"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

I don't know. TPTB are doing better with Nicky continuity this season so it's entirely possible that some sort of follow through might happen later in the season (or next season). Not sure if they'd bring Cassie back for it, but maybe Nick'll get a letter or card from her, or some other mention of how she's doing.

I would love that. While I admit that the adoption thing crossed my mind for a split second, I don't want to see that because it would be kind of silly, in my opinion. It would be great and make a lot of sense though if we find out later on that Nicky and Cassie have been keeping in touch. They are kindred spirits, and I think just talking to each other would help them both to heal.
This was by far the best ep of the season. I'd also rank it near the top of the series. I can't really find anything wrong with it. It was just perfect. That hospital scene T_______________T

GE did a superb job. As did JF. I also liked Greg this ep. He's really getting comfy in his own skin out in the field. I can't wait to see another ep where he shines.

Oh, and Live4GrissNSara, I may despise GSR but I absolutely LOVE your banner. Such a great song.
And for the little girl giving her own Position of View on what was happening reminds me of the book "The Lovely Bones", a story in which a girl is raped and gives her own POV.
I can't tell you how much I love that book - I didn't connect it with the episode but that's a good observation.

That's a great point, now that you mention it I wonder if the writers got some inspiration from "The Lovely Bones." That's one of my all-time favorite books, I think I cried more while reading that than any other book.

I'm also surprised that this wasn't saved for Sweeps, but maybe with all the changes they didn't realize it was going to be this good! :) And they probably didn't want to show a re-run. I think GE is the one that took this ep above and beyond a normal "CSI" show. This is now on par with "Grave Danger" for me, which is saying a lot! :p
Although I really liked the Nick/Sage scene, I couldn't help but be bothered by the fact that she came to check on Nina (the mom), but Nick never told her that Nina was dead. Then she just left without any further inquiry about why Nick was there. That just seemed odd to me.

I was wondering the same thing, Sage comes to the house worried and never asks Nick what happened or where the family was.

I also agree, I can't believe the police didn't find the basement - aren't they supposed to clear the house - they sure didn't do a good job and it's not like the door was hidden or anything.
Sounds crazy, but I did fill out the comment section on the CBS website commending the show, GE and the writers..so Ihope they get it.
I also agree, I can't believe the police didn't find the basement - aren't they supposed to clear the house - they sure didn't do a good job and it's not like the door was hidden or anything.

Well, I can sort of see it. Remember this is a small town... one of those places where everyone knows (or at least thinks they know) everyone else. The shariff might not have wanted to invade the families privacy any more then he had to. From what he told Nick at the begining, it sounded like he knew the family... so these weren't strangers to him.

Moreover, the police there don't deal with that much violent crime... so don't have the expierence that the CSIs and Vegas PD do.
All I know is, problems aside, if this episode is not Emmy worthy I really don't know what is. This was not only far beyond a normal CSI show, but far beyond anything I have seen on TV for a long time. I still cringe at the look GE gives Cassy's gum wrapper when he first sees it....shudder...Quiet intensity at its finest.
I also agree, I can't believe the police didn't find the basement - aren't they supposed to clear the house - they sure didn't do a good job and it's not like the door was hidden or anything.

Well, I can sort of see it. Remember this is a small town... one of those places where everyone knows (or at least thinks they know) everyone else. The shariff might not have wanted to invade the families privacy any more then he had to. From what he told Nick at the begining, it sounded like he knew the family... so these weren't strangers to him.

Moreover, the police there don't deal with that much violent crime... so don't have the expierence that the CSIs and Vegas PD do.

It wasn't just that the police didn't checked the basement, but also that Nick had been in there since the previous night, there was blood in the room by the door, and he never checked it out. I just don't understand why it took until the next day for them to even take a peek downstairs, especially considering that the blood led right up to the door. *shrug* It doesn't really matter, it just didn't make sense to me.
- Someone commented a couple pages back that it doesn't make sense for Nick to be apologizing to Sara, when in season 1 he was bothered by Grissom's concern over the Kristy situation. I actually think the two instances are very consistent, in the sense they both show that Nick is very private, when it comes to his personal life and intimate feelings.

Kristy's chosen prefession was questionable, and unfortunate for a law enforcement personnel like Nick, but he believed he was seeing her for the person behind the job, and so he viewed the potential romance just like he would a normal one, that it was nobody's business. And of course, I agree that he was a lot less mature back then.

My take on the "Gum Drops" scene: Sara told Nick she was concerned about how his behavior might affect the case, and more importantly how the case was affecting him. Nick's reply was that he knows and he's sorry, addressing the fact that he's aware and regretful of how he might have comprimised the investigation. But he completely dodged the second half of the question, which he couldn't possibly have answered without owning up to his feeling of vulnerability. And I think Sara realized Nick was clamming up on the more personal side of the issue, and being the socially awkward person that she is, she wasn't eager to press the question, so she just stared at him for half a second before abruptly changing the topic.

- At the hospital: I noticed that when Nick approached, Cassie mouthed "Hi" but no sound came out, and she self-consciously touched her throat. So Nick whispered "Hi" back. How sweet was that? He has such a way with people.

- The name of the town is apparently "Pioche", for whoever asked. The name was actually mentioned three times in the episode, once by Nick or Sara, once by Warrick, and it could be seen on the ATM record. It certainly was a lot harder to catch than, say, Jackpot. ;) ETA: it's on the sheriff's car as well.
okay for the guys that are concerned about the details just remember that the writers changed the eppy at a short notice and they didnt have time to pay attention to the little details that might have looked wrong. I think that the eppy was awsome and for now this is my favorite eppysode. I think nick did a great job :) and i hope we see some more of him. :) :)