Heroes and Every Day Men: CSI NY - NCIS Crossover

“I’m sorry.” Jordan said as she stuck her head in to Mac’s office. A small smile appeared on Mac’s face as he got up.

“Same here.” He said, kissing Jordan on her head. “Let’s sit down and talk about this.” Mac held out his hand. Jordan reached out and Mac led her to his chair. He sat down on his desk.

“I-” Both said in unison.

“Ladies first.” Mac said.

“I didn’t think. It was out before I knew it.” Jordan said quietly.

“I shouldn’t have been so overprotective.” Mac continued. “And you don’t tell personal stuff to somebody you just met.” Jordan didn’t say anything, she was overwhelmed by guilt now. “Jethro never would have let you go in that water if he had known.” Mac assured Jordan.

“How can you be so certain?” Jordan finally spoke.

“I’ve known Jethro since we served and he was married to Shannon. They had a daughter, Kelly.” Mac told her.

“I can’t believe it.” Jordan whispered. “Tell me?”

“They were murdered when Jethro was fighting in Desert Storm.” Mac didn’t give Jordan all the details. He felt that was up to Jethro.

“That’s awful.” Jordan felt for Gibbs’ loss.

“He would do anything to get them back.” Mac sighed.

“Like you would for Claire.” Jordan reminded Mac and gave him a big hug.

“I’ll try to be more careful.” Jordan promised.

“So, does this mean I’m off the hook?” Jordan wiggled her brows, causing Mac to smile.

“I’ll let it slip for now!” He warned.

“You two okay?” Stella asked as she entered Mac’s office.

“Yeah, we’re fine.” Mac kissed her on the cheek. “Got to go and see the D.A. now. You two behave.” Mac pointed a finger at Jordan.

“Yes Sir.” Jordan laughed while she turned to the window.

“You sure you okay?” Stella asked as Jordan sighed.

“I honestly don’t know what to do, Stella.” Jordan said. “I mean, after what Mac told me about Jethro and Shannon, I don’t think I can keep it from Jethro.”

Stella put her hands in her pockets and moved to Jordan. “Maybe it’s time to come clean.” She suggested.

“Maybe. I think we’re growing closer.” Jordan smiled.

Stella marched for the door and closed it. “So, I’ve heard, now spill.” And Jordan told Stella about what almost happened in the shower.

Jools, you've absolutely great story doing on! :thumbsup:Yeah... I've been a slow one. (thanks for the PM!;)) Reading english is not that quick job for me!:rolleyes: It took me 2 days to read the previous ones until I finally made myself here! Luckily I didn't need a dictionary!:lol:

Is great to have Smacked there.:) You write so vividly so it's a pleasure to read it.:bolian: Plus getting " my own" dreams of Gibs and Mac..."our heroes" is not bad thing either! :devil:

Nice job! I'm looking for the next part! :thumbsup:
Thank you for your comments. We're almost getting there with Jordan telling, Gibbs. Just hang in there :devil::devil:

And a little comment for those of you who have noticed. I suck at crime, but to make this story work, I borrowed some of the NCIS ep. "My other left foot".
Writing credits for that go to to Donald P. Bellisari, Don McGill and Jack Bernstein. I don't own.

I only own Jordan. :) Now on with the story.


Two hours later Flack and Sheldon returned from the park with the requested footprint. Mac had ordered them to take it to Adam and Abby, because he needed Sheldon with Stella on another case. Sheldon went straight to Stella’s office, while Flack took the evidence to Abby.

“Adam!” Flack shouted. He placed the evidence on the table and popped his fingers in his ears. “Adam!” Flack yelled again.

Abby turned around. She tapped Adam on the shoulder. “Adam, you got company.” Abby pointed out.

Adam took the plugs out of his ears and met Flack’s angry face.

“Hi, I’m Abigail Sciuto.” Abby introduced herself. “But please call me Abby, or Abbs. Just not Abigail.” Abby squinted her eyes. Flack stared at Abby looked at her ID to check. “NCIS” she told him while he checked her outfit. “I’m working with Adam.” Abby explained.

“Detective Don Flack.” Adam introduced Don while he searched the bag with evidence. Abby had joined Adam with the evidence. “What did you get us, Flack?” Adam asked.

Flack walked over to Adam and Abby. “The footprint Gibbs and Jordan found and some botanical stuff.” Don answered.

“Hinky.” Abby said.

“Hinky?” Both Flack and Adam said in unison.

“Hinky as in something not right.” Gibbs walked in and handed Abby a caf-pow.”

“Thank you, my hero.” Abby took a quick nipped on the straw.

“So now we have a leg, a sock, some dog tags and a footprint.”

“Gibbs, you’re forgetting about our interesting little bit of botanical evidence.” Abby showed him.

Gibbs took a closer look. “Oh that. Yeah. Well, I want the life history, family, where it grew up. Abby followed Gibbs in a typical Gibbs’ walk.

“College transcripts?” Adam asked out of the blur. Gibbs turned and Abby backed away. Abby jumped in front of Adam.

“I know, he doesn’t.” She told him and as she pushed Adam back to Flack.

After Mac had gotten back from the D.A. he went looking for Gibbs. He found him in autopsy with Ducky and Sid who were studying the leg. As Mac walked Gibbs was observing with a cup of coffee. He really needed some answers. Ducky and Sid appeared to be a lot like, much to Ducky’s pleasure.

“Our victim had a titanium ankle joint which I’m about to remove.” Ducky stated.

“Well too young for arthritis.” Sid took of his glasses.

“Yes, it was most likely due to an accident; auto, motorcycle, skiing.

“Polo. That’s a very dangerous sport.” Sid claimed to Ducky.

“Yes, the joint will have a serial number traceable to the doctor who performed the surgery.” Ducky stated while he took off his rubber gloves.

“Anything else?” Gibbs asked as he took another sip of his coffee and dumped the empty cup in the bin.

Ducky washed and dried his hands. “Well, as I suspected, our Marine was dismembered post-mortem. The jagged teeth pattern on the femur bone suggests that a saw was used.

“Ouch!” Mac piped in.

“Well, he didn’t feel it, detective Taylor.” Ducky assured him.

“Well, given how straight and clean the cut was, it was almost certainly some kind of power saw. I wonder if they still have the Eurail pass. Yeah. In the summer of my eighteenth year, my grandfather gave me a Eurail pass to celebrate my advancement to University. I travelled to nine different countries. Met an Austrian girl named Giselle, who left her fingerprints on my heart, visited all the major museums of Europe. The artwork was extraordinary. Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Renoir, Botticelli…” Ducky rambled on.

“I like Botticelli.” Sid claimed.

Ducky passed Mac. “And that brings me to Christy Brown, the Irish poet and painter. Yes, he suffered from cerebral palsy. Learned to paint with his foot. Quite remarkable. He wrote an autobiography, “My Left Foot,” which became an exceptional film starring Daniel Day Lewis.”

“That’s a right foot.” Mac remarked.

“Oh, so it is. Oh, well.” Ducky laughed at Sid while Mac and Gibbs left autopsy.

Aaaawww thankies you all, and a special thanks to my chipmunk for helping me with my English :):):)


Back in Mac’s office Jordan was already on the phone about the serial number. Ducky had emailed it to her. And currently she was speaking to the doctor’s assistant.

“Serial number of the ankle joint is three two seven four zero one five. I’ll hold.” She held the phone on her shoulder.

Mac and Gibbs walked in with after they left autopsy. Gibbs holding 2 cups of coffee. “You’d better be doing something case related, Jordan!” Mac advised as they walked in. He helped her up out of his chair.

“Hang on Mac. They put me on hold.” Jordan said as Gibbs handed her the coffee. Jordan took the coffee, and handed it over to Mac. The smell of coffee was the last thing she needed right now. “Yeah sure.” Jordan got her attention back to the person on the other side of the line. “Thanks, we’ll be there ASAP.” She confirmed.

“What did you get?” Gibbs asked as he noticed Jordan’s face as she handed Mac the coffee.

“The name of the clinic that surgery, gentlemen.” Jordan handed Mac the address.

“Good work, Jordan.” Mac complimented. What do you say Jethro, wanna head over there?” Mac was eager to speak to the performing doctor.

“Meet you in the garage.” Gibbs said. Mac nodded and left for the garage.

“You okay?” Gibbs informed.

“Yeah, I spoke to Mac earlier. We’re good again.” Jordan told him as she grabbed for a pen. “Jethro, I need to speak to you later on.” Jordan started.

Gibbs got worried about Jordan’s expression. “Something on your mind, Jordan?” He wanted to know.

“Yes, but it there’s no emergency.” Jordan said. “You’d better go and speak to this Dr. Peterson before he slips away. Besides, Mac is already waiting for you.” Jordan said absently.

“I’ll give you a call when we’re done.” Gibbs assured her as he kissed her on the back of her head.

From the door Stella observed the interaction between Gibbs and Jordan. They were definitely meant to be together. “Hey, you two have plans for tonight?” Stella sneaked up on them.

Both Gibbs and Jordan were caught of by guard. “Stella!” Jordan shot. “What’s on your mind?”

“Well it’s Wednesday night tonight and Mac is playing with the band.” Stella informed both Gibbs and Jordan. “I figured we all could surprise him. “ Stella said.

“I haven’t heard Mac play since we served.” Gibbs grinned. “I’ll be there.” He guaranteed Stella. “Jordan?” Gibbs asked as if he was looking for a date.

“Yeah sure, Stella can pick us up here. I don’t think I know how to find the club myself.” Gibbs nodded as he and Stella left.

Jordan couldn’t stop thinking about Gibbs losing his wife and daughter. Visions about what might have happened kept playing through her mind. And visions about not denying a father his time with his child. Although she was a grown woman, Jordan was finally growing up. But what would be Gibbs’s reaction might be once she told him the truth?


Mac and Gibbs had arrived at the clinic and were now questioning Dr. Peterson.

“I remember that surgery. We usually fuse the ankle and implant a metal splint in our young servicemen. But his ankle was literally crushed in an auto wreck. May of two thousand, you said?”

“According to our research.” Gibbs stated.

Dr. Peterson went through his files. “Here it is. May fifteenth, two thousand. I implanted that ankle in Marine Private First Class Thomas Dorn.” He explained.

“What can you tell me about him?” Mac wanted to know.

“I can tell you a lot about his ankle. I don’t even remember the rest of him. Peterson told Mac and Gibbs.

“Seems to be a recurring problem.” Gibbs remarked.

“The ankle?” Peterson questioned.

Mac looked up. “No, the rest of him. His leg was found in a Manhattan, trash bin early this morning.

“Just the leg?” Peterson questioned.

“So far.” Gibbs answered.

“How deteriorated was the leg? Peterson wanted to know.

“It wasn’t.” Mac told him. “The M.E. estimated he died within the previous twenty four hours. Is there a problem? Mac questioned.

Peterson scratched the back of his head. “According to his military record, P-F-C Thorn died two years ago.

Mac and Gibbs didn’t get any further. On a normal night Mac would have worked through, except this Wednesday he wanted to spend with Stella. But he had made a promise to himself to make more time for his private life. So the case had to wait until tomorrow. The two men called it a night. Mac heading home for a quick shower and picking up Stella. Gibbs heading to the hotel and meeting Mac and Jordan back at the lab.

Interesting that the records don't match the corners findings. I wonder where that will lead.

yay, they're going to hear Mac play in his band. :D
Loved all the chapters so far. Loved the Ducky-Sid interaction and Gibbs and Jordan in the shower was hot. LOL at Tony checking out Jordan and getting whacked by Ziva and LOL at him teasing her by calling her Zee-Vah, he always does that! The case is really interesting.
I love the idea of them all going to watch Mac play at the club, and I like the touch you added of Mac playing in the Marines. I also liked that Jordan decided it's time to tell Gibbs. It was sad when she found out about Kelly and Shannon, but it's very 'Gibbs' that he had kept that from her.
Loved the little bit where Mac's grief over Claire and Gibbs' over Shannon and Kelly were both mentioned, it's a big similarity between them, and both don't talk about their lost loved ones often.
Oh, and the bit about Ducky traveling around Europe and hooking up with an Austrian girl is just pure Ducky! Loved it.
I like that Mac didn't tell Jordan everything about Gibbs' first family, that's a discreet, respectful move on his part that strikes me as very 'Mac'.

I love this story, keep writing!
Still loving it! I also like the case storyline, sometimes when writing about a ship the author will not concetrate on the case, but you have done very well!