- Someone commented a couple pages back that it doesn't make sense for Nick to be apologizing to Sara, when in season 1 he was bothered by Grissom's concern over the Kristy situation. I actually think the two instances are very consistent, in the sense they both show that Nick is very private, when it comes to his personal life and intimate feelings.
Kristy's chosen prefession was questionable, and unfortunate for a law enforcement personnel like Nick, but he believed he was seeing her for the person behind the job, and so he viewed the potential romance just like he would a normal one, that it was nobody's business. And of course, I agree that he was a lot less mature back then.
My take on the "Gum Drops" scene: Sara told Nick she was concerned about how his behavior might affect the case,
and more importantly how the case was affecting him. Nick's reply was that he knows and he's sorry, addressing the fact that he's aware and regretful of how he might have comprimised the investigation. But he completely dodged the second half of the question, which he couldn't possibly have answered without owning up to his feeling of vulnerability. And I think Sara realized Nick was clamming up on the more personal side of the issue, and being the socially awkward person that she is, she wasn't eager to press the question, so she just stared at him for half a second before abruptly changing the topic.
- At the hospital: I noticed that when Nick approached, Cassie mouthed "Hi" but no sound came out, and she self-consciously touched her throat. So Nick whispered "Hi" back. How sweet was that? He has such a way with people.
- The name of the town is apparently "Pioche", for whoever asked. The name was actually mentioned three times in the episode, once by Nick or Sara, once by Warrick, and it could be seen on the ATM record. It certainly was a lot harder to catch than, say, Jackpot.
ETA: it's on the sheriff's car as well.