"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

Re: What did the card say

One question, even though I could pop in my video and read what the last line of the card said, thought I'd ask here.
I know she Thanks the good guys for saving her but I thought it said something else too.
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the front said "Thanks for finding me" and inside it said "From: Cassie" and "To: Good guys about bad guys".
Yoko Ono!?! Oh you must be youngons...Yoko Ono has NOTHING to do with Buffy...Yoko Ono was John Lennon's wife and blamed for the break up of the greatest band in history...The Beatles. THAT is what Greg was implying...Ah the Beatles...Bugs...I miss Gil... :(

maybe i should clarify myself, i aplologize for any misunderstanding, i know who Yoko Ono is and how she was blamed by many to be the reason the Beatles broke up...as i have mentioned it was kinda off topic, i was just referring to a Buffy episode long ago in which they refer someone who breaks up a team to be a "Yoko Factor"...i just thought it was funny how my 2 favorite tv shows of all time has made a reference to Yoko Ono
Ah Yoko...the bane of all ensembles...Anyway, I have to say that I just missed Gil and not that hotel scene. Thanks to Greg's Yoko comment for lightening the show. I would have though it interesting for Sage to say that to Gil...
Showing Spark of Life...I'm guessing because of the funeral that Petersen was at. Actually I wanted to see that again. There was a cute dialogue between Gil and Sara...
Buffer week before November Sweeps. Series usually air their big two parters the second and thrid weeks of the sweeps months to maximize viewership. We still have Secrets and Flies to go yet on November 3 and then a bullet runs through it will air November 10 and 17, so they needed to show something next week...and that would be a repeat.

I'm running this scheduling thing from memory, but I remeber reading about it in a media marketing class about a hundred years ago...

Hope that answers the question.

And just to stay on topic...Once again, wow, tonights episode was amazing.
All I can say is that despite my love for William Peterson....I just adored George in this..after GD..it fit. His lines with Sage about trying to get through his current life......the lines with Sara about him getting rescued.....

the hospital stuff...I'm hurting right now.

THANK YOU George Eads for you"strong" silent stuff, your anger..you sadness...you almsot cried again..

I think I'll just have to write something to express myself...
Re: "Gum Drops" Discussion Thread ... no spoilers here

I *LOVED* this episode so much. My significant other and I both cried at the end ... I loves me some Nick Stokes. I didn't know an episode without either Grissom or Brass could be this good.

And let's hear it for Catherine's new businesslike look! It's about time.
Re: "Gum Drops" Discussion Thread ... no spoilers here

Thanks for the answer guys....sorry for getting off topic

Back to Topic...I'll say again I loved this episode, it made me anxious for season 6 dvd set :)
I loved this eppy! Best of the season, and one of the best including last season actually, IMO. I must admit, I didn't miss Grissom at all tonight - and this, coming from a major, hardcore Grissophile. I just thought Nick being the emotional one, not giving up on young Cassie was more believable, and struck a major chord, with me. And GE knocked it out of the park and into the next neighborhood, truly. He shined in every.single.scene.

Loved Greg tonight. "Sweet...Mary...Jane. Emerald City." LOL It truly creeped me out when Sara first went down the basement steps. And I don't think anyone was quite expecting what she found down there! The scene when the sheriff & Nick (?) went to confront the pot smoking doctor, and what the sheriff said to him..."Tell me, doc...are you high when you treat my daughter?" Ouch. 'Nuff said.

Loved the scene with Nick/Sage. Seemed to be a rather defining moment, for him. Also loved the voiceover of Cassie, and Nick's connection to her. She wasn't there, but he seemed to feel her presence. Loved his conversation with Sara, when he said "That doesn't mean you just give up...I was rescued." Yes Nick, you were, and we're all eternally grateful for that!

We got some Archie! Yeah Archie!

Finding the bodies in the water...wow. Truly, truly creepy. I literally held my breath during that one. Finding Cassie alive...wonderful. Scene with her & Nick in the hospital...amazing. I cried when Nick cried. He was simply fantastic. I honestly think the show had more of an emotional impact on me with Nick being the emotional one, than it would have had if it had been Grissom. Not sure why. More believable, I guess, with Nick's emotions still being so raw.

My specific shipper status aside, I am really, really glad the hotel room scene was cut completely. Even had Grissom been there, I would have deemed it too frivilous for such an intense, sensitive storyline. I think it would have been...I don't know, disrespectful in a way, I guess. And it might have stuck out like a sore thumb and felt very out of place. I know the GSR folks are disappointed, and absolutely no disrespect intended on my part, but I honestly think, given the emotional impact of the eppy, it was better without it. There will be many chances in the future to explore feelings or whatever between Grissom/Sara, but this wouldn't have been the ideal eppy to do it, IMO.

I give this one an A++. This is the CSI I fell in love with, way back when. A great storyline, vics you can care about, not wondering who's hoping to do whom, and no screen-hogging personal over-the-top angst unless it's directly related to the storyline. Loved it.
Re: "Gum Drops" Discussion Thread ... no spoilers here

Someone mentioned it earlier and I had to add one of my favorite lines of teh night that made me spew Diet Coke everywhere was when Greg asked Sara if he got a gold star.............the look she gave him and that silly grin of his.......

I loved it............

Still think it was a GREAT episode!
I loved this eppy! ... I must admit, I didn't miss Grissom at all tonight - and this, coming from a major, hardcore Grissophile.

Same here. This episode had my undivided attention from beginning to end. I'm a Grissom fan too. But only after the episode was over, I realized that Grissom wasn't in it at all. I.e. I didn't miss him. I was totally with Nick in this one. And the hospital scene in the end got me choked up.
i loved this episode! so much good character interaction. And i didnt miss Grissom or Catherine either. I felt like the kids were finally getting to go out and play on there own.

GE pulled off another beautiful perfomance. "i was rescued..." and the scene at the end with Cassie made me tear up. It was also good nick and sara interaction...made me snicker heart go pitter patter

im sorry but what is yoko ono mean? that line totally went over my head, and none of my friends knew either.

Oh this was a wunderbar episode!! My favorite this season.

:cool: Lizbeth
im sorry but what is yoko ono mean? that line totally went over my head, and none of my friends knew either

Yoko Ono was the wife of Beatle John Lennon and it was thought by many that she caused friction in the group and caused the break up of the Beatles.
im sorry but what is yoko ono mean? that line totally went over my head, and none of my friends knew either

Yoko Ono was the wife of Beatle John Lennon and it was thought by many that she caused friction in the group and caused the break up of the Beatles.

Ohhhh Thanx...haha yea that makes it so much clearer. Thank you :)

:cool: Lizbeth