"Grissom's Divine Comedy" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Well, I agree the outtakes were better.

I like the Maddie character, she seems to have a way with Grissom. Another lady that gets under his skin so to speak, just like Catherine can at times.

I thought they had good chemistry.

One thing that irks me, and I'm a Nick fan so that's probably why, but when Maddie was going down the list of "sins" Grissom's team had, she said Nick's hooker girlfriend. She was NOT his girlfriend, slept with her once, that don't make someone their girlfriend.

Somehow I knew we wouldn't get through this episode without a GSR reference, at least if they were going to bring it up :rolleyes: they could've left the deleted scene with Catherine. At least that had some humor to it, and the fact the Grissom knew what she was doing all along. Oh well, some fans were happy.

I thought it was an interesting case and how they came to the conclusion, but, and maybe it just me, something seemed off in this episode too. Can't quite put my finger on it, but something. Maybe I thought it would be more funnier after seeing the promo. Oh, I don't know.

I'm gonna have to watch it again when they on On Demand.
Will post more comments later, but I found it funny about the reference to "The Inferno". I'm currently reading that book in my 10th grade English class. :p
Liked the episode. Thought Bonnie Bedelia was great. I would like to see her come back; she and Brass make great scene partners.
Loved Hank/Bruno's screen time; it's nice to know Grissom is not alone.
I enjoyed the case but would have liked to have seen more of the 'Divine Comedy' explored, but not enough time I guess.
Loved seeing Natalie Wood's daughter.
Loved, loved, loved the final scene! Understated as usual, but very much understood. Thanks, CM.
I was spoiled to the core, so the cases weren't a surprise for me...

I have to give Hodges some credit...the team was sneezing all over evidence...I know there wasn't any DNA trace left, but seriously? cross-contamination anyone? that just looked a little unprofessional

Oh, and now even Hank the dog once got the one liner before the credits roll...:lol:
I really like this episode. Poor Nicky, he is miserable. I have to agree with Stokesgirl, Kristy is not Nick's hooker girlfriend, she is one night stand and she use him to get she want and she didn't care about him get in trouble.
so great to see them all back:thumbsup: good case but the cast ruled. Bonnie Bedelia as Maddie, harsh and abrasive, but a good role for her, and Natasha Gregson [Natalie Wood's daughter] also good, she resembles her mom;) Grissom in the beginning with Hank, and that dog looking up at him, so cute:rommie: good boy. Him sniffling and coughing, his always great expressions, & his messy hair..convincing as a sicko! and to see him making soup:guffaw: funny, and that's Grissom's and Sara's apt. before she took her hiatus. Poor Nick, also sick and hacking, but so cute! and Warrick [cute too] such good buddies. Warrick asking Gil to go to a Rebels game [our basketball team in Vegas] and him going 'I'll be in bed":( The horrible explosion, I was afraid that Warrick was hurt, but he wasn't. Nick to Hodges "maybe you should go work in China" good one Nick:lol: Brass great as always, and Cath and Greggie, just great to see them again. THe psycho gang member, doing his messages through urine in a book, who knew? creepy and off the wall. And Maddie, saying how "he'd never let her down and the "soulmates" comment. I don't think so, who the hell is she anyway? another women enamored with him, and his always 'no comment' so private and sly, and the phone call at the end from his girl.. great last moment:p After all she is coming back, after being together for so long, that's a given. he [WP] just stated in the lastest TV Guide, we haven't seen the last of Sara Sidle AMEN, and for Billy Petersen to sustain this high level of acting, no wonder they wanted him back.. gawd he's handsome.. he's the best:bolian: so great to see a fresh new CSI!!!!!
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A little cinnamon sugar for Grissom's "muffin top" there...is this some sort of pining-away/letting-oneself-go thing? ::shrugs::

Kudos to a throwaway that only us Archie fans caught...the reference to the surf movie marathon he'd been watching, "...Endless Summer...Local Boys..." (Archie Kao portrayed a Hawaiian surfer in "Local Boys". :cool: ) Can't wait for the double-entendres (I hope) they'll come up with after his guest appearance on "Desperate Housewives"...:devil:
Was the dog Sara's dog? I don't recall seeing him before, but I've missed some earlier episodes...
It's Grissom's dog, Hank. (Actually Billy Petersen's dog Bruno.) He appeared in Leapin' Lizards and was mentioned in Who and What.
Thanks, guys! I had forgotten that. I guess we didn't learn much new at all about Grissom in this episode, other than what his apartment looked like!
Did I miss the scene where Catherine goes to Grissom's apartmanet or is that the next ep? Just wondering and I do think they should have left the deleated scene in to!
^I was wondering about that, too. Did that get left out?
It was deleted, maybe for time reasons (the scene was over two minutes long IIRC).

One part was taken over by the DDA (when she comes to his apartment with the evidence box), the dialogue was similar to that in the deleted scene.
The second part (snooping asround/asking private questions) was dropped completely...
I, too, wished they hadn't deleted the scene of Catherine snooping around Gil's home. But what a great teaser for them to give us! (Gotta give them credit -- they REALLY know how to keep us all chasing our tails.) I also think that Bonnie Bedelia's character was great and that it would be nice to see more of her -- she was fantastic in all her scenes and seemed to fit in naturally. I also liked the end. Sweet and understated GSR as usual.

One thing that I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned: anybody else feeling a little paranoid about the "usted se va a morir" comment to Grissom? (To non-Spanish speakers, this is "You are going to die.") Maybe I focused on this more than others, since I'm the one who went on this board earlier to express my neurotic worry that the writers will kill off a main character. Anybody else worried now?