H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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OH HELL YEAH I'M READY. oh. how disgraceful of me. using such words in such a place oops lol :lol: and cheers for calling me Father btw...i wouldn't know what a female priest is called either. wait. you don't get women preists do you HAHA. anyway!

ok. well here we go!

Ladies, gentlemen, fellow DuCaine shippers, we are gathered here today to celebrate a union that has been a long time coming! Now, before we start the official marrying, is there anyone who has any wish to stop this wonderful companionship? Speak now or forever hold thy peace. And you better hold it y’all!! I AIN’T LETTING ANYONE STOP THIS NOW! *Breathes and waits*
Thank you for your help Casper! Everything's okay, it seems...

CDC(cries): OMG, my baby is going to be a wife! My little Calleigh is going to get married and-

Mr Duquesne: She's my baby, actually.

CDC: I've always wished for this moment to come and now... It feels like it has come too soo-

(The DuCainers put on killer looks and point their guns to CDC)

CDC: Er, as I was saying, I'm so touched!

Father Stef: If anyone has any good reason why this couple should not get married, speak now or forever hold thy peace.

DuCainers(turn around to make sure no one is going to dare say a word)

Father Stef may go on and let the two lovebirds kiss each other :D
*is dead excited. best bit coming*

Me: Well, it is time. Horatio Caine, you may kiss the bride. NO. WAIT. Mr Caine take off your sunglasses before you do anything!
H: Aww...Do I have to? Fine fine, anything for Cal:)

Me: *JUMPS FOR JOY* now everyone we so need to PARTYYY!!
CDC: Father Stef, it was a great ceremony! It was exactly what all of us expected! Btw, does anyone know how to stop crying once you have begun? Cause I seem to have some problems with these tears... They won't stop!

(Someone hands CDC some cake)

(CDC jumps on the cake and forgets about the tears)

H & Cal: Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to join us for the wedding bank-

(The guests storm over them and sit down at the tables, waiting for the food)
oh, contraversy....lol

Catts: Runs into Cals dressing room and gawks at her dress for a minute before grabbing a bouquet of flowers and getting into the line to walk down the isle. "Come on ladies! It's showtime!"

haha, this is fun lol.
That was Catts' flashback :lol:

You're ravenous Stef? Then I'm famished! All those excitement and chaos!

H & Cal: DuCainers, we'd like to thank you for all your help. The wedding ceremony was perfect and we'll remember this for the rest of our lives.

And peeps...here's the photo we took earlier. :lol: (Hope I didn't leave anyone out. If I did, plz tell me I'll add. It's 2am so I might leave someone out unintentionally! :( )

Wedding photo
OMG that's halarious, you guys were too fast for me lol.
Yes, I cried too, you guys are not the only ones, except I need to cry on Greg's shoulder, where is he???????
:lol: I'm just happy to be right beside Calleigh. :D :D :D.

Ya know, if we actually had real pictures of everybody, the pic will look even more real! Like we're really there! That will definitely be awesome.
i missed the wedding!?!? :( oh well, theres still cake right? :lol: if theres not, i will hunt down each and everyone of you... :devil:

well if i could have been there, i would have been the crazy person that spends the whole wedding bawling my eyes out! :lol:

can i still be in the pic? :D
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