"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

^^^ "longing stare"? :lol: methinks that's wishful thinking... Can't tell you're a snicker at all! :lol: I'm sure the shipping forum is just an abundance of discussion right now...

I guess it was...LOL, Baba!! Snicker is just so second nature to me. But that's for another thread.

I'm incredibly happy the role was given to GE because I seriously cannot see WP doing it with such emotion, and it just fit so damn well because of Grave Danger.

Exactly. Yay for continuity!!!!

And ditto on the Young Guns working a case together.
I thought of the whole "Nick adopting Cassie" thing but that's never going to happen. Not in this show. I would love for her to come back at some point. Nick and Cassie really had a great connection. *sigh*
I thought of the whole "Nick adopting Cassie" thing but that's never going to happen. Not in this show. I would love for her to come back at some point. Nick and Cassie really had a great connection. *sigh*

Ya I dont see it happening either for a few reasons - she probably has other family around; Nick's work schedule would be bad for him to look after a 10 yr. old; I don't think people in law enforcement are allowed to adopt people they've rescued (I could be wrong, I dunno)...
OMG i've just finished watching it. it's like one of the BEST episodes, really. Nick/GE was so great in it... i'm still stunned. 0_O *Weird face with mouth opened*
I too, had a momentary thought of Nick adopting Cassie. Glad to see I wasn't the only one. I doubt it will happen. Perphaps TPTB will find someway to keep Nick in contact with Cassie, though. *so hope the CSI writers are listening*

Did anyone else think "ouch!" when Greg hit his head on the car door? I sure did. I also found that I brought my hand to my head when it happened. :rolleyes:
You guys aren't the only ones - I thought that too, because Nick didn't say anything about family coming to get her, like "Your grandma is on her way", (or somebody...)

I doubt they would do it too, since they already have one single parent story line going on with Catherine and Lindsay, so that area would be for them I suppose.

I just haven't been able to get images from this show out of my head all day, even at work its been in the back of my mind. It really was a great one! If GE doesn't get a nomination for this in 2006, something is wrong. :mad: (snarky moment: william shatner???) ok, sorry, I like WS, but come on! :lol:
ok i just watched the ep and am officially in luv with it!!!

its the most amazing ep there has been, and george was AMAZING!!! i was in tears, i kid you not!!

that end scene with cassie in the hospital had me in tears, he will be such a great father!!!

and the interaction with sara was amazing, they talked on such a deep level.

i luv it!!!
I didn't notice Greg hitting his head the first or second time I watched it, LOL. So I had to watch it again to see the scene everyone was talking about :D - def. not complaining :p
Finally we got to see more Greg :D, but I still think he seems not quite right to be a CSI, he seems out of place.

I don't understand this. Who is "right" to be a CSI? Or did you mean that in real life Greg wouldn't meet the requirements for this position so he comes across as unrealistic? I don't know anyone in this career field so I admit I'm ignorant about what it takes to be a CSI or if it's even possible for a mere lab tech to get into this field.

But I like seeing how this job works from the ground up via Greg, something we didn't get with the other characters.
Nick adopting the little girl: *melts* That'll be the sweetest thing!

I thought of the whole "Nick adopting Cassie" thing but that's never going to happen. Not in this show. I would love for her to come back at some point. Nick and Cassie really had a great connection. *sigh*
I really want her to come back too. She's adorable and a fantastic actress. But since this amazing episode was the result of last-minute re-writes, I'll be very surprised if tptb actually follows it through. Damn. *sigh*
Nick adopting the little girl: *melts* That'll be the sweetest thing!

I thought of the whole "Nick adopting Cassie" thing but that's never going to happen. Not in this show. I would love for her to come back at some point. Nick and Cassie really had a great connection. *sigh*
I really want her to come back too. She's adorable and a fantastic actress. But since this amazing episode was the result of last-minute re-writes, I'll be very surprised if tptb actually follows it through. Damn. *sigh*

I don't know. TPTB are doing better with Nicky continuity this season so it's entirely possible that some sort of follow through might happen later in the season (or next season). Not sure if they'd bring Cassie back for it, but maybe Nick'll get a letter or card from her, or some other mention of how she's doing.