H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Oh Casp I like it, I hope you mean after the marriage and demise of that woman, and not while she is Scamcing, I couldn't take that :eek:

Oh CDC loved the new part of the fic, lovely to see Gil and Sara together, but how sweet Cal and H were, I'm looking forward to seeing the 4 of them at home, and having some fluff, hope that is coming along ;)
Well I won't be able to do that. First, there must be sCamcing I'm afraid. This will provide the readers with a stronger feeling of detest towards the M character. Then when all goes downhill, there will be a heroin who saves him. From there, the reconcilation of H and Cal will commence again. If I had it after the marriage and the sCamcing, then it would be like my previous FF where their relationship was relatively new and they were just on the journey of learning about each other. If I started with the sCamcing, then they will still get to learn about each other. Only with obstructions in the middle which only makes their relationship stronger, adding in more doubts of each other's feelings and Horatio's ever so guilty conscious kicking up again. So watch out for it. I'm still pondering about the storyline.
Heroine... Heroin.... One is a Bold Woman of action and the other is a drug by choice. Hmmmm...
(This piece of useless information was brought to you by your local library!)

Yeah so, Season Finale part 1, Marisol's in the Hospital and H didn't even go near Calleigh. Bad times we're living in...
Palm, if I'm depressed, I'll go to you instead of the doctor.

*cringe* scamcer's back! She dies hard. But go ahead with it Casper. It's alright as long as I know H will not end up with scamcer...again...I'm looking forward to reading about scamcer being revealed to Horatio, on who she truly is. :p
Oh I can deal with that, so long as H and Cal end up together, I am a happy shipper :D

No H Cal scenes that is never a good thing :( it's about time Cal paid back H's hug in lost son, c'mon Cal I'm sure H would appreciate it ;)
Omg you guys! No pressure please! :lol: :lol: Yeah, I want the sCamcer dead as a log by the time I'm done with the FF. I'm glad you lot are anticipating it. I feel much more at ease knowing people actually read my stories.
Of course people read your stories! There's a whole cult online who are like "We must read EVERY CSI: MIAMI fanfiction out there!" and your like "Whoa, buddy, your creeping me out" and their like "INFIDEL! WRITE MORE! Or the gates of Ganaresh will NEVER open!" and your all "....holy crap, what are they, a bunch of alcoholics?" and it turns out, they are.

How about that, eh?
Omg! Ahaha! Hagen and H in the same scene as Cal! Ooohhh!

Palm, strangely enough, I understood that. :lol: *passes her a jubjub* So, tell me, how's your life going?
Anyway, I've got a song! Hehe. After quite a while, I've finally found a song that I thought was apt.

And it's by Madonna! :eek: *turns red* Yes, I admit. I think SOME of her songs are pretty okay. :D

'Crazy For You'

Swaying room as the music starts
Strangers making the most of the dark
Two by two their bodies become one

I see you through the smokey air
Can't you feel the weight of my stare
You're so close but still a world away
What I'm dying to say, is that


I'm crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss
I'm crazy for you, crazy for you

Trying hard to control my heart
I walk over to where you are
Eye to eye we need no words at all

Slowly now we begin to move
Every breath I'm deeper into you
Soon we two are standing still in time
If you read my mind, you'll see


It's all brand new, I'm crazy for you
And you know it's true
I'm crazy, crazy for you
^ Yeah, I thought so too. Madonna has a way of writing this kind of songs. I think her song 'Rain' is also nice. Okay, enough talk of Madonna. Ahaha!

*shivers* Oh no! My image hosting websites are down! Anyone got caps of DuCaine???? I need to seeeee theeeem!!!

Editted to add:

Heyhey! Looks like I have some real juicy DuCaine update. Now this one is really one that is unexpected:

I was watching Wannabe today and it struck me that Calleigh is afraid of ants. So, I have been reading through the Horatio thread over at CSI Miami forum and found out that Horatio have been on a journey to eradicate all the ants in the world. *hint*hint* So...so...! What does THAT tell us!? Ahahah! Mhhm, Horatio is killing all the ants because of Calleigh! He's doing it for Cal and that is just super sweet! (^.^)So happy!
Heck yes! Jubjub!
Ugh, as for life, crap. I think my liver dropped out of my body somewhere between the end of 'The Simpsons' and the beginning of 'The Global News.'
If anyone has found it, I suggest you put it in ice and send to
Springfield, USA
Box 500, Site 1245
*note: not a real address*

So, H is getting rid of the ants for Calleigh, eh? You know that's true love. Who else would vow to get rid of them other than H?
Yeaaah, ahaha! Ya know at the end where Cal runs off to get rid of the ants that went into her blouse? Ehehe, yeah I bet she actually went to H and have him get rid of the ants on her. Hehe, what happens next is up to all yall imagination! :devil: :lol: I'm so evil.

Ohhhh, I got another song for them. Bet you know this one Palm. One that is for After Marriage:

Bryan Adams Lyrics
'I Finally Found Someone'

[Bryan:] I finally found someone, who knocks me off my feet;
[Bryan:] I finally found the one who makes me feel complete...
[Barbara:] It started over coffee, we started out as friends;
[Barbara:] It's funny how from simple things; the best things begin...
[Bryan:] This time is different;
[Barbara:] la la la la
[Bryan:] It's all because of you!..
[Bryan:] It's better than it's ever been;
[Together:] Cuz we can talk it through;
[Barbara:] My favorite line was "Can I call you sometime?";
[Barbara:] It's all you had to say...
[Together:] To take my breath away...

[Together:] This is it!
[Together:] Oh, I finally found someone; Someone to share my life;
[Together:] I finally found the one - to be with every night;
[Barbara:] Cause whatever I do
[Bryan:] It's just got to be you!
[Together:] My life has just begun, I finally found someone...

[Bryan:] Did I keep you waiting?
[Barbara:] I didn't mind
[Bryan:] I apologize
[Barbara:] Baby, that's fine
[Bryan:] I would wait forever
[Together:] Just to know you were mine;
[Bryan:] Ya Know - I love your hair...
[Barbara:] Are you sure it looks right?
[Bryan:] I love what you wear...
[Barbara:] Isn't it too tight?
[Bryan:] You're exceptional!
[Together:] I can't wait for the rest of my life...

[Together:] Oh This Is It!
[Together:] I finally found someone; Someone to share my life,
[Together:] I finally found the one; to be with every night...
[Barbara:] Cause whatever I do
[Bryan:] It's just got to be you
[Together:] My life has just begun; I finally found someone...
[Barbara:] And whatever I do.
[Bryan:] It's just got to be you!
[Barbara:] My life has just begun...
[Together:] I finally found someone...

It's a duo and it's just so wonderful.
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