H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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I have to say I'm getting real twitchy about this whole mole issue actually :eek: I don't know what I'd do if it turns out to be Cal :(

I'm with you though Casp I honestly can't see her betraying anyone in the lab, but especially not H :eek:

Hagen: "That's a hell of a lonely road he's walking"
Cal: "That's why I'm walking it with him"

Cal: "I think Stetler is on a witch hunt"
H: "I have the truth on my side" .....
Cal: "Technically Stetler could have you releived of duty, and then we are all in trouble"
H: "Ok take a look see what you find"

It would be a bit of a stretch to believe Cal would betray H, even for TPTB and their dodgy thinking

Am watching S1 and fortifying myself with DuCaine during the doom at present thought I'd send a gift.

Uh oh what was that??

H: "If I don't look at you no-one will know" Cal: "My place later" H: "You bet!!"
I don't believe Calleigh could be the mole... But if they really want to surprise us, she'd be perfect. Honestly I can't think of any of the team as a possible mole... H is H and that's enough not to be considered a suspect, Cal is a pillar for the show, they could never get rid of her without dealing with disatrous audience protests. On the other hand, if H being the mole would help not to see him with Aerosol, I could accept it... Maybe.

Btw, I have candies, too... Er, I meant captions, but that's the same! :D

Cal:"Honey, it was very sweet of you to tie my birthday present to that baloon, but now how am I supposed to catch it?"

H:*Damn, I thought that diamond was huge enough to keep that down!*
Ahahahaha! Oh you lot make my night! *hugs!* Thanks for those Liz and [/b]CDC[/b] :D.

Turns out, despite this troubling thought that Cal might be the mole, we still keep our beacon of hope burning. Rock on DuCainers! *cheers and brings out sodas for everyone*
*takes a soda*

I'm nervous about the mole outcome too. Don't want it to be anyone from the main cast. And why I'm so worried is because CSI:M is not known for being sensible. Whatever we think cannot be possible WILL be possible in their eyes! :(

What are they REALLY looking for??? :devil:
*settles down with a soda, puts feet up, snags remote and points at season 1*

Ah was watching 'Broken' this afternoon
Cal: "Don't see you, don't see you, There you are Handsome that's your hand"
I love her tone of voice here, it's so very soft and intimate

H: "Calleigh"
Cal: "Oh I'm sorry Horatio, I put my head down for just a moment"
H: "That's ok you're a morning person"
Cal: "Horatio I don't know what happened"
H: "You're fine..."
*more dialogue*
H: "What do you want in your coffee?"
Cal: "Sugar"
H leaves chuckling ;)

Ah it's scenes like this that keep me going, through the dark days of DuCaine

How about some pics:
H: Cal, honey we're at work..

H: It's a good job I walked in on you, you know you talk in your sleep!!

Cal: Ummm find me later and I might just finish that conversation for you ;)
Oh Liz, those are wonderful! I especially enjoy the dialouge! Mainly because it brings back very, very fond memories! I saw that scene many times in Britanny's video. The one she made a long time ago. I still have it and I'm so crazy about it even till now! :lol:
Oh Liz thanks so much you made my day! Erm..night!:lol: I ABSOLUTELY love those lines!

Here's a 'modified' conversation from 'Breathless'. :lol:

CALLEIGH: Horatio?

HORATIO: Mm-hmm?

CALLEIGH: I just got off the phone with Alexx and she said there was no more than a single dose of epi in Noel's body. Probably not enough to kill him.

HORATIO: Maybe he just had a bad reaction to it?

CALLEIGH: Do you believe her story?

HORATIO: I don't know. I guess that depends on whether you like seeing men dress up in your underwear or not.

CALLEIGH: (smiles) Personally, leather chaps, nothing else. (beat) That was a joke.(*thinks* That was NOT a joke, it's a hint!)

HORATIO: I know.(I get the hint honey...tonight...tonight :devil: )
Just had to pop in, coming down off a 'Kill Zone' high, what a DuCaine eppy, I love it!

H: "Ever considered a transfer to SWAT?"
C: "I don't look good it all black"
H: "I beg to differ"

Oh doesn't get much better than that, and I have some pictures but that's tomorrows treat cause I have to sleep now ;)
Hey you lot! *gasps!* Was it just yesterday that I logged in! :lol: Feels like it was last month!

I wished I had something to give you people but my fingers are practically succumbing to the early stages of fatigue. Nyeh. I'll pop in once in a while. Have fun! ;)
Oh I'm so busy this week! So I'm just gonna read your posts and say my love for DuCaine! Eeeps...gotta go already!
Oh some alternative banter from 'Kill Zone' I think ;)

Especially for your birthday Casp enjoy :lol:

Adele: "Now you two wait right here"
H: *Urm that empty building looks promising, I wonder what Cal will think*
Cal: *Oh that shirt just matches his eyes*
H: "Sorry Adele, you were saying?"
Adele: "Nothing" *I am not working with those two anymore :rolleyes:*

Cal: "Alright I'll pretend I'm picking up trace, look casual they will never know!!"
H: "Oh the birds are nice today"
Cal: "Honey, I said casual, you couldn't look more shifty if you tried"
H: "I wish those folks would leave already!!"
Cal: "Easy Horatio, use some of that famous control of yours"
H: "What can I say Cal, not so easy with you around"
Cal: "Well aren't you sweet" ;)
*sitting around*
So. How about 'dem new episodes? Seems like the writers need a good beating with a boot.

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