sorry i havent been around lately, again, i have missed so mcuh fun, you guys just keep on trucking! :lol:
casp, in regards to the fic you were talking about writing a page or two back, if you are still open to ideas, i would want to see H be married for a bit longer, cal has to deal, then M dies, H learns she was a loser and using him, gets sad and then cal helps him, so it wouldnt really be going off pervious fic(which was amazing!), but think it would be cool, i would write it myself, but i am alreadly busy with a H/cal fic, i am hoping to get it up soon so you guys can read it
if i were the writers, i would go along the lines they appear to be going on now, H goes to Brazil, does some H stuff, you know what i mean, comes back, still sad, spends the season getting better and returning to the real H, all the while getting closer to cal, the biggest thing that i want is the real H back, because if i were cal, i would have a harder time loving the weird H we have now, so for the next season if all we got was H being H, i would be cool, i can wait for H/cal
oh ya happy b-day CDC! i love your fic! and your avy... :lol: