Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Did anyone else from recent TV guides get the impression but yet another set of people do not understand GSR? It seems they do not like Sara or at least not in relation to GSR.
I mean this has been in the show forever and it seems TV guide is still obsessed with Catherine and Nick. :mad:

Why does no one get it. Well, Entertaiment Weekly kind of saw the light when the said she deserved the Emmy this year and they said it had much too do with how amazing she is conveying Sara's love for Grissom.

Tv guides summary of the season was puzzling. they said Catherine will finish building her father's casino so is Marg out. They did not say much about Sara, but they said Nick will take a leadership role. I have never seen Nick as a leader he is just not smart enough. And i am sorry Sara deserved that promotion. Grissom did not promote her because of what he feels for her. it still makes me mad. And it looks like this year is Warrick in trouble and danger. And that one woman said she is sick of the drama on CSI well what is on every other show on TV, drama. Look at 24 or Prison Break or GA or ER in its day shows are about drama and in addition CSI has been on eight years of course everyone is going to have something happen to them and then she said she was so over Sara. I have to say in Season 7 Sara was not dramatic she was low key and there for everyone's else problems which is why the finale is such a heart puller. I just though she was saying all this because she does not like CSI. It does not have any more happening on it than any other drama and much less than something like Gilmore Girls which you can tell she loves from other TvVguides. Gilmore Girls is more dramatic than CSI at least CSI justifies the drama well except maybe Catherine i have to say i am sick of all the crap that happens to her. She has had way more drama than Sara over the entire course of the show

hello Gilbert!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey, ICSIMfan whatever you think is best is ok by me ;) and that sounds fair, the thing is there are already two Jorja threads, so whoever wants to talk about her contract or whatever, can go there and discuss it! this is about them.. GSR ;) and BTW, I like your avatar, who are those two? and GSR_Sara_Gil I laughed about the "why don't they get it" why indeed.. :eek: their so right for each other

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

ICSIMfan: that definitely sounds reasonable. Thanks.

I am so excited that we are finally going to get a timeline for Gil and Sara. We've all been waiting for so long for them to tell us when it all happened, and I'm just so incredibly primed for this episode! Those adorable pics of the two of them at the gokart track have done wonders for me, lately. Been having ROUGH days at work, and this has just been absolutely brilliant to look forward to!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Al, aren't you glad you have GSR to make your days better? I'm sorry work has been rough, school is the same!

can't wait for tomorrow night, for obvious reason... total squeeness!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Me too Alyssa can't wait.. I just hope all the negativity on the ep. from anti's, on the ep. thread won't get to us.. and there will be.. but we'll be thrilled ;)


Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Yesterday I came home from school, did my homework, ate supper, and did more homework so I didn't get on here AT ALL! I was GSR deprived the whole day. It sucked, but I'm making up for it today.

I gotta comment on the "GSR without the S is just GR" thing. That was hilarious! I could just see the new thread in Shipper Central. Everything else would be stuff like when Sara left, Gil turned to Cath or whatever and there would be this one, the GR thread. Called "GR:Grissom Romance #1: When Sara left, he comforted himself, and one thing lead to another..."

Lol, anyway, going back to GSR... I can't believe tomorrow's thursday! I want major GSR scenes, since the last episode was about finding Sara, I admit it would have been strange to have them kiss in that one. But this seems like a good episode for it, and I want a timeline too!

I remember someone saying something somewhere (wow, that's a lot of 's' words:O) on this site, that the whole GSR thing is just sexual harassment. That deoesn't make any sense to me, how can you call a relationship where the two people involved love eachother harassment? Ah well, at leats we've got our sanctuary here in shipper central.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

^ got a question. isn't a conversation about actors' contracts a spoiler and should be held in the boxes? i mean, i stopped reading anything in here recently cuz i don't wanna know any details.
Hmmm...I never thought much about it since everyone has been discussing Sara leaving for months and not using spoiler boxes.

and BTW, I like your avatar, who are those two?
They are Danny Messer and Don Flack from CSI:NY. My OTP. ;) They're the same ones in my banner, too.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I figured that was Danny, and the other one I don't know, sorry, although I do recognize him.. question isn't Danny in love with that lab girl on NY? back to GSR :D

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I cannot believe it is here tomorrow. I hope there is another surprise like Hello Gilbert!!!
I hate when they put all the good stuff in the promos.
I rewatched "Dead Doll" and I think they had to cut the episode down. It really feels on re-watching now that we know Sara lived, that there was more added in. It feels like every character had a flashback not just Grissom and Nick.

I have to say I wish Grissom had another or a longer flashback.
Also the way they cut to Greg was awkward I think they cut out his flashback and Catherine's for that matter. it feels like Catherine's was when she was in that parking garage.

Brass I wish his flashback was when he found out about Sara and Gilbert.

Just my two cents

Hello Gilbert!!

Major squeeees tomorrow
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

brookie, so sorry you were deprived. i, the eternal slacker, tend to bypass my homework to get my gsr fix!!
and it's sexual harassment, in the business world...technically, i guess. because he's her's like, an abuse of power. even if it's mutual, which...well, duh! it's like statutory rape, you know. it's mutual, but if one person is older *or hihger up on the office ladder* it's a no no!

i hope they work it out so our geeks don't get too bad of a reprimand!

yay for thursday eve!

that should be the next thread name, let's get to a thousand posts homies so we can do it!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I really hope they dont make it too dramatic because this is actually quite common in the work place now. I mean the mutual relationship and one person is higher up. I hope they just have Catherine do her evaluations or just make Catherine the supervisor. It would solve so many problems and let our geeks be happy.

GSR Rules!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I just fell in love all over again with the end scene of DD! I wanted to see Sara squeeze his hand, since I apparently missed it the first two times, so I was wacthing the clip on It's just so.... words an't describe it. It's just the perfect scene for them. They've always talked to eachother with their facial expression and body language, but this has to be the closest you can come you saying "I love you" without opening your mouth! I LOVE it! Watch it without sound you guys, it's even better without all the background noise.

I agree, I think there was more to the episode than we saw. Greg's flashback should've been in the helicopter. Maybe the fannysmackin scene, "I'm here for you Greg".

I read some more articles about Jorja leaving, and none of them cite their source. Normally when there's a rumour, they at least say that it came from a producer or someone else in the know. But these don't, and therefore I'm going to call them rumours. Opps, forgot to keep it GSR related. Sorry! They better not do this to us. After 6 years of waiting and hoping, we finally get to see them as a couple, they can't just give us one year of scenes and then take it away! Scumbuckets.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

OMG! I said the exact same thing about watching the episode in silence.
This episode is total pay off for GSR fans.
You can watch Jorja and Billy in silence and find it so much more powerful.
The episode was made all the more poignant by the AMAZING acting by Jorja Fox as Sara. WOW!
Her acting just mad eyou want GSR together all the more. You watch her in silence and that is when i cried watching her scene in teh car talking about her dad!
That final scene is just so amazing and there is so much going on.

Although i still do wish that Grissom had been the one to physically find her first.
Then they could have mirrored the scene when everyone reacted in Living Doll.
If he got there first you could have seen everyone react while he made sure Sara was still alive.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

i really wonder if there was a reason he wasn't the one to find her...did they not want to play too much of the gsr in the know, try to pacify the gsr haters...or what?
but i'm looking forward to the total gsrness of this season ...or at least the first few eps, whatever we get, you know?
GSR is my oxygen. i smile at the thought of it. when i see them together, see pics, read about them in's involunatry. almost can't live w/out it sometimes. need a fix.

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan


cant wait until tomorrow

Anyone can share caressing touches
But how many can say, one piercing look
Was enough to awaken a heart not worth much
What can I say, it was that look, I am hooked

by me
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