H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

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Hang in there MIAMIROCKS!! You know they start to shift things eventually, just keep remembering that!! We may not get them involved romantically but surely they will have some scenes! Have that really not had a scene since February...are you freaking serious??? They may as well have just called the last half of season 5 ; CSI: the 'Eric has a bullet in his brain so he is dillusional & thinks calleigh likes him now & she tries to be nice by being goofy & googly eyed' show!

It will change around, it always does! My apologies if I offended anyone w/ that!
We may not get them involved romantically but surely they will have some
Oh!!! but they are :D

Let me explain what makes DuCaine :D :D

Since the begining for Miami, Calleigh and Horatio have a shared a very special bond :). The kind of bond that comes along once in a lifetime ;). so many feelings, and love these two have for each other, also their respect to their jobs, their co-workers and each other, is another point that makes them DuCaine. ;) :D

The thing is....these two have a hidden bond, a bond made of the strongest, and deepest passion and sensual chemistry :). The reason they have taken so long, to allow themselves to love each other, is because they have given each other their compassion already, and now need to explore the chemistry that has always been DuCaine. :D ;)

So hold on tight, because their love is destined to happen, It's written in the stars, the moon, the skies, and Heaven, that DuCaine love is True Love.

DuCaine Forever :D :D
They may as well have just called the last half of season 5 ; CSI: the 'Eric has a bullet in his brain so he is dillusional & thinks calleigh likes him now & she tries to be nice by being goofy & googly eyed' show!
Well, I guess that's one interpretation, but we need to remember that 'shipping' (in most cases) is all about how we see things, and we should not really undermine other ships just because we see things differently. That's how bad feelings can develop between ships, and we try to discourage that where possible. Thanks for bearing this in mind.

Back to discussing H/Cal. ;)
Point taken, MiamiDade... :D

Back to discussing H/Cal

Absolutely... ;)

Since the begining for Miami, Calleigh and Horatio have a shared a very special bond . The kind of bond that comes along once in a lifetime . so many feelings, and love these two have for each other, also their respect to their jobs, their co-workers and each other, is another point that makes them DuCaine.

The thing is....these two have a hidden bond, a bond made of the strongest, and deepest passion and sensual chemistry . The reason they have taken so long, to allow themselves to love each other, is because they have given each other their compassion already, and now need to explore the chemistry that has always been DuCaine.

So hold on tight, because their love is destined to happen, It's written in the stars, the moon, the skies, and Heaven, that DuCaine love is True Love

That was sooo beautifully said, luvin'... leave it to the Poet to find just the right way to say things... :)
***Huge, Huge Hugs***

DuCaine is Endgame people... it's just a matter of time until they are drawn back together again... and it will be that much sweeter because of the wait... :devil::D

DuCaine Forever Baby...Yeah!!! :D :devil:
My apologies MIAMIDADE, I understand...I wasn't so much commenting on the ship as I was in the fact that I feel like that storyline hogged the last half of the season 5. Sorry, no hard feelings...carry on.

You have a beautiful view of them LUVIN, & so very true. Question...has anyone ever come strait out & asked Corey Miller about this couple & what was his reply??
Well, I tried to email Corey Miller recently, but unfortunately, b/c of his increased role in the show, he's no longer checking email or replying personally. I certainly can't blame him - I know what it's like to get inundated w/email at work, on top of everything else that has to be done.

I know a few of us previously spoke to Corey about DuCaine, myself included. He basically said the writers "listen to both camps" (those happy w/the show and those unhappy w/where it's headed, ships included). He also said "We hope to have more character development next year as well" - meaning this season, so maybe there's hope.

He's never directly commented to me on DuCaine, and I've heard a lot of people on these boards say he's an E/C shipper, which I never asked him and can't confirm. Anyone else hear from Corey about any of this stuff?

I actually thought mjsudz's post about Season 5 was funny and accurate - I understand not wanting to offend other ships, but I think that was just a comment on the show in general, not really aimed at a ship. However, I respect that opinion, and no offense to any other shippers floating around here.

I'd just like to see H/C work a case together, interact. Anybody who watches this show has to admit it is WEIRD that H/C — the two LEADS — haven't shared a scene since February. I honestly don't think people realize that - maybe if they did, they'd be just as surprised and upset as we are over here.

It's not just about them becoming romantically involved for me (though that's an awesome part of it and would be terrific! ;) ) - it's mainly about two characters that have a great relationship - platonic or otherwise.

Seasons 1-3 showed that great chemistry they have. If you listen to the Season 3 commentary on "After the Fall," you'll hear the writers talk about H/C's relationship, and how, while it was unexpected, they had developed great chemistry. These are people who were writers or producers of the show, not just fans. They recognized it. I just don't understand why TPTB don't take advantage of it anymore.

I think the general CSI:Miami fan enjoyed the interaction between H/C - it was almost like banter. If nothing else, Cal loosened H up and made him more human. Everyone talks about how H has become like a robot, and I still think that's b/c Cal isn't there to ground him, make him smile, etc.

However, I do think the reason it is the "most watched show in the world" is b/c most people in Europe have only seen up to Season 4, from what I understand. And when it became "the most watched show," those overseas were in the middle of Season 3, a great DuCaine year, btw.

Maybe the numbers will speak for themselves - ratings for the season premier were apparently one of the lowest ever for the show, which is unfortunate, b/c I thought the premier was good (except for no H/C scenes).

Maybe this will spur the writers to switch things up and bring back that comaraderie that we're all missing - especially between the two leads - our Dynamic Duo - DuCaine :)
Oh my...page 2....were slipping, folks! Well here is some happiness to chew on...
The new spoiler is that Calleigh is involved in a car wreck & evidentally she had been drinking the night before so her blood alcohol level is low. Stetler is suppose to jump all over her on this. Now if TPTB doesn't screw this up then I think we could get some major DUCAINE out of this epi. Not only would H be concerned about the accident but he would TOTALLY go to any length to defend her, especially to Stetler. Keep in mind, this is epi 9 & they could possibly take out this storyline, but so far Stetler is proving to be on Calleigh's case (&others I think) over personal issues. Horatio will jump in at some point, hes got to. Like I said, UNLESS TPTB don't screw up that great Ducaine connection that they have. Keep your fingers crossed!
OMFG, mjszud... I try not to get all involved in the whole "spoiler" thing anymore, but ... OMFG!!!! I can just imagine all the great scenes we could have with our H/Cal with this storyline!!! :devil: I'm gonna try and not get too excited about this yet, because we all know how TPTB can be... (after the crap that was the S5 finale... it still irks me off :mad: )... But anyway, I think I smell some great DuCaine fanfics cookin' out there... :D

DuCaine Forever Baby... Yeah!!! :D:devil:
*starts writing furiously* Must... write... DuCaine... fanfics... :lol: Hopefully TPTB won't mess it up! We need some good DuCaine scenes here!
Wow - that's pretty awesome news - sounds like it's going to be an intense episode! (I really hope they don't can it like they did w/"Officer Down")

Cal went to bat for H quite a few times - butting heads w/Stetler. I can't see how Horatio won't become involved - if nothing else, he owes it to Calleigh. This could be a good opportunity for H to have a talk w/Cal about how she's doing - kind of a reverse of the scene between them in "After the Fall." Also, remember how protective H was of her when she was dating Hagen? Well, I'm hoping that might come back in this ep - I mean, why else would Cal drinking? It's gotta have something to do w/Jake. And her dad definitely needs to be mentioned - I never thought Calleigh was a "drinker", you know ... b/c of her dad and all. Maybe b/c of what happened to Ryan and Eric, and all the craziness at the lab, she's getting a drinking problem? That would be interesting, although not very in-character, but hey, nobody's really been "in character" the last two years. Whatever brings H and Cal closer, even as friends, is a plus for me. I'm an angst fan, and this has great possiblities for DuCaine.

I'm glad they're finally involving Calleigh in a serious plot line - instead of this "junior high" romance triangle. It does give some hope for DuCaine - they have to talk after something like that, right? Thanks for cheering us all up over here :)
Hello all!! :) I've been soo busy, but I'm so glad to be posting here finally. :) Woo, I'm a lab tech now!! :D

Wow, Luving, you summed them up perfectly, and so beautifully as well. I can say no more, and I believe that that is what will keep our faith in this amazing ship. The beauty of their love defies all limits, and knows no boundaries. We will endure, you'll see. We're like the Grillows ship in CSI: LV, they've struggled over the last 2 seasons, but the shippers have never lost faith, and neither will we.

@ miamirocks: That is a very good point you've raised, and an interesting one at that. I totally agree with you on all counts, and I've never read anything about Corey Miller being E/C, but I could be wrong. Even if there are preferences for certain characters, this is an ensemble show after all, and all the cast need to interact more often, in my opinion.
To pick up again on the Horatio and Calleigh dynamic that is undeniably strong, I'm sure the chemistry and the banter between them is sorely missed by many fans, even more so the older fans who've been hooked since Season 1 and witnessed this pair in action. One thing is for certain: they will find a way to be together once more, defying all odds and overcoming all obstacles. If they do get together in the future, like working a case or chasing evidence, etc, they may be quite relaxed and comfortable around each other, but ther'll be an underlying tension that they're going to have to resolve, i.e 'Why haven't we talked in 8 months or whatever?' Even the greatest of friends and the most trusted of partners can't start talking like they just spoke yesterday when they have spent a long spell of time apart. They would most definitely have to ease back into a good working relationship. have a chat over coffee, get used to each other again. Realistically, that would be the way it could play out. And after they become close like they did before, you'll see sparks fly!! ;) :devil:

Cue then Horatio saying he wants to have a 'talk'(John Kelly talk... *nudge* ;)) a candle-lit dinner at his place and the light going out in the upstairs bedroom... *drool*

Sorry went off on a tangent there... :p Anyhoo... :)

Seeing them working together again this season would be a dream come true for any shipper, because they have both had a long experience of working cases with other people, but nothing can compare to their comraderie from the good ol' days. I'm suspecting that a lot of memories will come flooding back, namely the flirting and the touching and the hug, and before you know it, *POW* Direct hit, Cupid!!! :lol: :D I feel another V-Day scenario coming up... ;)

As you can see from my location, I am planning something big, that will take place on November 18th. Date sound familiar? That's because it is the 'Kill Zone' anniversary, and it's time to bring out the big guns... *sniggers at non-intended pun* :lol:

My plan is simple: flood the CSI: Miami writers with so much DuCaine to make our voices heard, all on the week of the 18th. We can use our postcards from the postcard campaign, and the CBS feedback form on the official website. The aim is to get our point across that this distance between the two leads on the show has gone too far, and we want our scenes back.

Anyone who is bold and daring can even send a piece of black clothing to represent that great quote, or post quotes from 'Kill Zone' such as 'Hot flashes, but that's just me'. As long as they understand the message, this will be a sure success.

I'm starting planning so early because school will keep me busy during the week, and just to get things strted here, and the word spread quickly.

What do you guys think? If the Snickers bar worked for the Sara/Nick shippers, I think that approach will work with us. :)

Here's some images from 'Breathless'. In this first scene, they're alone in the lab, and the tension could be cut with a knife!!

Just the two of us...
Must... resist... urges... aww, forget it!! *pounce*


Horatio just caught the scent of Calleigh's vanilla perfume...

Cal: Look into my eyes...

Just as I'm typing this, I just got the wierdest image of Cal dancing around Horatio, saying 'Bom chicka wah wah' and pulling off H's jacket... oohh, that's bad!! :devil: :devil:

Great, now it's stuck in my head!! I'll be saying it all night watching 'Kiss of Death', and everytime I see David Caruso, it'll be 'Bom chicka wah wah!! Bom chicka wah wah!!' :lol:

Gotta go!! Hope you enjoyed the pics!! And my new video 'Breaking Free' will be uploaded to YouTube soon. Byee!!
I think you have the right idea, there EMEYES! TPTB can throw them together at any time (in a professional,caring manner, i mean)& they would still have that click! It is absolutely the perfect scenario for them, besides we haven't seen the next 7 epis yet to see how they'll play off each other now that she is w/ Jake. I like to keep in mind that when she was w/ Hagen, it actually brought us some of the greatest Ducaine moments ever, so bring it on.

Plus theres nothing TPTB like more than to show us Horatio's emotional side, especially w/ his team, so I think they'll play into that big time!!!
Hey Everyone,

Big Wave- :D

A big surprise huh Emerald... :eek: Hmm on their Anniversary no less... :eek: :eek: Hmmm, Evil thinking going on over here... :devil: :devil: :devil: Very nice pics too! ;)

Okay for everyone who said H and C didn't have a scene together in the first episdoe... :rolleyes: Well I made one- :devil: it's in the Manip thread waiting for you all and I told you they did! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I will always get them together. Calleigh was just trying to keep it a secret but I caught them talking and took a quick snap shot and ran! :lol: :lol: :lol: :p

Enjoy! ;)

HCrazy :cool:
Wow - everyone check out Hcrazy's manip - that's great! It's like what I was seeing in my head when I was writing the last part of my fanfic ("Mixed Feelings" for those who are interested)! We could start a "picture book" series LOL.

OK, so, I'm really trying to stay positive even though H/C didnt' have any scenes yet again :mad: (I'm still keeping count). I mean, hopefully in the next ep., Cal will have to get involved somehow - I mean, if the whole ep is going to be about H's son, and the whole team is working it, Cal should be involved at some point, right?

On a similar note, I'd like to share with you guys a weird dream I had about the next episode. I was thinking of turning it into a fanfic, but it doesn't have a good ending, and is kinda disturbing. It's scary and very angsty (one of our heroes dies-yikes!), but here it goes:

Kyle is talking to Calleigh, though I can't make out what he's saying. He's shaking his head and looking down, tears running down his face. One hand is behind his back as he looks at an inmate across the street, who nods to him (the bad guy we saw in the previews). Kyle shakes his head again. Calleigh asks Kyle what's wrong, and starts to try and convince him that he should talk to his father about all this, how Horatio will understand. But Kyle sadly tells her he's sorry, much like he did to the woman he kidnapped in "Dangerous Son", pulls a gun from behind his back and shoots her once, twice in the chest. Blood splatters as Calleigh falls to the ground. Kyle begins to run, but Horatio is running around the corner, and catches him, knocking the gun from his hand. Seeing the blood, Horatio asks, his voice wavering, "What did you do son?" Kyle looks back sadly at Calleigh, who's lying on the ground bleeding. Horatio clenches his jaw and rips off his sunglasses. In slow-motion, his fingers let go of his sunglasses, letting them fall to the ground and break. The look of devestation on his face is heartbreaking as he lets go of his son and runs toward Calleigh, whispering "No" over and over. He takes her pulse, puts his head on her chest, her blood covering him. She's already dead. (this reminded me of Speed's demise.) Kyle whispers again, "I'm sorry," as officers cuff him. Horatio begins to break slowly, placing his hand under Calleigh's head, kneeling next to her, holding her, whispering "I'm sorry." He starts crying, squeezing his eyes shut. Then I woke up.

Pretty scary and intense huh? Hope that doesn't happen, but it was just a random dream and I wanted to share, for better or for worse. Not really DuCaine, but kind of, I guess. Maybe I have too much "Speed" on my mind, but I thought it was interesting.

Now c'mon everyone - let's keep the DuCaine love alive!
Ruth said:
Hi girls... I've been really bousy... you know... reading fanfics and watching videos
I can't wait to download CSI again, and I'm really excited to have my favorite couple back. I really miss their chemistry on screen.


Want another Ducaine Shipper? Hey I'm new around here and heres my gift with possible Ducainess In a future episode

If y'all want a possible DuCaine episode here's one for episode 9 called "stand your ground" it starts with calleigh in her lexus someone holds a gun to her head and tells her to get out of the car she pulls out her own weapon then they try to run her over and there's a firefight and two guys die after and calleigh is upset about that O and she has a bit of alchohol in her blood and stetlers ther being an ass :devil:
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