"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

At the end of the episode I realised Grissom hadn't been in it. I hadn't even miss him. I have a bad feling about it though. It was the second time that Grissom didn't appear in an episode. The episodes it occurred in were also very close together. I have a feeling that the writers are testing how episodes can be without Grissom, for when William leaves the show. (Could it be that he leaves after his seventh season then?)

This episode was suppose to be a Grissom episode... but WP had a death in his family - and wanted to be with his family - so the writers wrote him out of the episode...There were even scenes that were shot, but I think they had to scrapped because there was no good way to work them in..

I don't know if WP will be leaving the show or not...Unless there is something going on that we don't know about, I tend to doubt it. What they could be doing, is laying the ground work so that Grissom is in the show a lot less - and let the rest of the cast step up.
Well, what can I say that already has not been said?

Jumping into the fray a bit late as I was out last night and taped the episode and just got around to watching it.

George Eads. My, how far you've come. I am so happy to finally see that what I have been seeing all along has finally gotten to be shared by the masses. He did an incredible job last night -- not over the top -- not overplayed. Perfect. That ending scene where Cassie hands him the card. Oh, killed-me-ded- I tell yeah!

Sara. I will admit I have not liked her character the past few seasons. The pining away at an unobtainable man storyline got real old for me, but that is another conversation for another episode but she was perfect here. Perfect. A good counterblend to Nick. She tried to be the voice of reason when he couldn't but not to a point where she made herself to be cold. Even seeing the way she was talking to Nick in the park about Cassie being dead there was a hint in her voice and her expression that I felt that even though she was saying the logical answer, she was hoping for once that she was wrong. I loved the conversation at the dock with Nick and when she discovered the gum on her shoe -- the look on her face was very telling. Jorja did a great job.

Greg. Coming into his own. Looking mighty confident with his investigation of the boat and the car. I was glad to see a bit of old Greg with the Yoko joke and when he discovered the secret stash.

Warrick. As usual, he did his thing calm, cool and collected. When he arrived at the scene with Greg, no one needed to ask questions. There was a crime to be solved and he knew what to do. "I'll take upstairs."

On a total shallow note. Catherine and her dress-down appropriate shirt in the lab? Wow, that threw me for a loop.

But all in all, this was George Eads all the way.

I understand the few who are upset that there was no Grissom in this episode and that he has been missing from 2 now, but understand. William Petersen was supposed to be in this episode, as a matter of fact, the focal point of the episode, but a family tragedy pulled him away and my heart goes out to him and his family and I give the writers so much credit for not scrapping this script and starting with something fresh. There were able to make it Nick-centered and did an outstanding job and George Eads stepped up to the plate and knocked it outta here.

All in all, this episode reminded me why I became such a loyal fan of the show in the first place - Solid casework, fantastic visuals, a victim you cared about and a cast that is superb time and time again.
RE; Nick attacks suspect

Did anyone else see the connection between the anger and the bathing suit comment. The suspect was a the swim coach for the little girl's swim team, so when Nick figured it out. He blew because of what happened to him when he was nine.

Poor guy.

I feel bad, but I'll say it again. I didn't miss Grissom.
I actualy couldn't believe the episode was over.

Beautiful comment made to Nick by Sage. I think it was exactly what he needed to hear to boost his spirits.
AWESOME episode!!!

NIck, Warrick, Greg and Sara were all awesome. Greg was HALARIOUS! i loved seeing some of the old him back!!! The whole Yoko Ono, and the "Sweet Mary Jane" was too funny. LOL when he was processing the car, I said "it'd be halarious if he bumped his head" and he did! Ahahaha.

Nick was amazing, that's all I have to say. Amazing!!!
I LOVED this episode! Georgey definately gave us all the Eads we could eat! His acting ability was definately showing like it hasn't this season, and I hope to see more of it.

Strangely, I didn't miss Gil...like I usually do when he is absent. The episode flew by and I was looking at my watch going 'NO! AlreadY!'

This episode gets an A+ from me. The storyline wasn't like any this season and I was glad to see a change of pace.
I really loved this episode. There were a lot of funny scenes and also a lot of scenes that made me cry. I don't know about anybody else, but I think the most heartfelt scene was when Greg, George, Sara, and Warrick were eating in the park! It's so nice to see them all together. They reminded me of little school kids during their lunch break! I was kinda glad that Catherine wasn't there because she probably would've given Warrick a look of jealousy when he was talking about Tina. Overall, I was very happy to see this episode. Now I'm waiting for the two-parter in November!
RE; Nick attacks suspect

Did anyone else see the connection between the anger and the bathing suit comment. The suspect was a the swim coach for the little girl's swim team, so when Nick figured it out. He blew because of what happened to him when he was nine.

Poor guy.

I feel bad, but I'll say it again. I didn't miss Grissom.
I actualy couldn't believe the episode was over.

Beautiful comment made to Nick by Sage. I think it was exactly what he needed to hear to boost his spirits.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Quite some continuity since it hasn't been that big an issue through-out episode. I has been mentioned only once in an episode of season 2.
When Sara said that Nick wouldn't have done that six months back I thought: he would've. Since it was the child abbuse that caused him to flip.

To make a last add: this may be the best episode sofar (over all seasons)
This episode has been my favorite so far this season.

Not only was the episode wonderfuly scripted, the direction of the episode was just superb!!

And for the little girl giving her own Position of View on what was happening reminds me of the book "The Lovely Bones", a story in which a girl is raped and gives her own POV.
And for the little girl giving her own Position of View on what was happening reminds me of the book "The Lovely Bones", a story in which a girl is raped and gives her own POV.
I can't tell you how much I love that book - I didn't connect it with the episode but that's a good observation.
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

Already said I loved this episode. :)

Greg bumping his head, I immediately thought "ouch, that wasn't supposed to happen". Reminds me of the scene in the beginning of Grave Danger, when Gris and Cath walk to the scene and Cath bumps into Grissom hard enough to cause Gris making a small step to the side to absorb the collision. Billy then puts his hand on Marg's back to prevent another one, but they keep playing their roles. :lol: I love little mishaps like these; they make scenes more realistic. :)

The sheriff was great. I guess I've seen the episode "Jackpot" too often, where Grissom investigates a murder in a mountain village and the local sheriff is working more or less against Grissom. So, in "Gum Drops" I was expecting something similar the whole time. But the sheriff here really stayed focused on the crime and supportive of the CSIs, although he knew all the suspects and their families personally. The discrepancy between how the sheriff acted and what I expected from him gave this episode an extra kick. But maybe this is just me. :)
Can someone please please please (with sugar on top) recap the conversation about Tina/Yoko? I somehow TOTALLY missed that!!! I feel so out of the loop. Wah!!

Thankies. :D
Can someone please please please (with sugar on top) recap the conversation about Tina/Yoko? I somehow TOTALLY missed that!!! I feel so out of the loop. Wah!!

Thankies. :D

Basically, Warrick started to say that he was talking to Tina the other night and that she had an idea about the case, and Greg said *cough*YokoOno*cough.* He also kind of pretended like he needed a drink cause he had a frog in his throat. It was really cute, they all laughed, then Warrick went on to explain what Tina had told him.
Okay, after watching the episode for the fourth time, I have just a couple of teeny tiny nit picks that I forgot to mention before:

Although I really liked the Nick/Sage scene, I couldn't help but be bothered by the fact that she came to check on Nina (the mom), but Nick never told her that Nina was dead. Then she just left without any further inquiry about why Nick was there. That just seemed odd to me.

Also, I didn't understand why it took them so long to find the basement. Don't the police have to clear the house before the CSIs go in? For all they knew the perpetrators were still inside. You'd think that by now they would have learned their lesson about that kind of thing.

A couple of other things I noticed:

The guy leaving the doctor's office was one of the perps. He had just gotten stitches in his forehead. I didn't realize that before.

Did anyone else notice that the hands holding Cassie's card did not look like they belonged to George Eads? Maybe they were William Petersen's. Either that or a hand double, but I haven't noticed that CSI really does that.