"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

I agree with those who said this was the best CSI episode ever!!!!!!!! Absolutely beautifully done. The team worked well with each other, the story was intriguing and Nick... oh Nick... siiiiiiiiiigh. He was just amazing. What a beautiful guy (inside and out). I love that whenever he gets angry it's usually for someone else's sake.

Nick Stokes is my hero! :D (No kidding, eh?) :lol:

It was interesting, too, to have the four younger CSIs handle the case, with just a bit of help from Marg. They obviously did a great job without their superiors' involvement.

Has that police officer been in previous episodes? He's so nice!

I'm rambling. Time to go watch old CSI episodes. :D
As I said before, this episode its amazing. In my friends words: "Its teh SHIZZIT!!" :lol: But I have one question: Will it be aired again soon? A different friend is really bummed because she missed it and very unfortunatly, I forgot to tape it. If anyone knows when its re-run will be, it would be very much appreciated.
Also the part with Nick and Sage was very unique.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that scene. Wasn't that great??? (Even though I'm totally against New Agey stuff... but I liked Sage.) Here was a total stranger affirming Nick. He really took it to heart and I think it gave him the strength and courage he needed to put his everything into the case.

And it was kind of neat that there was a Hansel and Gretel theme because I was helping my niece with her French homework earlier tonight and she's got a test on Hansel and Gretel tomorrow! :D

Oh yeah... I was leaving. :lol:
Absolutely loved Nick in this ep, i think he's phenomenal. :) But I cant agree that no one can wear his emotions on his sleeve like Nicky...

I still think of Warrick in Grave Danger. He was a mess. Reminds me of Nick in this ep: they're emotional because of whats happening to others based on their life involvement (opposed to Grave Danger where Nick was scared for his life... in no means ignoring George's great performance) I guess i'd say Warrick and Nick are tied :D

Everyone was great in this ep. Even Cath. Missed seeing Grissom but not because of the way the show was done, just used to seeing his mug :)
Did anyone find it weird that Sara looked a little nauseous in the kitchen?


Ya I was wondering about that, but then I got side tracked when Greg started making the mary jane comments :p
I was thinking, when Ms. Sage told Nick he had a "feminine quality" - she was implying Nick had a connection w/ Cassie and had her in his mind...
Re: Incredible episode



Wow, nice atmosphere on the opening. But Nicky... I love ya, ya big lug, and I don't begrudge you your chance to emote this time round... but leggo Grissom's opening zinger. That's all I'm saying.

Act I

Aw, Sara brought Nick a coffee. She's still looking after him, what with the lunch in the first episode and now this - good continuity.

Grissom at body farm probably means no Grissom at hotel. Glad we got that out of the way early. And all the GSR shippers can start speculating about just how she knew he was at the body farm. Let the fanfic begin!

YAY! All the Young Turks! Let's hope they make Daddy and Mommy proud!

That little girl is so cute. She's probably dead. Note to self: never be cute in Vegas.

Um, Greg - joking about Sara's mom like that is probably not a good idea. Just FYI. Although you're temporarily forgiven solely for that look of bliss on your face as you discovered the Wealth of Weed in the basement. You ganja geek, you!

Act II

"I'll bet they do now." Ah, the betrayal of the present tense!

Doctor Dude's got a poor-man's-Alan-Rickman thing happening - although poor or rich Alan Rickman is enough for me. *sighloveyouAlancallmesoonsigh*

Nick, that crazy feminine energy is probably from the lustful thoughts of all women everywhere who just witnessed that smile.

Catherine lookin' all professional in the lab! Humph - makes sense, now that there's no one there to see her.

Sheriff, I like you. You're professional and something-up-your-ass-less. You ever think about moving to Vegas?


Oh damn it, I didn't catch what snarky little Greg said! Someone enlighten me?

MUFFINS?! MUFFINS?! And Grissom and Catherine aren't there?! SHIT!!! Damn you, you awful teasing writers!

Aw, that little tete-a-tete between Sara and Nick - that was so sweet. *sniff* I really do like the way those two interact when they're on screen together. I don't blame the Snickers one bit for their eternal hope. A little Snickers really does satisfy.

Those little kids playing ball are sweet too. Too bad two of them are probably killers between now and Season 7.

Sailing Daddy! Greg back-story! And you might want to put your head between your knees; that weird rocking turbulence you're experiencing is the gamut of Greggophiles jumping up and down for joy.

Oh, I'm so dumb - "Gum Drops"! I just got that now! *smacks head*

The music is really good this episode - could our regular music detectives track down some of those tunes?

And there's our Nicky smackdown. George Eads, you're a good actor and deserve George Clooney's career... but God, it just hit me how much William Petersen would have rocked those scenes.

Act IV

I thought that diver was Brass at first! Now I can't concentrate... Paul G in a wetsuit.... *salivates*

Man, usually things don't squick me out on CSI unless they're tapeworms or body stew... but that shot of the family at the bottom of the lake? Really creeped me out.

Nick agreed to stay in the car while Sara went to the house? I would have liked to have seen how she managed that.

Sara, you are amazingly cool considering the type of case you're working. You're a rockin' chick. If Grissom can't see what's in front of his face, he doesn't deserve you.

George Eads, you bastard, you cry on screen like no one else before or since. Now I'm tearing up. I'm holding you responsible for any and all scenes that are too blurry to see.

Cassie, you're one smart little girl and I'm glad you're alive.

Final Analysis

Not bad, not bad at all. A victim we could care about, a good crime-solving, Strong Sara, Emotive Nick, Funny Greg, Still-Happily-Married Warrick, and an awesome Cath for the fifth episode in a row (whoever brought her back, I heart you mightily!). But... I missed WP so bad, and I mourn the episode it could have been even though I liked the episode we got.

On the other hand... Paul G in a wetsuit. Heh. If you'll excuse me....
I think this was a great episode.

It was very well done. I didn't even miss Grissom or Catherine. Sorry to say. It was nice having the others take the spotlight. That's ideally what an ENSEMBLE cast is supposed to be about. I think the TPTB forget that sometimes.

And as per usual..GE did a fabulous job.

Sara was fabulous. So supportive and calming for Nick.

Greg was very, very funny and dead on about Tina. That's what I like about Greg. He says what everyone else is thinking in such a funny way, you can't get mad at him.

He may not get all the lines, Greg fans, but he gets the good ones!! So take solace in that. It's the quality not the quantity!

Why didn't Catherine get the case. She can't go out of town guys. She's hardly around for Lindsey as is.

I thought the scene between Nick and the strange woman was very touching. Her telling him that's he doing well.

And the comment Nick made about the guy taking photos of little girls in their bathing suits was very good continuance from 'Overload'. God it only took four years. At least that's how I see it. Proves Nick isn't completely over it.

It's really nice to see him as a survivor of a horrible crime, rather than a victim.

That little girl was amazing as well and she and GE did a great job in that last scene. Very touching. Good little actress. I like the way she scribbled, 'Don't baby me!' to Nick. It's like they had a deep understanding of each other's pain and what it means to survive being attacked without really knowing each other.

I give this episode an A. The TPTB finally did something smart. It's called EMSEMBLE for a reason. Maybe somebody finally looked up the meaning and said, 'ooops we screwed up'

But the Grissom fans will be sighin. I didn't really miss him, not that I want him to leave, and I'm sorry how this episode change came about. But you couldn't ask for a better guy to take over.
OHHHH My goodness...I just got done watching it....And I too think it is now my favorite episode. Nick's acting was..unbelivible!!!!! I was in tears too when she gave him the card. :( I almost broke my couch because I was pushing on the foot rest soooo hard.LOL :lol:...by the way did anyone else notice everyones new sun glasses???? I love Sara's the most,I have a pair like that. I thought Nicks were cool too.

I always tape new CSI ep.s I have them all organized and in order.Im soo proud of myself because CSI stuff is the only thing that I accually keep oraganized...cause it rocks!!! :D
actually I found the Sage scene strange. The only thing in the whole ep that didnt fit. Reminiscent of Tina and Warrick. But just like that scene, Sage and Nick was cute to watch.
Ok this eppi was the best eppi i ever seen well it comes in 2nd to "Grave Danger" but it was very close :D :D :D i have 2 question though :confused: what was up with the finger powder thing with sara:confused: and the lady that was talking to nick (the one that said his thrid eye was wide open) what was up with her i cold tell it helpd nick emotionally in all but :confused:....anyway this was deffenitly one of the best eppis :D at least this season......and i really liked the conttection between Nick and Sara and i liked how sara was concernd for nick after his littel blow up in the interrrigation room :devil:....the ending was soooo sweet how Cassie gave nick that card (awwwwww) he was in tears :( i think that was soooo cute...anyway LOVED this eppi :D. at the yoko ono thing at first i didnt under stand him but now...lol :lol:
...by the way did anyone else notice everyones new sun glasses???? I love Sara's the most,I have a pair like that. I thought Nicks were cool too.

Ya I noticed the glasses too, the first scene where Nick is wearin his, I was like, "wow, those are oddly feminine" LOL, his and Sara's were somewhat similar - maybe Im just imagining things :D
wow...that was an amazing episode! I really liked the way they filmed it. It was a new thing for CSI, and I liked it alot. Also, Greg got some nice parts in there as well. I just liked the whole episode, man. My mom and I were sitting there at the very end and we were like, "Daaaaaang...that was an amazing episode!"

Also, i liked that Sage character. very cool.
Great episode. I have to say, I didn't miss Grissom tonight. I think this episode proved that the team can actually operate well on their own without supposidly Grissom to guide them *cough CSI Miami cough*

I really enjoyed everything and everyone tonight. The old school approach and it dawned on me towards the end of the scene how nice it was to see them in a different and very realistic location.

GE did a hell of a job tonight and I got a good brother/sister vibe with him and Sara too. (Sara's sunglasses must go). Greg had his usual good lines again and I love how he is shown to chatter on the job which I think is so in character for him.

When it's all said and done, my favorite scene was them eating at the table together and discussing the case. They looked like they LIKED each other and the acting and the writing was great.