Happy Easter everyone!! Don't eat too much chocolate!!
Wow, that quote from 'Dispo Day' is so sexy!

Always one of my favourite moments, 'cos she is so cute and he just listens to her as she tells every detail of what she did for the last 8 hours! "I ate a granola bar..." His voice was so soothing when he talked to her. I've noticed that his voice always has this extra note of deepness when he talks to her privately. It was the same in 'The Best Defence" when he asked her about her well-being...
(Horatio looks up and sees Calleigh coming in.)
HORATIO: How concerned should I be about you?
CALLEIGH: I'm fine.
HORATIO: Are you sure?
(She smiles shakily) Ok...
(He gives her one final look before moving on...)
EyeHeartH said:
*H delivers Cal a slow yet passionate kiss*
H: Are your lips numb?
*Cal sighs with relief, heart overcome with desire*
Cal: Yes.
And the little change in the dialogue is so sweet!!

I suppose Horatio had to ask that question, but he was thinking to himself, 'Let me see if they're numb... *drool*' That's hot!
@ BG: If you use that dialogue, OMG! That would be so cool! There would be silence, and you'll convert more people to DuCaine!!

I have a one-track mind!
@ EyeHeartH: Your grandma rules!!

Wow, having a DuCainer in your own family!! That must be so cool! And recognising Marisol as well!
One day in school, I was singing 'How To Save a Life', thinking of
starbuckhan's DuCaine vid, and someone asked me why I was singing it. I said, "It's from a video on YouTube, a CSI: Miami video..." I paused before saying, "It was a Horatio and Caleigh video..." She said, "Horatio and the blonde girl?" I said, "Yeah!" A coupe people in my school know about CSI: Miami, but not in a shippy sense, sadly!!

I could have brought them onlne and showed them the glory of H/C thorugh all the great videos and caps!!!
The DuCaine Wiki is looking great!!

And there are several DuCaine moments up on YouTube and the Wiki aswell!!

We are taking over! We are 'end game', which is a great way of putting it!!!!
'Officer Down' CSI: DuCaine will be posted today!! I'll be finished typing in few hours. Something to look forward to!!
Byee!! *runs to eat more chocolate*