H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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And in err...in(insert name of that episode ), when Cal had to send his drunk dad home, H went out to talk to her and made sure she's alright.

Episode called 'Under the Influence'

I also love 'The Best Defence'

H: "How concerned should I be about you?"
C: "I'm fine"
H: "You sure"

Love H ready to catch her when she falls but she doesn't want to unload all her problems on him :) Much better dynamic for a relationship, I definately see it that way they are great mates always there for each other which leads to a much better relationship :D
*pops up*
Well, if you really want a serious talk, then fine. Okay, I can't think of anything. Except for some reason "Slave to Love" makes me think of H and Cal. Probably because I'm in the forum listening to it. That could be a huge factor. But here. Random lyrics.

Take my Breath Away - DJ Sammy Remix

Watching every motion
In my foolish lover's game
On this endless ocean
Finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
My love

Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Watching I keep waiting
Still anticipating love
Never hesitating
To become the fated ones
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
My love

Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Through the hourglass I saw you
In time you slipped away
When the mirror crashed I called you
And turned to hear you say
If only for today
I am unafraid

Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Watching every motion
In this foolish lovers game
Haunted by the notion
Somewhere there's a love in flames
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
My love

Take my breath away
Take my breath away
oops, i just posted this, but i was still on the last page, so everything is still refering to that page, im not too bright :D

i can totally see the Caine family arriving at the scene of a crime:

H: cal, you take perimeter
Cal: got it, oh by the way, i love you
H: thanks cal i love you to
*insert more mushy fluff* :D
H: mini-H(thats the son, have we decided on a name yet?) you get statements
Mini-H: got it dad, do you want photos?
H: give me a three spread with inverions on the filp side for every other one(I have no idea what that means, but it was fun to write b/c i know that you are all confused now :devil:)
Mini-H: im on it
Mini-cal(do we have a name for her yet?): what about me daddy?
H: well sweetie, you just stand there looking incredibly cute
Mini_cal: but daddy, i want to do something to help
H: oh, well in that case, why dont you do the sketch, then you can go color it
Mini-cal: yay! can i draw you guys too?
H: ok, but this time, make sure my hair is red, not pink
Mini-cal(smiling): ok, ill try...

ok that was really corny, but hey, let me remind you guys that palm still hasnt shown us the video, so you cant be mad at me for creating something that incredibly corny :D

Palm said:
*Hiding* I can't give it to you yet! Didn't you hear! I'm marked! It's Duck huntin' season! And that's when EVERYONE crazy goes out... EVERYONE. Even. Mr Roper...

And Welcome Sienna! I'm the resident nut house! Sanity questionable. And currently I have a craving for Gibbs. Augh! Damn you CSI_Grissom and your icon! D:

why are you hiding? just give us the video and we will put away the tar and feathers... :lol:

hey i try, Grissom_mad and i are on a mission to keep him and make sure he comes back, so you are stuck with him like forever, ok maybe only until the end of the summer, b/c i know gibbs will be back, but until then, i control you! *insert Zurg(from Toy Story 2) evil laugh* ;)

ok well, i guess now i actually have to talk about something relevant *awkward silence* well i think that they are the best for each other becuase they can be completely independent from one another and still make it, with their jobs, and the way they are, they just cant be worrying about taking care of the other one every second, like H had to do with marisol, this doesnt mean they cant take care of each other, and care about each other, but it does mean that i think they would be able to have a work realtionship, and a private realtionship, that way, their work, which they love, is not interupted by them being together
Mini-H? That's cute :lol: I don't remember what was his name. There was a thread for children of CSI couples, and a few suggestions. They're pretty good. Maybe CDC remembers them? Until then we can call him H Jr. And then the confusion...

H: Come here Jr.
Ray Jr: Ok.
H: No I mean H Jr.
H Jr: Ohh me?
Cal: Junioooorrrrr!!!
Ray Jr and H Jr: Yeesssss???? :rolleyes: :lol:

Hmm...now I think Palm's video will forever go into the black hole. Or maybe it's mixed up somewhere in the CSI:M lab.

The best thing one can have in a relationship is when your husband's also your best friend. That's possible for the DuCaine. Yayyy...go DuCaine!!
wwwwwwwwooooooooo yay for DuCaine! I like Adelle for a name. Adelle Caine, I don't know, what do you think? I just love the name Adelle so I thought I would throw it out there.
Well, IMO for a girl Emily Sara Caine sounds really perfect (and btw, I've just sent the new chappie of the fic to my beta), while for a boy I like Matthew Caine, cause I can picture H calling his son Matt, something like "Listen Matt, I know this his hard now, but I promise one day you'll understand why I'm doing this to you.". :lol:
And when Emily would go out on a date he'd have to play the caring father:

Emily: Mod, Dad, I'm going out with Dave. See ya later!
H: Wait miss, who's this Dave? Do I know him? Is his father a policeman?
Emily: Dad-
H: Emily, I know I may sound overprotective, but you look exactly like your mother... You're a beautiful girl and boys want one only thing from beautiful girls and...

Ok, stop here. :lol:

Oh, and a little anticipation of my fic: remember Bob and Bullet? Well, they're going to have a small part as guest stars! :D
i'm sure H would be a overprotective father !! i mean he knows how bad the world can be ... but if he would be my dad i would be pissed of beeing protected all the time :lol:
I don't know. I mean, Cal seems like she'd be that type of mother that when you came home, she'd hug you and break out the homemade cookies. But really be disappointed if you did something bad. Like that type of disappointment that haunts you.

While H just seems like since he's serious all the time at work, he'd probably be "Where do you want to go today? The Zoo? The Beach? Somewhere?" but if you got in trouble, you'd hide under your bed out of scaredom of what he might do =0
respect ! *applause*

hmm ... yeah maybe thats right but at all i'm sure they would be wonderful parents
Oh CDC great writing, loved the new part to the fic, and I really loved the mention of Bob and Bullet, was great to see them :D My favourite bit though was "He really loves you" that was so sweet :)

Don't mean to be all angsty but
TPTB have spoken to Sophia Milos (Yelina) about coming back for extended time in season 5 to pick up the Horatio Yelina storyline.....H/C on the back burner again, argh they are driving me crazy
The writers have no soul. =|
Now I guess we're going to br friggin' lucky is their in the same building together.
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