H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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*embarrased* I'm ashamed because I do know it. DAMN YOU BRYAN ADAMS! And your intricate love songs! Rawrgh!
I was watching Wannabe today and it struck me that Calleigh is afraid of ants. So, I have been reading through the Horatio thread over at CSI Miami forum and found out that Horatio have been on a journey to eradicate all the ants in the world. *hint*hint* So...so...! What does THAT tell us!? Ahahah! Mhhm, Horatio is killing all the ants because of Calleigh! He's doing it for Cal and that is just super sweet! (^.^)So happy!
Casper YOU ARE A GENIUS!!! Maaannn...I DO know that Calleigh's afraid of ants but I've never made the connection and now it's SO obvious! :D No wonder he's always hunting them ants! This is really something for us DuCainers. Now I'll be able to look at H hunting ants in a different light. Heck...even the sight of ants will conjure an image of DuCaine now. :lol:
And that song! It's one of my fav. songs. You certainly made my day Casp. Thanks ;)
Oh I hadn't picked up that connection either, now it brings a smile to my face. Yes Cal must be running to H to exterminate the ants ;)

Stopping that trail of thought before it goes any further :eek:
*laughs* Ahaha! Yeah, just today I saw ants wandering around on the table I was sitting in and it really struck me so suddenly. I kept smiling and me friends thought me must be off my bloody rocker! :lol: But you're welcome anyway. *thinks* Ehehehehehe, aaanntsss....

Liz, no need to stop your thoughts. Keep it running wild I say! Ahahah! :devil:

Little do you people know, I think of our DuCaine every single day :rolleyes: :lol:.

Catts, wonderful pic! Ohhhh, notice their clothes. H is wearing a pink shirt and tie. Cal is wearing a dress with pink/red floral patterns. Man! You people are sooooo reading my mind! Everything is like going together! *thinks of possibility that DuCaine might happen in Season5*

That last line cracked me up Erin! :lol: :lol: "Uhhhmmm....errhhmmmm" :lol:. Cal is so cute! ^^
Oh was that a pink shirt Horatio's wearing? :eek: :D I thought it was the tint of the picture. What a treat! Call me an oddball but I love men in pink. :devil:
Oh I have it bad, I really think men should not wear pink, and I saw that pic and thought H looks good, didn't notice, the pink :eek: He is altogether too distracting!

Anyway isn't that the pic we took at the end of the recent DuCaine marriage ;)

Currently celebrating the possibilities of DuCaine in the new series, knowing they are both coming back! Maybe H should take Cal to Brazil and mess up the hotel bookings!!

If it's good enough for fanfics..... :cool:
Footyliz said:
Anyway isn't that the pic we took at the end of the recent DuCaine marriage ;)
Was it? I thought it was a different pic. :confused:

Currently celebrating the possibilities of DuCaine in the new series, knowing they are both coming back! Maybe H should take Cal to Brazil and mess up the hotel bookings!!
Yes yes yes yes yesssss!!! Or we can mess up the bookings for them! They won't mind. :devil: :devil:
Scat bat dabble doo beep bo-biddy zing sham dan...

Yeah, so, ECSTATIC Cal's still on, and wasn't the mole. Means the chances of H and her getting it through there heads that everyone else sucks and and they belong together.

Now... chances are the writers aren't going to understand that whole "They belong together" thing, so I decided to translate it into their type of language:

Means th' chances of H an' her gittin' it through thar haids thet ev'ryone else sucks an' an' they belong togither.
Wahaha! Oh you people crack me up man.

YEESSS!!!! Yeeaaaahh babey! Cal is not the mole! Wooohooo!!! *runs around*
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