Lab Technician
*skips in humming* I've finished my homework for today, and I'm ready for some H/C!! 
*looks around thread* Hellooo??? *echo, echo* Where is everyone?? Must be busy, oh well...
First off, miamirocks that was such an intense dream!! If I dreamt anything remotely like that, I'd wake up screaming and crying!! And don't worry, we all have Speed on the brain. I got really emotional when I saw those new promo pics on the Modern Day Gallery. Oh, Speedle... *sniff*
And to think, he was the reason why we have 'The Hug' between H and Cal!! He was really great... can't wait for that eppie!!
Anyway, back on track... Sounds like a worst case scenario with H's son going down that bad road. Let's hope that will never happen, for his and Horatio's sake, and ultimately Calleigh's too. *shudder* Let's not go there. If there ever happened to be a scene with Calleigh, Horatio and Kyle, I think it would be filled with so much tension and it would be so exciting! Horatio telling the woman he cares about that this is is son, and saying to Kyle, "Meet your new mother..." In my dreams!!! :lol:
Hi, DuCaineluvr93!!! Nice to have another DuCainer about the place!!
Have a ncie time in here, and just a little warning: we're a bit obsessed. Wait, let me rephrase that... we're COMPLETELY obsessed!! :lol: And thank you for that little spoiler tidbit. Ooohh, sounds like a H/C storyline to me!! Hmm, the plot thickens!!! 
Here's a quickie question for everyone: how do you think Calleigh is going to react when Horatio tells her about Kyle? I think she would be pleasantly shocked and surprised that he would keep such a thing a secret. Maybe he demmed it unimportant, and since didn't come up in conversation before, he let it be. I suppose he's hardly going to be so casual about it, for example,
H: "I like long walks on the beach, and oh yeah, I have a son..."
Unlikely... Perhaps it was a divorce when he was working in New York, well before he met Calleigh. But if he trusted her, why wouldn't he tell her? There is a lot of grey area concerning this, but maybe he didn't want to burden her with sadness from his past, or get her involved in this complicated situation. He can be so considerate almost to the point of frustration sometimes... Only time will tell if Calleigh and the others find out about Kyle. That should make for an interesting convo between Horatio and Calleigh, picking up from 'Under Suspicion' when he was about to tell her everything.
After a long hiatus, I've written another CSI: DuCaine scene!! This is the 'Amelie' scene inspired by the French film, which I hope you'll enjoy!! Here's the link, please review!!
CSI: DuCaine!!
See ya!!

*looks around thread* Hellooo??? *echo, echo* Where is everyone?? Must be busy, oh well...
First off, miamirocks that was such an intense dream!! If I dreamt anything remotely like that, I'd wake up screaming and crying!! And don't worry, we all have Speed on the brain. I got really emotional when I saw those new promo pics on the Modern Day Gallery. Oh, Speedle... *sniff*
Anyway, back on track... Sounds like a worst case scenario with H's son going down that bad road. Let's hope that will never happen, for his and Horatio's sake, and ultimately Calleigh's too. *shudder* Let's not go there. If there ever happened to be a scene with Calleigh, Horatio and Kyle, I think it would be filled with so much tension and it would be so exciting! Horatio telling the woman he cares about that this is is son, and saying to Kyle, "Meet your new mother..." In my dreams!!! :lol:
Hi, DuCaineluvr93!!! Nice to have another DuCainer about the place!!
Here's a quickie question for everyone: how do you think Calleigh is going to react when Horatio tells her about Kyle? I think she would be pleasantly shocked and surprised that he would keep such a thing a secret. Maybe he demmed it unimportant, and since didn't come up in conversation before, he let it be. I suppose he's hardly going to be so casual about it, for example,
H: "I like long walks on the beach, and oh yeah, I have a son..."
Unlikely... Perhaps it was a divorce when he was working in New York, well before he met Calleigh. But if he trusted her, why wouldn't he tell her? There is a lot of grey area concerning this, but maybe he didn't want to burden her with sadness from his past, or get her involved in this complicated situation. He can be so considerate almost to the point of frustration sometimes... Only time will tell if Calleigh and the others find out about Kyle. That should make for an interesting convo between Horatio and Calleigh, picking up from 'Under Suspicion' when he was about to tell her everything.
After a long hiatus, I've written another CSI: DuCaine scene!! This is the 'Amelie' scene inspired by the French film, which I hope you'll enjoy!! Here's the link, please review!!
CSI: DuCaine!!
See ya!!