H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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^ Ohhh! Welcome Lost2MuchSpeed to the DuCaine thread!

That pic..is just awesome. Heck, anything with them in it is awesome! Nono, H and Speed is not odd! It's cool that you like them too :D.

Dang, I wish I had pictures to post! But I think that pic you posted will suffice. ;)
Catts, the interview was great! Ahaha! Love the sunnies part! How great would it be to actually have that in the show. Sunnies with 'Calleigh DuCaine' engraved on it. Whooooo..... :D

Lol! No problemo CSI_G. Glad you could pop in here again. You wanted a date with H!? Calleigh will come after you and blow your brains off! :lol:

Simon is a meanie but according to Paula, he's a "cuddlebug". :lol: :devil:.

sunnies with cal's name engraved would be awesome!

i would just go on the date to get cal jealous so she would come in and take over for me, then of course i would spy from behind the fake plants to make sure everything goes good :lol:

"cuddlebug", thats exactly the word i would use, its perfect! :lol:

i wonder what cal would look like a a beautiful wedding dress... *coughcaspgettoworkcough* ;)

there was almost almost a moment in mondays ep, they were in the lab alone and i was like "COME ON!!", but nothing really happened, i think that calleigh is waiting for H to get over this dumb marisol before she talks to him again, hopefully it will be very soon!
Nyehehe....be patient! :lol:

This place have been a little quiet anyway. Will be back with pics. Cross my heart and hope to die....again.
can i just say. that i'm sooo slow! and never even thought about "DuCaine" until i read this. the two names fit perfectly! it's obviously a sign.

and also...in french, i know it's "de" but don't they use "du" sometimes too? so it could be like "Calleigh DuCaine = Calleigh of Caine" as she belongs with him.

bit of a random thought there!
^ Lol, I guess it's all pretty much fate! Excellent! I love the way you think there :D.

Okay, so here are two of the manip pics I managed to squeez in. :lol: They're not much and are wedding related.

First the "I do" s...

Then the Honeymoon!

:lol: Ahahaha! I crack myself up!

casp you crack me up too, all of your pics are so funny! i liked the second one on the beach, hey they have a beach in miami right...? :lol:

if we could just get a scene of them on the beach together during the actual show, that would be awesome!
Well, their near a beach. You'd think they'd spend more time down there when their off-duty.. *ponder*
:lol: Yeah, they do that. Very secretly. So now I'm not surprised that H had that tan in the earlier season. Ahahaha! And Calleigh was carrying around this big bag with all the beach necessities in it :lol:
Oh boy hello guys! I was busy shopping for a dress for the wedding.....nah, was so sick I was stuck in the bed for 2 days.

Wonderful to come back here! You guys really crack me up every so often :lol: Hello Lost2MuchSpeed, glad to see you here.

So.....the BIG DAY! Oh Catts I love the engraved sunglasses too. Great interview but where's the pic you snapped at the end? Aww...come on, don't keep it for yourself. *nudge*


Hey DuCainers. We're the bridesmaids! You guys all look awesome! Now it's one hour before the wedding. Let's get together and take a group photo! :D

(please someone continue from here)
CDC: Ok, Ok, here's the camera! Girls, please, come all here in the garden and pose *everyone makes H's pose* Great! Now, smile... Three, two, one...


CDC: Good. Now we could take one next to the-

Cal *rushes in the garden half dressed up*: GIRLS, I NEED HELP HERE!

CDC: Ok, let's not panic! LET'S NOT PANIC!
lool! i joined in this a bit too late to be a bridesmaid!! perhaps i could be a female minister thing to wed them!! oh yes...i like my thinking hehe...

closer to H :devil: *runs away from Cal*
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