H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

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hokay.......hokay........ HOKAY! */hyperventilating* You know , the sad thing is, I can actually see the chemistry between Eric and Calleigh, I mean...... I feel like it's pulling me in and make me want to jump ship! help meeeee...! :lol: Grissom_Mad........ I am with you 100% it just maskes me want to cry.....but We have to stick true to our values, stand up for what we beleive in.....as a united front, I'm sure we'll get somewhere in the DuCaine department ;)
@BulletGirl for me.....

Eric would have to get an attitude adjustment before I can accept him with ANYONE, let alone Calleigh....Marisol's death, his bullet to the brain, have all scrambled his emotional state.....she doesn't need that burden. Hopefully, all the focus will be in H after the crash and any romance with Eric will be put on the backburner. And YOU, Bullet_Girl - get BACK on the DUCAINE SHIP - RIGHT NOW !!!!

Mommy! :D :p :lol: I didn' say "Woman overobard" yet.... I just feel their pull, you know? If you want my absolute second thoughts on this situation... (my first ones are all EWWW! and other immature things :p) I think Calleigh is just pulling an "Allison Cameron" thing, having a need to take people in and nurse them back to health.... But, to be honest, I think Eric will be a little 'different' 'till the show ends....I like him and all, but oh please god.....do not make him start drooling! :lol: I just watched Steve-o from Jackass snort wasabi up his nose, and if that wasn't enough to make me sick on an empty stomach, Eric drooling might do the trick....... Now I sound like a selfish (and still immature :rolleyes:) little brat :( and that's not what being a DuCainer is all about..... getting a little snarky over turf wars, maybe.... but not bratty :p

EDIT: I wonder if all the extra activity in here all of a sudden has alerted the mods? :lol: I mean, it's normally pretty relaxed in here.....but with our ship (and for some our whole schedule and life *points to self* well, not really that bad, but you get the point?) in jeopardy, it feels like we're going into over-drive! :lol:
All right everyone calm down, H is going to be fine and Cal will be by his side... as always! :D :lol:
We have to have hope! ;)

Here, I should name this one hope! This will give you all hope! :devil: :devil: :devil: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bullet_Girl daring to jump ship? :eek: Mebbe I should send you the snippet from the fic I'm working on at the moment, that'll make you think twice. ;)

Hcrazy: Your manips as always hun, rock. \m/ :cool:

CathStokes: Mo better not!! Especially after that delish little preview I gave her of my fic that I mentioned to Bullet_Girl. *Makes point to poke Mo with schtick when she sees her on MSN to grab her attention better.* :p

I can safely after I finish playing King's Quest III, I'm going to go run up and watch Recoil later, holy cow does that look good!! :eek: H you better get over to check on your gal make sure she's okay!! I got chased out the frontroom last night just as I started watching the episode; that's the only TV that has High Def and Mom wanted to catch Dancing with the Stars.

At the risk of going OT can I just go Heather!! \m/ I'm absolutely drooling at the sheer thought of Horatio and Calleigh dancing to the tango. RAWR!! :eek: :devil:
I guess there is hope, I mean look at Grissom and Sara. It took them what 6,7 years to get together, so maybe by the time season 6 and 7 come around H and Cal will be together. But until then we have seasons 1, 2 and read fan fiction to keep us happy.
I'm not considering jumping ship, so to speak.... it's just this feeling of defeat washing over me (I have a cold and am depressed...so sue me! :p :lol:)But I giggled so hard when I made this:


It's lame, but I like it.....heh. :p and Y'alls know I'm a DuCainer no matter what happens, right? *struggles to get out of straight jacket Mo placed me in* :devil: :lol:

And, yes please....send me a bit of your ficcie..... just one question though..... Does it involve smut or is it relatively tame? either type is fine ;)
HIYAll :D I hope you feel better soon BG. New poem posted in FanFic. Also started new story in Crossover. Have a look. I finally managed to find the avatar I've been looking for all I need to do now is hope to hear back from someone over in FanArt to make me the romantic banner of H/C/M/S. It needs to be very romantic as it will be the only one I'll use for the poetry and stories. Talk to yall later. :)
well I say- just KEEP the Faith- even the actor who plays Eric- did n't know how MUCH Eric/Cal they would do- so nothing has probably been filmed- they are just thinking of doing something for next season- I just hope it is VERY low key--- to NON -existant- I really do NOT want to see them together- Eric- needs to get himself well- maybe it will be more Cal trying to take care of him and look out for him-- and He will mistake that for love- or something- either way this show does NOT bring (romance) for any of the characters in the forefront- so we NOT get any bedroom scenes or anything- I still just hope they "drop it " and will give us MORE DuCaine scenes- the finale will mean some good scenes when they return for hte new season- and UNTIL then- our fanfic writers have some really good ofdder to wrok with- H hurt and needing comfort- Cal angst about H being hurt- etc-
As the tagline for the 'Office Space' movie poster reads: "Work Sucks."

Anyway, I have a few thoughts on the alleged season finale:

I see this as the perfect opportunity for H and Cal to realise their feelings for each other. If H really gets injured, then I can picture a 'Man Down'-esque scene in which Cal sits by H's hospital bed, only in this ep, she's just holding his hand and hoping with all of her might that H doesn't die. She'll then realise that she keeps herself at his side because she's in love with him and wants to be with him in every step that he takes. To keep from prattling on forever, I'll just leave it at this: Prime DuCaine moment...TPTB, do not fail us!!!
If Horatio get's so badly injured like Eric in Mac Down things may be different..He is the boss!!...I can see the team and especially Cal doing their best to find who did it..and of course I hope we'll have good moments..and do not dare to leave us hanging like in CSI:NY last season..H can't and won't die but yeah..

Nice manip[?]and banner :p :)!
Well to just reaffirm our DuCaine love--- let's do this-- on antoehr forum that i read one poster asked us our reason Why we love Ducaine-- so let's do that--
let's each of us - give OUR own personal reasons why we LOVE DuCaine and feel they should be endgame-- who knows maybe TPTB really do read some of these threads and if not at least we will be reaffirming OUR love
i'll go first
I LOVE Ducaine becuase of how they RELATE to each ohter- I think that H is really very caring and kind with calleigh -esp. in season 1 and 2-- even in season 3--- although we do NOT get as many interactions - the ones we do get are all Prime--- like in Lost Son(season 3--- it was obvious even "before the Hug" that H needed Calleigh- H kept looking at calliegh like he was drawing strength from her-- really that whole eppy was a " ship ahoy special"---- then we have Under suspecion--- my next fav--- the way H sent for Calleigh- the tender way she attended to his wounds- i eman comeon-- and then we have After the Fall-- again their concern for each other-- at first i was concerned becuase it seemed like Calleigh was upset at H (for taking her off the case)BUT they included that littel shippers moment- at the end when she said " goodnight to him and they confirmed that H knew what he was doing all along- and let calliegh acknolwegde it--- and Dispo Day and just so many on-- we all know -one of the BEST shipper moments ever was when Calliegh's hummer when down and H was right there so sweet and caring- I eman- HOW can we NOT love these two-- I STILL hold out hope that they are just toying with E/C- becuase they are NOT ready to give us H&C yet-- they want it to be near the end of the shows run and CSIM is still red hot! and strokin-- so--- what are YOUR reasons for loving Ducaine
Hello all!! I'm a bit sniffly today, like poor BG!! :( *sneeze* Feeling better already just posting here!! :)

@ bringirl2001: That's a really nice question, something nice to discuss! :) I posted this reply in BG's board, which I think sums up my reasons why I love DuCaine so much!:
The reason why I like them is because they are both such wonderful, compassionate people with a drive to seek justice for victims. They compliment each other so well, and I adore their chemistry!! They look so good together, they work well together, they are meant to be together. Writing fics and scripted scenes for them is a joy, as they have such deep and complex characters. They intrigue me, their character dynamics are amazing, and I believe we've only seen the tip of the ice-berg when it comes to their potential as a canon couple!! :D

Just to conclude, I just love them both, I want them to be happy with each other; they just inspire me in so many ways. Really, Horatio and Calleigh are my passion, and their ship is a major part of my life. I'm so honoured and so lucky to experience their woderful relationship, and I hope there's loads more to come!! That's if all of us stole the scripts and made some 'alterations'!! *evil laugh* :devil:

What do the rest of you think?? :) Love to hear!! :)

Here's pic of Calleigh from 'Breathless'. Like any red-blooded woman, she appreciates the velvet sound of Horatio talking:

Hmmm... keep talking, Horatio...

;) :devil:

There are so many songs by Lifehouse and The Fray that remind me of DuCaine, have to add them to the song thread sometime!!

Be back on Friday, I've some homework to catch up on!! :rolleyes: Right now, BG are having a ball RPing at her forum! And creating some very sweet and smutty scenes!! :devil: :lol:

Cova what'd I do now? :lol: Just kidding, I swear it's just that I'm horrid at noticing people on MSN, not that I'm ignoring you, really! :D

BG I understand the temptation to jump ship minion... ;) I won't hate you for those thoughts! :D

Why do I love DuCaine...because she has hot flashes when he's around...and he loves her in all black...because they smolder when they're together and know eachother so well they can finish each other's sentences! :D What's not to love! :D
BG I understand the temptation to jump ship minion... I won't hate you for those thoughts!
Of course you wont. :rolleyes: :lol: :p :D

and why I like DuCaine? this is my reason copied and pasted from DuCaine Discussion..:

Hmmmm....Well, I can't really explain why I like them together, I have lov ed them since the show started 5 years ago and I see they have this amazing chemistry, their attitudes are perfectly fitted for eachother aswell....okay, I'm going to stop right now, because I'll end up going on an extremely long rant no one wants to hear

Heh....... I really was going to do at least 3 paragraphs :p
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