

Mac shook his head. “Jordan. She went dumpster diving in a pond with Jethro.” Mac detailed.

Jordan and Gibbs, Stella thought, interesting. “So?”

“So I gave her a lecture in front of Jethro.” Mac sighed.

“About?” Stella was getting worried now.

“About being reckless, she could have slipped.” Mac got up. “She could have told him that she’s pregnant, but no, she had to pull straws like this baby doesn’t exist.” Mac slammed his fist on the desk.

“Ok, then what happened?” Stella got up.

“What did Jordan say?”

“Nothing, Jethro sent her off to the shower.” Mac sat down again.

“You didn't tell him?” Stella got up walked behind Mac and rubbed his sleeps.

“That’s not my call, Gorgeous.” Mac closed his eyes and started to relax.

“Mac Taylor, now you listen to me.” Stella continued her massage.

“Jordan is a grown woman, she would never and I mean never, jeopardize the life of that baby. She’s almost 40 and she knows the risks. Trust me on this one.” Stella kissed Mac on his head. “Did you apologize?” Stella asked.

“No.” “Well maybe you should, it’s not healthy for the baby or for Jordan for that matter.”

Mac got up from his chair. “Maybe you’re right.” Mac put a soft kiss on Stella’s lips. “I’ll go and find her.” Mac left his office with Stella wondering what happened to make Jordan act that way.

Back in the locker room Jordan had gotten her spare clothes and jumped under the shower. She let the water run over her body and her mind went back to her argument with Mac. She felt guilty now and tears were running down her cheek. When she heard someone enter the shower room, she closed her eyes to regain herself. Suddenly familiar hands were travelling over somewhat new territory, even though they touched her only once.

“You know this is my favourite part.” Jordan was told.

“How can you have a favourite part already, Probie?” She asked.

“This flare, this slope. It’s sexy. Gibbs’ lips and tongue danced over her back.

“What did Mac have to say?” Jordan shivered…

“Don’t worry about Mac, you’ll be fine.” Gibbs assured her stroking her again. “It’s so feminine, Angel.” Gibbs continued.

“It’s not sexy.” Jordan protested.

“It’s sensual.” Gibbs spoke against her spine.

“It’s a hip, Jethro.” Jordan laughed.

Gibbs stroked the gentle over her hip up to her waist. “I have a thing for your hipbone, Jordan D’Angelo.” He murmured.

“A thing, huh?” Jordan wondered.

“Oh yeah, it started three months ago.” Gibbs told her.

“Should I be jealous?” Jordan enquired.

“No not, jealous, your hips led me to you.” Gibbs admitted.

“I think we need to shower. Seriously, grab some shampoo and wash my hair, Jethro. You’re not making too much sense.”

He ignored her and continued to massage her side. “Your hips were the first thing I noticed about you. Actually, it was more your walk, the way your hips swayed and guided you.

“My walk?” Jordan laughed. “Now I know that you’re full of it.”

Gibbs’ mock pout didn’t get the sympathy he was hoping for. But he wouldn’t trade the smile he got instead for anything.

“J-” “Shhh…” Jordan suddenly put her fingers on his lips.

“Jordan?” Mac called out.

Gibbs held tightly to Jordan, both not making a sound.

“Jordan, I know you’re in there, you’re badge is lying on a chair” Mac pointed out.

“I’m not speaking to you.” Jordan finally said and held a hand over Gibbs mouth.

“I just came in to apologize.” Mac told her. “I wanna explain why I was worried.” He made clear. Silence.

Jordan quickly thought about what to do without telling Gibbs. “Uh Mac, let me just finish and we’ll about it in your office, ok?” She suggested.

“Sure, but hurry, I got an appointment with the D.A. in half an hour.” Mac said and left.

“You were saying…” Jordan asked after Mac had left.

“You should go and talk to him.” Gibbs suggested. Jordan nodded. “We’ll finish this later.” Gibbs promised.

“I think I should get out first, just in case.” Jordan offered. Gibbs nodded and let her go, but not before he got a long overdue sensual deep kiss.

Thanks GNRF and Nats :)

Jordan quickly dried herself off, got dressed and left for Mac’s office. As she walked out if the locker room she saluted to Ziva and Tony who where on their way to Abby. Tony stared at Jordan’s behind and whistled. She stopped and turned just to see Ziva smacking Tony’s head.

“Hey! I was only complimenting the view.” Tony mocked.

“And I am only doing what Gibbs would do.” Ziva snapped.

“Gibbs would have agreed with me, Zee-vah.”

“Sure he would.” Ziva said as she pushed him to move.

Tony grabbed Ziva by her arm as he saw Gibbs leave the same locker room.

“Is that a coincidence?” Ziva whispered.

“Gibbs and coincidences?” Tony rolled his eyes. “Never, I can smell a story here. Now where is McFluf to take notes?”

“Notes for what?” Abby asked as Ziva pushed Tony in to the lab.

“Humour me here, Abby.” Tony started. “If you see a woman coming out of the ladies locker, what do you think off?” Abby shrugged her shoulders.

“That she got changed, Tony, what else?”

Tony stopped Abby from waving her hands. “Ok, but what if you see a man coming out of that same locker room about 2 minutes after the woman?” Tony continued.

“Tony, you are you talking about Jordan and Gibbs.” Abby said.

“That very same couple.” Tony remarked.

“They are not a couple, Tony!” Ziva snapped. Abby giggled.

“Ok, what happened?” Tony was real curious now.

“They found the boot.” Abby began. “Gibbs and Jordan pulled straws; Jordan lost and had to water dive for the boot, Gibbs called to bring spare clothes and both arrived at the lab soak wet.” Abby rattled.

“They pulled draws?” Ziva questioned.

“Straws, Ziva.” Tony corrected. Ziva stuck her tongue out.

“Gibbs never pulls straws. Why would he pull straws with Jordan?” Tony whined.

“Dunno, but Mac sure wasn’t looking too happy when they got back.” Abby said.

“And why was Gibbs wet?” Tony mused as Ziva tore him out of the lab.

“He never answered that question.” Abby thought dissapointed as she squeezed Bert, her hippo.

