"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

I only have one word to describe this episode:


I am MORE than impressed at this episode. From the opening sequence to the very last scene, I loved this episode. There were times when I was frightened (when Sara was going down to the basement...who knows what was down there?! :lol:), and there were times where I was near close to crying. The ending was so great. :) This is by far my favorite episode of CSI yet. Great job to the cast and crew working on this episode. The music and camera work was awesome on top of the acting and suspense. And now, in the words of "The Comic Book Guy":
Best. Episode. EVER.

A very happy CSI-watcher,
Whaaaa? No previews! That must mean that next week is a rerun. Crap!

The little girl survived. She's in the hospital with an endotracheal tube in her throat. I think that's what it's called.

Those boys were so cold-blooded and creepy.
Nick looked a little emotional when he was looking at the gum while sitting at the picnic table. I wonder if they were making a connection between Nick using the gum to plug his ears in "Grave Danger." I thought the ep was great! As for Cassie's throat being slit, people can survive it if the cut isn't deep enough.

Other things I loved: Sage telling Nick he had a lot of feminine energy. Then when he said he didn't believe in past lives because he was just trying to get through this one, and she said you're doing a pretty good job, that was a great scene. The look on his face conveyed so much!
WOW! I think that was the best episode yet this season! I really liked the way that it was all sort of a flashback with Cassie's narration. And the opening was really cool. And George Eads delivered yet another stunning performance.
I enjoyed this episode. It was just different than the norm and I liked that. I liked Sara and Nick's relationship in this one. Sara us so good at being a friend and not hovering.

LMAO @ Yoko Ono.

Greg also said soemthing that made me spew Diet Coke and now I can't even remember what he said! Gosh, that's bad!

Nicky at the end when Cassie gave him the card???? OH MY GOODNESS I was crying so hard! That was sooooooo emotional!

Good ep! I did miss Grissom though!
This is the first episode of Vegas I've watched this season and I wasn't disappointed! I thought it was a great episode. I liked how they carried Cassies' voice overs throughout and I must say, the end had me tearing up. :(

I've missed Greg! He was funny w/ "It's the ganja graveyard!" and "Yoko Ono" and his comments to Sara about the gold stars.... :lol:
Did Greg hit his head getting out of the car? Poor baby :( ;) :D

I liked Nick's response to why he doesn't believe in past lives- "I'm just trying to get through this one."
First ep of the new season that really didn't do much for me. I didn't find myself remotely wrapped up in the case or anything. Disappointing... :(
Incredible episode

Wow! It's about time! I absolutely loved this episode. Holy boyscouts batman! Nick was so human. His heart, his soul, his determination and belief that the little girl was alive. I'm so glad they side lined Grissom and Catherine, had way to much of them last year. I know, I know, some of you just adore Cath and Gil. Mind you I do to but they worked on my nerves last year. Nick has always been the heart and soul of the team. Proving you can be a scientist and human at the same time.
Great episode! very moving....LOVED Greg's humor in this one! He seems to be getting more adorable with each episode :D
I cracked up when he teased Warrick about Tina by saying Yoko Ono :lol: Nick was very fragile which I thought was appropriate. It was especially moving after Cassie says thank you for saving her and he goes, "Your welcome, sweetheart." I cried. It didnt help matters any when Nick said "I know that when bad things happen, its hard to remember." The tears kept flowing.
I know some would say Nick's emotional involvment in certain cases is a downside, but I find it very noble of him and I hope to see more of his emotions this season. I was kinda disappointed that Catherine didnt have a very prominent role in this case, but I enjoyed seeing more screen time for Greg. :) One question though, why are they reshowing "Spark of Life" next week instead of a new episode?? :confused:
Re: Incredible episode

All I can say is WOW!!!! What a great episode!!!
Nicky at the end when Cassie gave him the card???? OH MY GOODNESS I was crying so hard! That was sooooooo emotional!

Yeah, no man can wear emotion on his sleeve on this show like Nick. He's really good.

Loved my Greggo! He's a pip!
This episode is now going on my favorites list. The little girl's voice over gave me chills. The part with Nick and the suspect was so intense, I was practically leaning infront of the television set. Also the part with Nick and Sage was very unique. I had tears running down my face by the end of the episode when Nick jumped out of the boat, he found the little girl, and his emotion when he talked to her for the first time was outstanding.

The jokes in this episode from Sara, Warrick, and Greg were very enlightning and funny. This was one very well down episode and now it's stuck with me =)