Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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How about this one Aleyna this is the S/8 promo pic. notice Sara in the background :( this was when all the buzz was is "Sara coming back, or not" and then this was released, and we knew she was.. but didn't know for such a brief time :(

Spoiler about
we should pay attention to the conversation between Grissom and Nick when they are walking in the Lab.because it shows that grissom is missing Sara
did we ever doubt it?.. that's why the window is wide open for her return.. and thank's for the news

I wanna see grumpy,pissy,missingSara!Grissom tomorrow damn it, if we feel that way so should he. In fact he should miss her more than us. Stupid writers need to show him zoning out and barely functioning without her.

Okay, I feel better now, venting is good.
Venting is very good for you especially right before bed. Grissom had better be missing Sara more than us. He loves her a lot, so he should miss her a lot.

Do you guys think that they got married before she left, because if so, then they didn't get a divorce. If not then did she call off the wedding or is it still on?
Rambo said that he feels they got married in private. OK, he IS a writer/producer, he WOULD know, don't ya think???
I think they are married and she will be back when the strike is over. She is supposed to come back with a "tiny twist" or at least that is what Rambo said.
I am keeping the faith.
Oh yeah... I believe they got married the night he proposed. I also believe she will return pregnant. :D Geek Baby!

I'm sitting here listening to "Some Things Are Worth Fighting For", by Judas Priest. It's about lost love and loneliness in the desert. GAH! If I didn't know better, I would think Grissom is singing this for Sara. It's not cheering me up, but it reminded me to keep the faith. Long live GSR, because some things are worth fighting for! OMG, it even references GHOSTS!!! :lol: I have crossed into some scary geek territory here, combining GSR and heavy metal. *giggle*
You crack me up!!! :lol: I agree that they most likely got married "After the Bees" (btw that is the title and subject of my FIRST fan fic!) and she's going to come back preggers. I just wish it was NOW! :mad:
If she returns preggers, I hope they have the smelling salts standing by for Grissom. OMG, I want to see the look on his face! That's assuming that he doesn't already know. He would prbably think he was dreaming. Some one (Cat) needs to pinch him at that moment (or smack him upside the head) so he gets off his sexy butt and kisses Sara good and proper for all the lab to see. *fingers crossed for our happy reunion*
The poem was from the dead guy to the bull. But I mean this is a Rambo episode so I do not think it was any mistake that Griss read the poem and it is easily applicable to his relationship with Sara. The whole I will be your cowboy in the sunset when you are ready......And my God he seemed so sad this ep, JF needs to bring her butt back ASAP
We know that Grissom was a ROY ROGERS and Trigger fan as a little boy. I couldn' help but think that the poem was Gil's perspective of Sara.
It WAS so GSR!!!! Is there ANYONE else who thinks Sara might already be home???? Grissom looked REALLY different when he read the poem at the end. ;)
You just never know about Rambo. He IS good and he does love our GSR! :D
PiperGrissom said:
It WAS so GSR!!!! Is there ANYONE else who thinks Sara might already be home???? Grissom looked REALLY different when he read the poem at the end. ;)
You just never know about Rambo. He IS good and he does love our GSR! :D

I hope this with the crossing fingers, i love rambo and i trust him and his love for the GSR.
This is the last episode of the season or when the strike end to be continued with the 8 ¿?
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