Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
over all the fiasco with the will she wont she live, i am not inclined to believe the rumors going around - i mean Jorja says herself she had to lie to her family and friends over whether her character was going to survive PROVING that when it was said "neither Jorja nor the writers know how this will conclude" to be a load of red herrings! (which i never believed either)
as i said before, with WP being a co-EP, I'd imagine he has a lot of say in what happens and I think he'd fight tooth and nail to keep Sara on CSI. I don't think they'd keep us in suspense about Sara's fate just to then tell us she's getting kicked off the show a few episodes later, and from the interview Jorja gave, it certainly didn't give me the impression she is leaving, I mean didn't she say they're 5 episodes in and it's all going so amazing and she can't wait to see what's going to happen next, and yet most of the rumors are saying she only signed up for 5 eps, so why would she be talking like that about the future of the show if she was no longer a part of it?
I love GSR, and I would hate for it to conclude in any way shape or form, but eventually, it will - because, although we don't want to think about it, CSI will eventually come to an end, so I guess one way or another it will happen. whether it's because Sara gets moved to Days (can't you just see her and Ecklie working together?! lol get the EMTs on standby!) or quits being a CSI or the show simply ending or whatever... but do I see GSR ending any time soon, in any form? personally, no, not the way i'm reading things. but that's just MHO.
I totally support Jorja, if she WANTS to leave the show to pursue other things, all the best to her, OK i'd be sad to see Sara leave, but i'd rather Jorja leave and be happy doing something else, than stay and be miserable... not that I'm getting that impression at all though!
but i tell ya what, if she does leave, we better well get a on screen kiss or i am NOT going to be a happy bunny!!
oh i thought i'd ask... am i the only one who NEEDS a good dose of GSR every day? seriously I can't go to bed at night if i've not watched a episode at some point during the day containing some form of GSR (i accept looks, hand holds, flirty words.. anything!) - or am I really just THAT sad?! :lol: