H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Aw thanks Liz :D. Heheh...'Kill Zone'. Such promising DuCaine stuffs in there and the writers decided to drop the whole plot :mad:! But anyways, I loved them captions :lol:!

Palm, interesting new avvy! :lol: OMG and ONOZ.

I wouldn't know anything about the new episodes. I'm still stuck with S3!
Oh it's a little quiet here too!! I spotted the best subtle DuCaine moment a bit earlier ;) I'm currently watching season 1 again and was watching 'Dead Woman Walking'

The Hazmat guy comes out of Belle's house and bumps into Horatio outside, he says "Just let one of your CSI's in" and almost winks and smiles broadly cause it's Calleigh. Then Horatio's response is a sly grin and he dips his head I think cause of the guys response to Calleigh ;)

It is really subtle but it really made me notice today, it was all season 1, it is DuCaine all the way, I can't believe how they have killed it since :mad:
Awwww...!! 'DWW' was not really a DuCaine Golden eppy but that scene really changed the way I think. *snickers* Do you have a cap of that Liz?. Oh wait, lemme try and find one..


There he is. Hehe. Glowing like never before at the sound of his gal's name being mentioned. Belle, well, she looks miffed. Ya know what, this scene reminds me of two men who start talking about football and girls and their female friends are just left out! Awww, poor Belle. Go H! :lol:

Something like this perhaps..

Guy: One of your CSIs is inside.
H: Mhhm, Calleigh Duquesne. Am I right?
Guy: *chuckles* Yeeaahh...don't mind me saying this but...she's hot!
Belle: o_O??
H: *nods and smiles* Hmm, yes she is.
Guy: *pauses* Say, would it be okay if you give me her numbe-
H: Forget it pal. She's taken by a Lieutenant. *shoves guy aside and walks into house*

:lol: :lol: Ahhahahaha!! Don't know if I've said this before but I just so love it when Horatio gets all protective over Calleigh. Even when he gets jealous. Haha, the attack of the big, ugly, green-eyed monster is out! *wriggles fingers*
Ah Casp that's exactly the part I was talking about :D
Great alternative dialogue, but just look at the grin on H's face, it just says: "Hmmm Calleigh" ;)
^ Or something like "Mmmmm, Calleigh.." :devil: :devil:

Where is everyone? Heh, it's hard for me to keep track of the people who come and go around here cos I'm always at school.
Hey that was my PG-13-ometer kicking in :rolleyes:

No that is what I was thinking, I am a good girl, we need more DuCaine love to cloud away tonights Miami ep, c'mon folks :eek:
Heeeyyy I haven't been in here for a while! Been busy with real life. :(

Here's something to make up for being MIA. All caps taken from Miami Style .

3 Minutes Mini DuCaine Moment - Episode 01

H: Calleigh, where are you? I've been trying to reach you since yesterday!

Cal: Horatio, I've decided to leave Miami for good. I couldn't stand seeing you and Marisol anymore.

H: No, wait Calleigh please!!! Come back...give me a chance to explain. Please meet me in my office. I'll be there RIGHT AWAY!

H: Eric!! Calleigh's leaving! She's misunderstood me and Marisol. We need to explain!
Eric: Ohh shooot!! I'm coming right after this!

H: Please Calleigh don't leave...I shouldn't have listened to Eric.

Horatio went back to find Calleigh already in his office.

H: Hey honey...I'm so sorry...Eric told me that his sister wanted to polish her acting skills before an audition for a TV series and I just thought I could help her.

H: You...you know how much I love you. You know how much I need you to know that...

Cal: So...are you saying it's all untrue? That you and Marisol aren't really...

H: I can prove it to you.

Eric: Calleigh, I'm uhh...I'm really, really sorry for what happened. It was all my idea. My sister was trying to get a major part in The Bold and The Beautiful and she needed to practice so I set her up with H. I guess she got a little carried away...

Cal: Ohhh...so THAT's what it really is...no wonder Marisol didn't look a bit like a cancer patient. It was all an act! You guys should've told me!!! I wouldn't have wasted my money buying a ticket to New Zealand. Oh boy...I'd better get back to work. Haven't done anything since yesterday.

Calleigh refused to talk to Horatio for a day but in her heart, she's relieved to know it was all a misunderstanding. The next morning...

H: Hey, sweetheart...so...are you...still mad at me? Am I forgiven...?

Cal: Dinner tonight. My place, you cook and wash the dishes. ;)
Oohhhh! my favourite part is the last part! Hehehe! What a sexy look she flashed him! :devil: :devil: Ohhhnooo! I'm having evil, naughty little thoughts of their 'dinner' :devil:.

*looks at clock* Gotta run! Thank you for those caps Erin! They were friggin awesome and a big surprise to see when I came in. *shakes fist at air* You bloody wankers in school better stop keeping me busy!!! :lol: :rolleyes:
Huh?? Random umbrella??? Err...ahh haha... :confused:

Is it tumbleweedy in here or is it just me not being here for a few days? Hmm...remember Burnedtoast and eviltoast? They don't visit anymore.

Checking out S1 again, I realized that the writers dropped the DuCaine idea way before S1 ended coz they brought Yelina in. And only randomly in S2 that we get a weee bit glimpses of DuCaine moments. I really hope they'll bring more of it back in S5, though I have a feeling it's not gonna be as I wish... :(
I remembered there was one episode where it was meant to be a DuCaine episode. Calleigh gets hurt and H comes to her rescue. It was supposed to be called 'Officer Down'. Then they brought in Yelina and decided to drop the thought of bringing H and Cal!! :mad:
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