H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Really? Officer Down? Oh this is news to me. Never heard of this before. Aww shucks man....so that means they really did consider bringing the 2 together huh???
^ Yeah! They did and I'm so mad each time I think of it. I believe it was the episode where Yelina first came in. It was supposed to be a DuCaine episode. Somewhere in Season One.

I guess the reason why the writers decided to change their storyline was because if they had it based on Horatio's and Calleigh's relationship, it would be less dramatic. As for Yelina, his sister-in-law whom he have harbored feelings for, might be more of a challenge for them to write on. It's a big disappointment. I know that because that was what I felt when the news was broken to me. The whole thought that their happily-ever-after didn't come to be simply because the writers have 'changed their minds' just infuriates me a great deal :mad:. Man!
Psh. Give me a break. The writers are just all on Heroin. If your ballistics girl got shot, you wouldn't be all "Where's Yelina?" You'd be right all over her. Yelina didn't get shot. Calleigh did. Who's in more trouble?
Yeah, Cal is. Why? Because she was shot!
*lits up cigarette* And people wonder why I'm always tense.
zippy said:
Really? Officer Down? Oh this is news to me. Never heard of this before. Aww shucks man....so that means they really did consider bringing the 2 together huh???
Well, I don't know if they seriously thought of bringing them together as such. 'Officer Down' was certainly an episode they considered doing, where Cal gets shot and H is really worried about her. I remember reading about it at the time. I don't think anything 'romantic' was implied, just the fact that H would be there for her. I thought it sounded like a really good idea for an episode and was disappointed it didn't materialize in the end.
Lucy said:
Well, I don't know if they seriously thought of bringing them together as such. 'Officer Down' was certainly an episode they considered doing, where Cal gets shot and H is really worried about her. I remember reading about it at the time. I don't think anything 'romantic' was implied, just the fact that H would be there for her. I thought it sounded like a really good idea for an episode and was disappointed it didn't materialize in the end.

Ahh yes Luce that may well be true and accurate but we dedicated DuCaine shippers are very used to picking up the scraps we can find and turning them into amazing scenes and moments, our imaginations are very good at running wild, don't spoil our fun too soon ;)
Ooh, no, my intentions were never to spoil anyone's fun. I was just recalling what was said at the time. :) There was quite alot of confusion on the Board when the whole idea just *vanished*.

Season 4 has been really deprived of H/Cal scenes. There have been quite a few episodes where they've not even had one scene together and I miss their interaction. That's one reason I liked that moment between them near the end of 'Shock', because they at least had a scene together. About time! :rolleyes:
:lol: :lol: Ahaha! *dries tears* Palm, you crack me up!

Anyway, Liz is right. Our imaginaton run really wild Luce! I'm not really bothered by the fact that they changed the episode and brought Yelina in. I actually think it would have been a major step. If the episode have been different, the rest of the curent episodes might be different then it is now. It could even be better! I want to see H with Calleigh or Yelina rather then Marisol. That woman have brought nothing but evil and destruction from her wake. I really miss our DuCaine interaction. *prepares sign-board* I'm going on a strike!! :mad: :lol:!!
Just watch. Soon, they'll be this huge episode where H is like "Oh GOD what have I been doing these last 2 years?!?!" and he'll rip off his shirt to reveal a superman logo and go get Calleigh so they can protect the civilians of Miami with their crime lab knowledge. Thus, once again, saving the day.

And Marisol will not be there because she decided to tour around Europe for a while. And by that I mean, she won't come back.

(This upcoming scipt will be force written by the writers because Palm is insane.)
H in tights!? *shudders* Dude no! That's a nasty image. Get him in one of those bad-boy, leather jacket, dark sunnies and jeans with a Harley ready to save the world. Then Calleigh can ride in the back. Eheheheheh. *dreams.....!*

*looks at Palm's avvy* :lol: :lol:! I saw his interview with Ellen. Hilarious man!

Well anyway, since the writers want some drama and soap, we can give it to them. Let's look at it this way:

After H's marriage to Marisol, they will live in some nice house. Then H will come to work and Rick can be the saviour of the day by telling H that M is an imposter who is only after his money and his looks. Nothing bout his heart. H gets angry and goes home after a long day at work. Then, he finds M and Rick sleeping together. Then he goes into and outrage and shoots them both. After which, he was put to trial and CALLEIGH saves the day by working on his case. She finally concluded that the reason why H shot them was because he was love-deprived and he needed true love. H realizes what a fool he's been and pours out his love for Calleigh and they kiss right there in court. So in the end everyone is happy because H and M will get a divorce and H will marry Cal.

Next episode, insane M comes back with a vengeance to kill Calleigh.

:lol: :lol: Ahaha! Owwh man, I'm full of lame ideas.
*snigger* He makes me smile...ah, Jon.

XD But Don't give the writers any ideas. Because knowing them, they'll write:
"Oh yeah. Marisol never had cancer. It was just a cold. Guess who has to stick with her now that she still wants a baby?"

And then they'll introduce some guy named "Johnny" who's a doctor but he wears an eyepatch. And you gotta have his ex-girlfriend's cousin in the picture too who has explosive amnesia and the only one who can save her is Ryan through the process of hypnosis.

If it's strange and wacky and keeps H and Cal away from each other for a whole episode, you better believe it was written by the Miami crack writing team!
Lol! They're on crack eh?? :lol: Yeah, most likely. They'll be like a "Hummngbird on six cups of coffee". Ahahahah! Oh Cal. She cracks me up.
palm, i sometimes wonder what i would do without you, and i then i cry, ok not really, but your humor always makes me feel better!

hey guys, i havent been here in a while, sorry, not that you guys really care, but i have missed you guys!

especially with the recent lack of H/cal, you guys keep me going!

i just realized something, i havent seen any of season 1 or 2 so if things get really bad i can go back and watch good moments for the first time, while you guys ahve already seen them! yes! oh, wait, that doesnt work, dang it! oh well, ill get them eventually and watch them :lol:

i heard that two people will die from the cast and i pretty sure one of them will be marisol, so if any of you read this, its basically common knowledge that marisol gets shot, but i think she will die so what do you think that will do to H/cal? if you read this and reply, make sure to do it a spoiler thing because i dont want anyone who wants to remain spoiler free or hasnt seen the new eps to have this ruined for them

oh ya, DuCaine rocks! :D
XD I was like "I make people cry?!" and then I re-read the sentence. *loser*

Anyhoo, as for the spoiler, I will give my 2 side theories.
Theory A (The one I WANT to happen)
- It will bring Cal and H closer together because she will be so sympathetic and worried about him that her normal habits of caring will come back. They'll stick together in their times of grief and H will realize he was lost without her.

Theory B (What that CRACK team of writers will probably do)
- H will get upset but be all "We must find her killer to bring her peace." The mole will pop up (a real mole AND the lab mole) and H will be sympathetic yet angry. Ryan will hit on Natalie. Delko will hit on Natalie. Cal will be left alone in the lab again reflecting on her alcoholic father (who pops up more than a jack-in-the-box when the story called for 'Emotional Trauma for Cal') and Alexx will be sad and be left alone in the coroner's office, forgotten, because everyone always decides going down to see the body is only neccessary for a maximum of 2 minutes.

All in all, they'll probably be a beach scene with H in a tux, blood, and a big table of "Screw You Miami Fans!" set up for the cast afterwards. But it will be strictly a Bring our Own Bacon orderal. Which will be ironic. But everyone will deny that factor. And Pirate-Doctor Johnny will be there as the comedy act and the chef.

Yes, I say the season finale of Miami is one that I am definately going to not be looking forward to.
CSI_Grissom said:
palm, i sometimes wonder what i would do without you, and i then i cry, ok not really, but your humor always makes me feel better!

hey guys, i havent been here in a while, sorry, not that you guys really care, but i have missed you guys!

especially with the recent lack of H/cal, you guys keep me going!

i heard that two people will die from the cast and i pretty sure one of them will be marisol, so if any of you read this, its basically common knowledge that marisol gets shot, but i think she will die so what do you think that will do to H/cal? if you read this and reply, make sure to do it a spoiler thing because i dont want anyone who wants to remain spoiler free or hasnt seen the new eps to have this ruined for them
Heeyyy! CSI_G! Oh no, your absence was duely noted! And Palm*looks at her post* :lol: :lol: :lol:! Natalie will get BOTH guys!!?? Dude! :lol: *dries tears*

As I was saying, she's a nut-cracker so she always brightens my day as well! *passes Palm a brownie stolen from Misc thread*

Re spoiler:

She's gonna DIE! I'm so happy! But if it's two people, then who is the other? I hope it's not another one of the cast members! :eek: :(. What I say about our DuCaine eh? Well I say we still have a chance here people! We could get our DuCaine. But don't get your hopes up too high or else, what with all this stupid writers' decision, our hopes might get shattered. But we must not give in if our chance is not this. I'm sure it is something other. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. And thanks for the spoiler CSI_G. You are the bearer of good news here. :D :D
Aerosol is gonna die? IS SHE??? OMG, it was worth living until today just to find this out! :D *runs around throwing confetti*

Yay, you made me so happy, guys! I wish I would always find such great news every time I come back after a short "leave of absence". *kisses and huggles everyone*

Let's celebrate with a caption from the old happy DuCaine days!

H: "You know, Cal, I can picture you behind this glass... Take those clothes off and show me if my imagination matches with reality."
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