Hi!! Page 3 already!!
'Under Suspicion' has to rank up there in any DuCainer's favourite eppies, because we get:
1) Calleigh in all-black. *Horatio: homina, homina!* :lol: Easy, H!

2) Their hands touching... *YEAHHH!!!*

3) Horatio confiding in Calleigh about the girl he protected from Resden.
4) 4 full scenes together! (Now that's an achievement by S4 standards!) Wow... look at all the 4's!!
I agree with
Mo and
EyeHeartH about Calleigh being sensitive about Horatio's 'other woman'. She didn't want to feel jealously, but it was there very deep down maybe... who knows? Calleigh opted to remain professional, and she did the right thing by fighting to clear Horatio's name. She behaved ethically, she didn't question him about the girl, she followed the evidence. That is love to me; someone willing to sacrifice their personal feelings to protect someone they love... no amount of distance can ever change that. This line from John Montague's poem, 'All Legendary Obstacles' is fitting, in my opinion, for what we have witnessed in S4 and much of S5 for Horatio and Calleigh.:
'All legendary obstacles lay between
Us, the long imaginary plain...'
The obstacles this ship is facing are only imagined, they are not physical, but they are legendary in their power to psuh Horatio and Calleigh apart. But the message of this poem is that love can overcome the greatest of hurdles, the tallest of mountains, the greatest of distances, and 'all legendary obstacles', no matter what they mat be. Hope someone found some consolation in these lines... English class finally paid off!! :lol:
She must believe that if Horatio is happy, she's happy. That is not obviously the case when it pertains to Marisol. I have actually written a post 'Open Water' scene for Horatio and Calleigh, you know, after Horatio 'proposes' to Marisol.... I don't know whether to post it or not... I might PM it to
sissi59100, and get the all-clear first. I don't want to post anything with spoilers, or even going against what transpired... I'll see how it pans out...
@EyeHeartH: Great pics!! Love Calleigh's smile! Also shows how in-tune they are with each other. Horatio can read her mind... that is how close their bond is. Apart they may be, but that bond is indestructable.
And finally... *drum roll* here's another UTT pic! :devil: I'm so bad! These are non-intentional remember! *yeah right!*
Here's Horatio from 'Entrance Wound'.
What can I say?
I'll be whacked by the meter if I keep this up!!
I'll be updating CSI: DuCaine tomorrow or Sunday, so you can look forward to that!