H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Casper: *switches on some love songs* Girls! Get dressed and come down quick. The guests are getting lost and we need ushers! Ahaha! In the meantime, I'll get some groove going. *puts on headphones and raises hands* Y'all ready to ROOCK!!?

*tumbleweed rolls by*

Okay, so forget the rock song. :lol: :lol:

CDC, that is some crazily awesome cake girl! Dang!
Alright, alright. They're all seated already. Can't believe it. Who's gonna be H's best man!? :eek:
Err...I thought we're already dressed up for the photo session just now? :eek: :lol: *Slaps Casp with a Horatio balloon[/b]* Hey Casp don't confuse us, we're dressed, look!

Oh my CDC that's the loveliest cake I've ever seen! What did Calleigh want? Was it about the cake? We've got that handled. Where is she now? She's gone again...she shouldn't panic so much. I don't see Horatio yet...

Now Lost2MS H is getting married to Cal so you're gonna be a bridesmaid late or not. So come on! *drags her into the bridesmaids gang* Let's go look for Cal in the room. See if she needs anything.

Zippy: Cal we're here! You need help? Anything?

OMG!OMG!OMG! Someone must go and find a new pair of shoes for Cal! Hers have disappeared! I saw Aerosol wandering around the bride's room... I must find her and make her give them back. Ok, ok, I'm calm... I really am. Oh, and someone else should go and try to calm her down, too, cause she's getting nervous. AND FIND H, PLEASE!
Where the heck is the wedding planner? We have a wedding planner, don't we?
Catts: *Runs around like a mad woman looking for Cal's shoes. Comes back in with them in hand* I found them! Aresol hid them in her purse, I kicked her out *Smiles devilishly* Horatio is out in the garden and the wedding planner is stuck in traffic, AND I DID ALL OF THIS WITH THE USE OF MY NEW NEXTEL! :)lol:)
Casper: Ladies! *pops balloon with my spiky hair* There now get that thing away from me Zippy! Ahaha! Don't panic. I'll have to find the groom.. *walks around the garden and bumps into...*

H! What's wrong man?

H: I'm not feeling too good..
Casper: Told you not to eat before the reception.
H: No, it's not that. I've got butterlies and I feel...sick.. *starts panting*
Casper: Whoa, whoa H. Don't go hyperventilating on me. Go to your dressing room and fix that tux. The wedding is about to start. *talks through a megaphone*

Ladies and gentlemen, if you would just settle down, the wedding will commence soon. *mumbles* Where the heck is the wedding planner!

(who's the wedding planner!!?)
Ok, no wedding planner? I'll be the wedding planner then. What about the priest? Er... Where's the priest? He's not in the chapel, he's not tasting the cake (he isn't, is he??), he's not flirting with the bridesmaids (he isn't, is he??)... NO PRIEST??? Oh my... Shall I have to be the priest too? Gotta tell Horatio my salary is considerably growing.
Casper: Oh :lol: No worries CDC. The priest called in saying that he had the case of the flu. You just wait at the altar. Oh and..*passes CDC a robe* Gotta look like a priest to be one :D.

*runs to Cal's dressing room*

Casper: Ladies, CDC says you're on in ten minutes.. *gawks* Calleigh..you look absolutely, positively-
Zippy: Get out! We need to get ready.
Casper: Uhhmmmm...okay. [ :lol:]

*runs to H's dressing room*

Casper: H-Man, you're up in five minutes. *stares* You okay?
H: Yeah. *gulps and breaths in* Here goes.

*runs out to PA system and switches on some music*

(Let's wrap this up nice and easy)
CDC(struggles to keep the guests calm): Ok folks, I know we're all excited and the most of us, being DuCaine shippers, desperately want this to happen, but I beg to remind you it's H and Cal's big day, so be patient, everything has to be absolutely perfect! Now, why don't we-

Eric (crawls next to CDC): Sweetheart, have I ever told you you look gorgeous in black?

CDC(blushes): Oh, thank you honey! You know, you look so sexy in tha- (the guests stare stunned) Er, I mean... You shouldn't be here! You're the groomsman, go and give Horatio a hand!

Eric: But you said we would-

CDC(pushes him away embarassed): Not now!

Eric: Ok, ok, I got it! (goes down the altar) Ryan, isn't that Calleigh's lipstick?

Ryan: Yup!

Eric: What is it doing on your lips?

Ryan: I was just-

CDC: GO AWAY!!!!!! Bring the groom here! Where's the father of the bride? Anyone has seen Kenwall Duquesne? No?! Oh, great! MG, I'm not going to survive this!

Greg Sanders(appears): You want a Valium?

CDC: NO! NO! NO! I want this wedding to end! (grabs Greg's arm) And give me that damn Valium!

Edit: Oh, we already have a priest! I'm glad I won't have to celebrate the marriage of the woman I have a crush on! :D
Casper: Oh yeah, the priest is here! *passes robe to Stef* Alright priest, you wait at the altar.

CDC, I'll help you fetch the bride's father. *walks around and spots someone in the crowd....*

Mr Duquesne! Oh, you shouldn't be bringing that..*takes flask away*
Kenwall: I need that drink.
Casper: No, you'll need to remain sober for this wedding. *drags him by the arm towards CDC and Stef at the altar* Here is the bride's father. :) *returns to PA system and insert the wedding song disc*

(On cue, when this song comes up, the wedding will start. Stef, you're gonna have to know what to say here. Hehe. All the bridesmaid will walk down the aisle. The groom and best man is ready. All we need now is the father and daughter to walk down the aisle. Let's wrap this up before the mod catches us.)
Oh dang! The wedding started???

Zippy: Father Stef are you ready? DuCainers ready? Music ready? Horatio, calm down I can hear your heartbeat! *runs over to Cal* Mr. Duquesne...are you crying?

Kenwall D: My lambchop looks just like her momma...oh, why do I feel like I'm losing you baby??

Cal: Aww dad...you're not...I need your blessing dad.


Zippy: *sobs* *signals Casp for music*

Oh my! *gasp* Madison's the flower girl!
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