"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

becasue watching a friend being buried alive would probably have impacted all of them.

I think Grissom was impacted almost as much as Nick during Grave Danger. Although he dosnt show his emotions, there still there.
And this coming from personal experiences, I would rather be the one in the tight situtaion then a friend. Watching a friend die without being able to do anything about it is the worst thing in the world. Everyone think of your best friend in the world trapped underground.. and you get a live feed. Your actually sitting there watching your friend die. That the worst thing that could EVER happen to me anyway. Id rather be in the box.
Grissom: "There are three things I have a real problem with - men who beat their wives, sexual assaults on children and the scum who deal 'death' to kids."
hey guys, i was just wondering what happened on the previous episode called shooting stars, do you think i will need to know what happend? my stupid cable company messed up that channel, and that channel only, and for only the 1 hour. oh how i HATE Comcast. oh and what about the GD case, will they say anything, to your knowledge, about it, like the blow up maybe they make a refrence to it :) les try this: *violin* hmmmm
may I just say that I think that this looks like it could just be the best episode this season.Just my opinion of course, but TPTB, please don't let me down!
lol. And then the suckage begins...

With all of the script-rearrangement it really could go either way, but I've got my fingers crossed.
I will say one thing about the cast change in the story.

Least GE was second choice, if this was two seasons before Grave Danger, it would have probably gone Marj or Gary, or Jorja. But I guess the finale showed gave GE the chance to show tptb what he's capable of.

So with that, I take my bow.
GilandSara Wrote: hey guys, i was just wondering what happened on the previous episode called shooting stars, do you think i will need to know what happend? my stupid cable company messed up that channel, and that channel only, and for only the 1 hour. oh how i HATE Comcast. oh and what about the GD case, will they say anything, to your knowledge, about it, like the blow up maybe they make a refrence to it :) les try this: *violin* hmmmm
There is a discussion thread about it right here "Shooting Stars" Discussion Thread.
i was looking forward to seeing Grissom attack a suspect.. darn... :(

Me too :(, I've waited for years seeing Grissom get violent :(

But Grissom is such a nice caring guy who likes his buggies! ^^ *squee* i don't think it would work. Nick can do it a bit better, i think.

well, even though Grissom can be a bit unemotional at times he still has emotions. He may not show them very well but he might keep them bottled up. Then overtime something might trigger him and BOOM! yess yess.. don't mind me. i think Grissom is going to flip out one of these days though. Nick getting buried alive might have even pushed his emotions to the edge and now something little could set it off.
think I know why the girl's voice sounds so rough.

If you take a look at the screencaps from the eppy Gum Drops you'll notice the scene where she is in the hospital bed and Nick is talking to her. There is a bandage on her neck.

Obviously, she took some sort of damage there and it affected her voice. Because no 8 year old child is going to talk like she's been a pack a day smoker for the last 30 years.

What we're most likely hearing in the promo is voice over from that conversation at the end of the eppy.

Or am I way off base?

I've read somewhere - not sure what website - can't remember, I'll have to do some searching - but the entire episode will have the voiceover of the little girl -telling the story of what happened, and then at the end - it's the little girl in the hospital telling it to Nick - it's almost like a flashback.
I will say one thing about the cast change in the story.

Least GE was second choice, if this was two seasons before Grave Danger, it would have probably gone Marj or Gary, or Jorja. But I guess the finale showed gave GE the chance to show tptb what he's capable of.

So with that, I take my bow.

No, it wouldn't have gone to Gary or Sara (after all, how can Sara do her part PLUS Grissom's part in this episode?). No, GE is extremely popular with the fans and TPTB have finally recognized that fact and given him the third top role behind Billy and Marg. I expect we'll be seeing LOTS of Nick from now on. Maybe TPTB are grooming GE to take the lead if (or when) Billy retires from the show.

But getting back to Gum Drops--looks like a great Nicky episode. I wonder how many, if any, of the scenes already shot were changed to accommodate the change of lead?
think I know why the girl's voice sounds so rough.

If you take a look at the screencaps from the eppy Gum Drops you'll notice the scene where she is in the hospital bed and Nick is talking to her. There is a bandage on her neck.

Obviously, she took some sort of damage there and it affected her voice. Because no 8 year old child is going to talk like she's been a pack a day smoker for the last 30 years.

What we're most likely hearing in the promo is voice over from that conversation at the end of the eppy.

Or am I way off base?

I've read somewhere - not sure what website - can't remember, I'll have to do some searching - but the entire episode will have the voiceover of the little girl -telling the story of what happened, and then at the end - it's the little girl in the hospital telling it to Nick - it's almost like a flashback.

I read that too. Probably over at YTDAW.
Can I just ask this quickly? Why is there so much speculation about William Peterson leaving the show? Is there some kind of quote he said or is this just guessing?
I believe his contract extends to the end of S7 and there's a lot of speculation he might leave the show then. He's said various things about when he might leave but nothing's for sure really.