H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Heck yes! Stolen brownie! *engulfs it*

Anyhoo, if another cast member dies, I hope it's one of the "Their apart of the cast, but they don't have a credit" ones.
Yeeaaahh! Heheheh! But we also have to think of a possibility that Yelina might return on that very fateful day that our sCamcer patient passes on. Maybe she could be H's life-saver. Well, that is another story. For now, I am a happy bunny just thinking that this Marisol problem will soon VANISH! Into thin air I tell ya! *goes off in search of more brownies*
Here are more brownies, guys! Oh, I've also brought an interesting stripper who is a dead ringer for our Horatio, who wants to join the party? :D Nobody? Oh, well, he's all mine! :devil:
i cant believe you guys didnt know about my spoiler! it made me so happy! *more throwing of confetti* by the time we get down we will be knee deep in confetti!

i like theory A palm it sounds like a plan to me! but knowing the writers it sould turn out more like B, maybe not exactly like you predicted, but pretty close... :lol:

thanks for the "welcome back" casp... ;)
If it was exactly like I predicted, I would laugh so hard, my spleen would die. Or something to that effect. But say yes to Theory A! *gets a picket line*

Someone say stripper? My ears are burning!
Where's the stripper??

Ah, CD, that's sooo..sooo mean to show us the brownies and I can't reach it arrgghh!! I'm drowning in my own drool blehhh...

...when Aerosol dies. I think H will wake up from the curse of the Aerosol and sees an angel who rescued him and that's Cal . They fall in love and live happily ever after. You mean CSI:M is not a fairytale? Ok then, when Aerosol died H will be sad and Cal as always, will be there for him. H realizes that Cal's always been there for him like a guardian angel and slaps himself hard and exclaims out loud, "Why do I keep looking in the wrong places when SHE is just right here?!" Then the DuCaine love will develop a momentum and tadaaa...they're married.

It's so difficult being serious. I have "serious-deficiency".
Well, according to the promo, she gets shot. And I was like "God shot her. For all of us." and my mom was all "That's the worst thing you've ever said! Blah Blah!" and I was all "Lady, whoa, back down."

Anyhoo, yeah. It's all just more drama, typical of your Season 4 episode of Miami...
Hey gang. Please remember to use spoiler tags when discussing an episode that hasn't aired yet in US/Canada. There are still those who wish to remain unspoiled. And please don't put actual spoilers in the About: section of the tags. Thanks :)
*has been reminded* Oki-doki.

Back to DuCaine. With regards to the poll I did here, I'll be thinking of ideas on how to make the story evolve. Have a flexible story-line. If anyone have ANY ideas what-so-ever, don't care if you think it's lousy, please don't hesitate to tell us...because I'm so desperate! :lol:

Anyway, for those who haven't done the poll, please do the poll for our DuCaine's sake! *cheers proudly!*

And thanks to those who voted. Till then, arivoir!
Oh I voted Casp looking forward to when you write again ;)

Oh got some cool DuCaine pictures from 'Shock' if we just change the dialogue ;)

H: "Have you got something for me?"
C: "When haven't I Handsome? What are you up to tonight?"

H: "Well I was thinking about getting married. What do you think?"

C: "Sounds like a great idea, and look I've brought the Champagne!!"

H: *chuckles* "Did you realise quite how much Caine sounds like DuQuesne?"
C: "Strangely enough handsome, I had already worked that out" :rolleyes:

Oh pretty lame really but I do prefer this to the actual dialogue ;)
The dialogue we heard in the ep was just a diversive. They actually were saying what you have reported, Liz, they just wanted some privacy in front of the audience. But of course they knew we would find that out! :lol:

Edit: I've updated the fic at last! :D
Oohh, wonderful caps Liz and me oh my, when have we ever seen Horatio smile like THAT! Calleigh is doing her magic all over him! You go girl! She's so hawt *drools*

Oh please do post the actual dialougue. What is it about? And uhm...was there any hints that Cal would some how, miraculously be his lady-hero!? Thanks much in advance yah.

Yeah CDC, I'm off to read it! *smiles gleefully*
Oh Zippy love that, very sweet scene and great dialogue ;)

Casp I am not sure of the real dialogue of the scene, remember I live in the land that season 4 forgot :( but I beleieve it is to do with Cal congratulating H on his wedding to the doomed one :rolleyes:
But yeah I love the looks H is giving Cal, DuCaine stuff extrodinaire :D

Ah yes, I'm off to read CDC's fic aswell, see you there ;)
Ehhh! Naughty boy H! Ahaha! Peeping at Cal! Good thinking Erin. I might consider adding that in a story if I can.

I'm actually thinking of writing a story based on the events that takes place after H's marriage to the sCamcer. Hmm, it might be complicated. Well, anyways, *takes notes of DuCainers' ideas*
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