Hello all!
@ Jennifer: Those are excellent ideas!!
EyeHeartH and I have been brainstorming a part of my working progress that is my 'Officer Down' inpired CSI: DuCaine. That idea you mentioned is so sweet, I ought to write that one!!

If it was the good ol' days of S1, I'mcertain that would have already happened, but the way things panned out...

I will definitely work it into a future scene, and give you credit aswell,
@ HCrazy: You're a star, did you know that??

I am loving the manips. The one with Horatio holding her and her expression... :devil: I drooled and screamed so much!

Great job with the other manips too! You ought to post some of them in the Photo Manipulation thread, where everyone can appreciate them, 'cos they are excellent!!
Hmmm, just about those spoilers... I think we should just play it by ear. Nothing is set in stone, so let's wait and see. *has niggling thoughts in the back of my head* Seeing Calleigh in Horatio's home would be such a huge bonus... build up the suspense to see who's there, like in CSI: LV at the end of S6. Remember Sara and Grissom??
But why would they fire H?? Hmmm, I'll say no more... like I said, nothing is definite yet... *gets paranoid*
About the postcard campaign, will we all save the postcards, print them and mail them to the writers?? Or will we send them a little e-mail full of
HCrazy's manips?? Wow, it's really happening! Getting excited now! If we were a part of making DuCaine canon, wouldn't that be amazing??

If we made an impact, such an impact that things changed??!! Power to the people, baby!!!

@ bringirl2001: Good point. There is too much chemistry between David and Emily to ignore, although the writers have chosen to ignore it... it's enough to drive you round the bend!! Together with our postcards, I'm sure we can make a change!

And I agree that they make the show... it wouldn't be the same without either of them, but it hasn't been the same since they haveb't been investigating together...
This is the arguement I have come up with regarding the absence of Horatio and Calleigh scenes, why they are not working together, and the reasons for them to have their old camraderie back: The writers probably don't want to overshadow the rest of the cast by bringing in a romantic relationship between Horatio and Calleigh, seeing how they're the two leads... and they probably want the shpw to be science-based, and not as much relationship involved. There should be a balance at least, and less of Horatio being alone. How much torture can one character go through? And Calleigh's had her fair share of trouble with Hagen and the car-crash 'Going Under', and her father's drinking problems. How long can two people suffer and continue to be pillars of strength to the team and victims?? That is why they are so suited to one another. They both have had their angst in the past, they have both seen oblivion and tasted sadness, they are the foundation of the team... and I believe they are the only ones who can help one another find true happiness and true love. *big sigh* Writing for Horatio and Calleigh has inspired me...
EVERYONE: 'She's way too cheerful...'

Hee hee, that's me!!
Back Wednesday!!