Heroes and Every Day Men: CSI NY - NCIS Crossover

Thank you GNRF :)


When they got to the crime scene, they were greeted by Flack who held an eye witness aside so that Gibbs could question him. Mac joined them as Flack led them to the witness. He explained why NCIS had to be involved.

“Agent Gibbs, this is Mr. Roe.” Flack introduced him. “Gibbs. NCIS.” He said. “Is this how you found the leg?” Gibbs asked as he showed him a photo that Mac had taken earlier. “Yes, Sir. Mr. Wrangler found it in that dumpster.” The man spoke. “When he realized what he was holding, he tossed it to get rid of it. Landed there. Funny, huh?” Gibbs looked at him with a question. “What?” “How it landed. Like it was climbing in the stairs.” The man explained. “You think finding a severed leg of a Marine is funny?” Gibbs questioned the man. “No Sir, I don’t.” “Find the rest of the body?” Gibbs questioned on. “Not yet. Det. Taylor’s boys are checking all the dumpsters and the town garbage pit.” The man said and left after Gibbs’ nod.

“D’Angelo.” Gibbs called. Jordan walked over to Gibbs while Tony took pictures, and Ziva was sketching. Mac and Stella were doing their own investigation and McGee was finishing a phone call. “Yes Gibbs.” Jordan answered. He motioned with his head to come over. And so she did. “Weren’t you stationed in Chicago?” Gibbs asked. “Needed a change of scenery.” Jordan told him. “Applied for a job at NYPD.” “We need to talk.” Gibbs said. “I know.” Jordan answered. “But not here. This is work.” Jordan kept it professionally. “When?” Gibbs looked worried. “Later.” Jordan told him as she wrote down Stella’s address, then she went back to the scene. “Hey D’Angelo!” Gibbs called after Jordan. She turned around and looked at him uncertainly. “Good to see you again.” Gibbs smiled. A blushing smile appeared on Jordan’s face.

After the teams had collected all the evidence they headed back to the crime lab to call it a night. It had been a long day and the case wasn’t going anywhere till they got some results from Ducky and Sid. So Gibbs and his team went to the hotel to check in and Mac’s team called it a night as well.
^^^ Ya Think, Nat? :lol::lol::lol:


Later that evening Stella came out of the bathroom getting ready for her date with Mac. Standing in front of the closet she reached for a pair of black trousers and her favourite pink top. She put the clothes on and took a look in the mirror for the result. Suddenly she heard a knock on her door.

“C’mon in, Jordan.” Stella invited. Jordan took a peek around the door and put on her best pouty face. “No way Bonasera, that’s not working!” She shrieked. “Excuse me?” Stella dazed. “It’s one of Mac’s favourites.”
“That might be Sweet chicks, but that’s our Working Mac, tonight you are on a date with sinister Mac.” Jordan blinked. “And that isn’t hot enough.” Jordan stated.

“Jordan, this is Mac we’re talking about.” Stella quiped. “Exactly! With you looking like that Mac is gonna think of you as his working partner, and he’ll feel like your boss again.” Jordan laughed. “And you definitely want to be with a casual Mac tonight.” She blurted on. “Let’s see what else is in your closet.” Jordan went over and opened the closet door.

“Okay, I got the message.” Stella admitted. “What have you got in mind?” Stella said in surprise. “How long have we got?” Jordan asked as she reached for Stella’s watch to look at the time. “About called a cab for in about an hour.” Stella gasped. “Well we’d better hurry then, you undress and I’ll pick something hot out for you.” Jordan giggled.

Stella undressed while Jordan too out a beautiful deep blue low cut summer dress. That would look awesome on Stella, Jordan thought. She handed the dress over and went looking for a pair of matching shoes. When she got back Stella was disapproving the outfit in the mirror.

“Jordan, this dress too much and it isn’t quite warm enough outside.” She moaned. But Jordan was not about to give in yet. “So, don’t you have a matching wrap or something?” “Top drawer.” Jordan went to the top drawer and handed Stella a beautiful light silk shawl to go with the dress. “Perfect Stell.” Jordan complimented.

“I don’t know Jordan, isn’t this a bit too formal?” “I tell you Stella, it’s not too formal and not that casual as those black trousers.” Jordan protested. “How about this one?” Stella reached for a very flowery dress with half long sleeves. Jordan let herself fall back to the bed. “Jeez Stell, we’re not living in the fifties anymore.” “Hey, don’t judge my taste in clothes.” Stella said when she threw the dress on the top of Jordan. Jordan got up, lay the dress on the bed and reached for a black white dotted dress that she held up in front of her.

“Well, with this one you look like a Dalmatian.” Jordan giggled. “What were you thinking when you bought it, girl?” She rolled her eyes. Stella stuck out her tongue, took the dress from Jordan and threw it on the bed. She then reached out for a black dress and showed it to Jordan. “Too formal.” Jordan whined. “Oh, I’ve had it. Give me that blue dress.” Stella gave in. A satisfied Jordan jumped off the bed and handed Stella her dress and left for the living room. “Just leave the dressed, I’ll clean up later.” Jordan offered.

Fifteen minutes later Stella came out of the bed room wearing the clothes Jordan had picked out for her. She escorted Stella to the front door, handed her a night bag and got a questionably look from Stella. Jordan sniggered, gave Stella a quick peck on her cheek and pushed her out of the door. Suddenly the door opened again and Jordan came running after Stella.

“Wait up Stell, you forgot something here.” Jordan breathed for air. “What?” Stella was startled. “These.” Jordan handed her a pack of condoms. “We don’t want history to repeat itself, right? Uncle Mac will have his hands full with this little one first.” Jordan rubbed her belly and turned to back inside. “Have a great night Stella, see you tomorrow.” Jordan shouted and closed the door, leaving a stunned Stella in the hallway. “Kicked out of my own apartment.” Stella murmurred and left for her taxi.

LOL at the condoms.
I loved the Jordan/Stella interaction and Gibbs and Jordan were cute. It was really interesting reading about Gibbs not so sure of himself when he saw Jordan, he's so confident and in-control usually on the show it's nice to see his 'vulnerable' side. Loved Adam being so eager to show Abby around, LOL, it's just so Adam! I liked the little character traits you weave into the story like Tony's reaction to the mention of women, him talking about films on the plane ride, Gibbs and coffee.
Oooh, Gibbs' memory of his and Jordan's night together was :drool::drool::drool: and it sounds like Mac and Stella may be in for a very special night of their own too.:devil: Love Jordan referring to 'sinister' and 'casual' Mac.:drool::drool::drool: I can't wait to see Stella's reaction to seeing that side of Mac, and his reaction to her dress.

I love the your banner for the story too. Mac and Gibbs and coffee....I love all 3!

Oh, and the title is fantastic too, Mac and Gibbs are 'heroes and everyday men' both as Marines and in their jobs now.
Thanks for the comments :)
OK, after some friendly advice, we're going on with the story.


Gibbs stepped out of the cab he had called for and checked the address of the building that he was facing now. He figured he had waited long enough and wanted some answers from Jordan. He threw away the empty coffee cup, opened the door and headed for the elevator that took him to the 3rd floor. Then he rang the doorbell.

“Did you forget anything Stella?” Jordan opened the door. Gibbs turned toward Jordan who looked spooked.

“You okay, Jordan?” He asked slightly worried.

“Uh… yes.” Jordan assured. “I just wasn’t expecting you.”

“You said later, this is later Jordan.” Gibbs stayed calm as he stared at Jordan.

“You know, that glare won’t work on me.” Jordan opened the door for Gibbs. “But do come in.” She walked toward the living room, Gibbs followed.

“Can I get you something?” Jordan offered.

“Coffee, Bourbon? Oh no Bourbon, that’s what got us in this mess to start with.” Jordan babbled and left for the kitchen to start the coffee machine.

Gibbs was on her tail. She reached for the coffee box and when she turned she bumped literally in to Gibbs. The box fell, spilling the coffee all over the floor.

“Jordan…” Gibbs started.

“Gibbs, I need to clean this up first.” Jordan kneeled and started sweeping the coffee together. Gibbs knelt down as well and clutched Jordan’s arm.

“Jordan hold on, let me help you.” Gibbs offered.

Jordan stood up and walked back to the living room where she sat down on the couch staring out through the window. Five minutes later Gibbs had joined her.

“Jordan…” He tried again. “Why are you really in New York and don’t give that crap about needing a change of scenery again.” He advised. Jordan kept quiet.

“You told me how much you loved that job, there’s no way in hell that you gave it up.” Gibbs almost shouted.

“Well I loved it so much that it got me fired.” Jordan shot back. She almost added ‘and knocked up’ when she realized what she was yelling for. “I blew it Gibbs…” Jordan calmed down.

“You regret it?” Gibbs asked out of the blue.

“What?” Jordan asked surprised. “That it happened.” Gibbs explained. Jordan nodded no.

“We both needed it at the time.” Gibbs nodded in agreement.

“I just regret that you left in the middle of the night.” Jordan looked up.

“Gibbs, I had a job to get back to.”

“I know, but you don’t now.” Gibbs said.

“Mac wouldn’t fire me; he more likely would kill me.” Gibbs felt like Jordan suppressed something, but decided he had put her through enough tonight.

“So, how about that Bourbon?” He asked instead.

“Sure, I’ll get you some.” Jordan stood up and went for the cabinet.

“Join me?”

“I’ll have a just a soda, besides that’s what got us-”

“Ok, ok, I get the picture here.” Gibbs interrupted with a laugh. Jordan poured Gibbs a glass of Bourbon and handed him the drink.

“Nice apartment.” Gibbs complimented while he turned on the TV.

“Not mine though.” Jordan confessed. “It’s Stella’s.” “I still need to find one of my own.” Jordan took a sip of her soda and sat down next to Gibbs.

“That’s why I saw Stella leave.” Gibbs commented.

“You saw Stella?” That had gotten Jordan’s attention.

“You talked to her?” Jordan asked nicely.

“No, only said I saw her.” Gibbs replied.

“Ok, wanna watch this movie?” Jordan had a sudden interest in the TV guide.

“Sure.” Gibbs kicked off his shoes and put them on the coffee table.

“Mind if I snuggle in to you?” Jordan enquired. Gibbs gave her his famous glare. “As friends you nutter.” She joked.

“Sure.” Jordan made herself commutable against Gibbs’ chest.

Half way through the movie Gibbs noticed that Jordan had dozed off to sleep. He got up, searched for a blanket and covered Jordan with it. Because he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries this he kissed Jordan softly on her forehead.

“Night Angel.” He whispered soft.

Jordan snuggled in to her blanket and mumbled, “Night Probie.” Jordan mumbled in her sleep.


Meanwhile back at Mac’s apartment Stella stood at the front door considering whether to use her spare key or not. She remembered Jordan’s words ‘This is a real date’ and put the spare key back in to her purse. She rang the doorbell and waited.

When Mac opened the door he was dead struck by Stella’s appearance.

“Mac, close your mouth, you’re catching flies.” Stella joked.

Mac’s cheeks went all red and it took him a moment to speak.

“You look amazing, Stell.” Mac complimented.

“Come on in.” Stella followed Mac.

“You don’t look half as bad yourself, Taylor.” She chuckled enjoying the back view. Mac stopped, looked at his butt and then stared at Stella. “You know, she started, “You should wear more casual at work.”

She slowly walked towards Mac and stroke her finger along the V-line of his T-shirt.

“This…” She kissed him softly on his lips. “… is far more attractive than to ties.” Mac lay his hands around her waist and pulled Stella and pulled Stella in for a deeper kiss.

“Hi” Stella greeted him as they parted their lips.

“Hi yourself, Gorgeous.” Mac blushed.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Hmm… red wine, please.”

Mac took Stella’s hand and together they walked to the kitchen. While Stella got the glasses, Mac got a bottle of red wine and poured the glasses.

“Dinner will be ready soon.” Mac informed.

“Hmm… smells good, what are we having?”

“Mexican steak.” Mac pulled Stella in for another kiss.

“Hmm… perfect.” Stella commented.

“Steak or kiss?” Mac teased.

“Both.” Stella whispered.

“Follow me, Gorgeous.” Mac reached for Stella’s hand and led her to the dining room.

“Mac, this is wonderful” Stella complimented as she admired the set dinner table with candles all around. Mac pulled the chair back for Stella to take a seat. She smiled gratefully as she sat down.

“Be right back.” He whispered in her ear and left for the kitchen.

Three minutes later Mac walked back in with two plates and served one to Stella. He then sat down himself.

“This is real good, Mac.” Stella said as she tasted Mac’s cooking.

“Why, tank you. It’s been too long since I cooked a real meal, Stell.” Mac admitted.

“Yeah, I know what you mean, having dinner by yourself doesn’t really invite to cook.” Stella agreed.

“So let’s enjoy this before it get’s cold.” “Good idea.” Mac chuckled.

After dinner Mac poured them another glass of wine while Stella took the dishes to the kitchen. He then dimmed the lights and took the glasses of wine to the living room. He turned on some soft music, lighted some candles and relaxed on the couch for Stella to return.

Fifteen minutes later Stella still wasn’t back and Mac had dozed off a bit. Suddenly he heard a little cough. Mac swallowed as he opened his eyes.

“Hello Mac…” she murmured.

“Stella…” He didn’t expect to find Stella standing in the doorway with a black almost see-through negligee. Her hair was lose and hanging over her shoulders.

“Like what you see?” she said amused.

“Stell…” Mac got up Stella moved seductively towards Mac. He moved forward to Stella while stripping off his shirt before he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“I need you Mac…”

Within seconds Mac greedily claimed her mouth. He picked Stella up carried her to the bedroom. Stella trembled in his hold, taking what he was giving her as she returned his kiss. Gently he lay her on the bed and within moment she had him out of his clothes and he consumed with passion, ripping her negligee off, revealing her sexy body to his gaze.

Mac didn’t hold back. He touched and tasted every inch of her body. Stella couldn’t believe it that this beautiful man could make her release that powerful. She moaned and cried out as he discovered her sensitive spots. But she wanted more. She wanted him and was holding that part away from her.

“Make love to me, Mac. Please!” She murmured, pulling him on top of her as she lay down and clamped her legs around his hips.

“Stella…” He whispered.

“Take me. Take me now, she demanded.

He made wild passionate love to her, both overwhelmed by the sensation. Exhausted, satisfied and happy they fell asleep, Stella safely spooned in to Mac.

Gibbs got up at six the next day. For some reason he couldn’t sleep. Something about this case was nagging him. If they had found a leg and a sock, why didn’t find a shoe? They were missing something here. He changed in to some sweats and an old NIS jumper, and headed out for his morning run to the park.

When he got there he noticed that it was near the crime scene. But that wasn’t the only thing he noticed. Also jogging is the park was Jordan. He decided to catch up with her.

“Hey D’Angelo!” He called out for Jordan. “Wait up!”

Jordan stopped and turned. Gibbs ran towards her. When he reached her he caught up Gibbs bent over trying to catch his breath. Jordan poked him in the ribs.

“You are out of shape Gibbs”.“Ya think Jordan?!” He shot back. “

You go for a run every morning?” Gibbs asked Jordan. “

Only when I need to think.” Jordan answered.

“Something on your mind?” Gibbs was interested.

“Yeah, about the case.” Jordan helped Gibbs up.

“Like what?” Gibbs got curious.

“Well, why didn’t we find some footwear?” Jordan threw her hands in the air.

“Yeah, exactly my thoughts.” Gibbs acknowledged.

“You know what? Why don’t we go back and search the premises?” Jordan suggested.

“Lead the way, Angel.” Gibbs remarked. Jordan gave Gibbs one of his own famous glares and led on.

As the walked along a pond Jordan observed the grass. “What’s that in the soil?”

Gibbs kneeled down and took a closer look. “It’s a footprint.” He observed the print. “About the same size as the foot.”

Jordan glanced around. “Well I can’t see any shoes lying around.” She remarked.

“What about the pond?” Gibbs looked up.

“Could definitely be a good place to drop it.” Jordan agreed.

Gibbs got up. “Well…?”

Jordan gave him a dubious look. “Well what?”

“It’s not that deep, step in to it.” Gibbs ordered.

“Me?” Jordan shrieked. “Why not you?” She demanded.

“I outrank you.” Gibbs said annoyed.

“Oh no Mister, that’s not how it works here.” Jordan stopped him. “We’re pulling straws.” “The one that loses, is dumpster diving.” She insisted.

Gibbs walked to a tree and ripped some sticks from it. He then made sure two of them were shorter. He held them in his closed hand and gave Jordan the honour. He then pulled his own straw and showed it to Jordan.

“Looks like you’re going on a little diving trip, D’Angelo.” Gibbs pointed to the pond.
