Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Wow, he does look 10 years older and younger at the same time. And that is definitely the look of love!

Is it possible that the season might not last until May? I was looking at an episode guide, and it had all the names of the episodes up until 'Hello, Goodbye', which is the one Aussiello said she's leaving in. There aren't any episodes shown after that, but it's only the 7th episode.
I have to agree I think it is weird anyone would sign for 3 months. I said this before but very few huge shows do that for actors, and if she had really not resigned at least until Billy's contract is up at the end of season 8, why would the network care to end it happily? Plenty of shows have had to kill characters because actors did not renew their contracts. The network would never care that much, it is business and it would be cheaper to just kill her than to drag is out for what 7 episodes...I think not.
On another note, after the ratings for the premiere were the highest in awhile and every critic citing that Jorja Fox was amazing and brilliant in the episode. That it was all her and one of the best episodes in years, and this not just coming from GSR fans (we can be biased especially when it comes to Sara) is a great sign that she signed for the rest of the year.
I think this may be another ploy to keep pulling the ratings in so that CSI will cream GA. What better way to keep the viewers coming in.

On yet another note, it looks like the writers are revealing a lot of important GSR timeline moments, but they have so many places they can go in the future with the relationship. I really feel (this being from a fellow writer's and huge readers mind, and English major) that the best way to keep tension in the show with our leads (i.e. Sara and Grissom) is to have this event bring all of Sara's childhood memories back up and maybe have her search for her mother and truly deal with what happened (I never thought they resolved it, mainly because Grissom could not have helped her then). This means they are happy, but tension is there from Sara. Sara is the most complex character on the show and Jorja Fox is just amazing when you give her material to work with (just watch Dead Doll on mute and watch her face and eyes, VERY few people have that much talent, I have watched so many shows and films take my word for it). This is the smart thing to do to keep the ratings up to beat GA. It gives the promotion people cool scenes to work with to pull people in who have not watched the show, especially that younger demographic.
I read a lot of the petitions to Save Sara and many of them are younger men and women who are the most desired demographic. In fact, she is the only characters who has gotten a strong response from both younger MEN and WOMEN. This is important to networks, ratings, and money.

JORJA FOX rules and has said several times and in an interview about 5 months ago that she loves CSI and loves the people she works with.

About Dead Doll, it self. I do wish Grissom had found her. It felt weird that Nick physically found her or more that he got to her physicall first. I wish Grissom had I think we earned that as fans!!
But the helicopter scene was amazing.
I also love that they did not have her respond until she felt Grissom holding her hand. It would have been wrong if she responsed first to Nick.
I loooovvvvvveeeeeeee the Gilbert moment. I hope she does that again in the future.
I honestly never thought of her using Gilbert, Gil yeah
In a way it is way more sexy and intimate that she used his whole first name.

I loved the episode and again Sara kicked butt and
Jorja Fox Rocks and Rules!!
Please stay Jorja!

Again why let her back for 7 episodes.
Maybe she is taking a few episodes off to do a play and coming back.
Or maybe both Peterson and Fox are leaving in that episode.
Remember all the actors contracts are up the end of this year.
Marg has also said she does not want to go beyond season 8 either.

GSR Rules
Sara Kicks Butt
CSI Rocks
Exactly. Why would she live and do six more episodes, and then leave? It doesn't make any sense, I'm glad not everyone's being pessimistic. I just read a fan fic, and at the end, in the authors note, they said "I'm very sad that Jorja Fox is leaving the show." No one knows anything for sure yet.

I too wish that Grissom had been the one to find her. I guess since Sara found Nick, they felt they had to make Nick find Sara...? I think that it would have made Grissom feel a lot better if he was the one to find her, instead of coming after Nick.
GSR_Sara_Gil i loved your post. i was nodding and grinning the whole way through
do not lose heart jroja/gsr fans, i'm sure there are good things on the horizon (don't take that as "i know something you don't know" i'm just severely optimistic!)
whatever happens, i'm happy to learn more about gsr, and see the relationship really pan out.
i'm totally annoyed by people bashing it, especially on this site. there' so much hostility.
unless there was some deal that they needed to "resolve" gsr before jorja left, and she's just being...accomodating. you know, finishing up in loyalty for her character and the show and billy and the others...and then going to leave...i really think she's going to finish out the season!!
Thank you both for your comments.
I really think they had Nick find her first cause he needed screen time. I foudndit more jarring than moving.
I was really expecting Grissom to find her first everyone else could be right behind but i felt Gilbert deserved that moment
and it would have given the writers a chance to show everyone else reacting to Grissom being emotional and the whole Sara-Grissom relationship
because they all acted it like they did not quite understand what Grissom was saying in Living Doll.
So it would have been interesting to see that reaction right before they all jumped to Sara's aid.
Although i love how Grissom went up in the helicopter.

Back to the leaving question...
I was trying to think of it from the network stand point. I made logical buiness sense to me, but I am no expert..

But the whole Ausiello interview was very out of character for Jorja Fox if you have read other interviews about the show
She always praises everyone more than herself and stated in every interview that she loved the show and loved working with everyone in the cast and crew. So the whole interview except when she talks about the Season 8 episodes they have filmed and Billy sound very they are reinforcing what everyone has said all summer

she is leaving... she wont film... she wants more money ...those are all along the same kind of thinking
Jorja Fox is being selfish and petty, which from commentary tracks on the DVD's and many interviews just seems so out of character for her

Plus i really hope it wasn't money
we would all like to make what they do
one episode with her salary and i would not be in debt for graduate school and would have a small nest egg for a nice apartment to spare

again it just seems out of place with all the interviews I have read about her and the show

Question what was really up with the 2004 incident with her and George Eads?

Hello Gilbert. squeeeee!
Hey guys, Just got the chance to watch the behind the scenes video on innertube, very intersesting stuff.
I also find it hard to believe that Jorja would do an interview with Aussiello after he's bashed her so much in recent months.
And I think the "Hello Gilbert" had decidedly sexy undertones. And that scene in the helocopter, WOW.
Dollars for Sense go see how to let CBS know how much we love Jorja
I think that if it was about money, it was more a respect issue than anything else. In the 'aussiello interveiw' that was basically what she was saying, that if they aren't going to pay her what she deserves, she doesn't want to work for them because they don't respect her. I really can't see her being greedy. That would be so strange coming from her.

On the 2004 thing, I'm not sure. I wasn't watching the show then, and I've heard conflicting reports. Recently I was watching this old interveiw with some idiot that said she and George wanted more money than they were willing to pay them so they fired them. Then the guy said that two new actors were going to come in and take their places. He made it sound like everything would just go back to normal. I wanted to strangle that guy. Someone else who's been watching longer can probably answer your question.
2004: it was something like...she and george weren't getting a raise, so they protested or something...or the wouldn't sign their contracts. then, like, jorja signed her contract on the same day she got fired, so things go worked out...when they got fired billy and marg refused to work...
okay, i can't recall what i've read, someone else help

i believe i've confused myself, lol.
i'll stand behind jorja no matter what, i hope if and when she leaves it's on her on terms, not some sort of forcing out on TPTB's part. i just really want to see GSR resolved know worked out rounded off...a happy ending even if it's somewhat know?
The incident in 2004 went something like this: The peoples on the show were getting a raise, but they had to send some signed letter in by a certain date saying they would show up on time. Jorja's went through the mail a little slow or she mailed it late, one or the other, but either way, the producers decided that not recieving the thingy meant she didn't consent, so they fired her, and then they fired Eads for not showing up on time. Then Billy made a plea, apparently, and they were both hired back, but on the same salary they were on before. How do I remember these things?

I really don't see Jorja leaving. It's like what was previously said- why hire her on for 5-6-7 episodes? That makes no sense. Also, how are we supposed to get exposition regarding Grissom without her? That said, I have a scenario.

Catherine: So, has Ecklie talked to you yet?
Sara: *scowl* Yep. It was annoying. Really, really annoying.
Warrick: Why? Was he all jealous or something?
Grissom: *chuckles* The real question would be, is he jealous of me, or of Sara?
Catherine: Ouch.
Ecklie: *standing in window, staring creepily at Grissom*
Greg: I guess that means he's jealous of Sara.
Grissom: I feel unclean. Sara, shower with me?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I was wondering when we were going to get treated to your analysis Alyssa

Alyssa said:
Nick comes out of the flashback, convinced that it's not Sara's either. He smiles, tearing up at the memory of his friend.

Ok, at this point in the episode I honestly thought she had died or would die. The way he teared up (to me) seemed like he'd kind of resigned himself to the fact that she was dead- not in a bad way like "oh she's dead I'm going to give up now", but in a nostalgic "Man I'm gonna miss you" way...does that make sense?

Alyssa said:
Anyway, there's no sign of her, but there are mysterious footprints that somehow survived the torrential downpour. I know I'm not supposed to question it, and I'm supposed to believe it, but with that kind of downpour, and the amount of sand buildup around the Mustang compared to when we last saw Sara underneath it, those footprints should not have survived the night.

You know, I thought the exact same thing throughout that entire was driving my mom crazy, she shouted it out at first and throughout the rest of the episode she just kept muttering about how the footprints would SO not be there :rolleyes:

Alyssa said:
It's a beautiful and poetic move on his part, because Sara's so often needed a hand. When she was a little girl, and her mother killed her father, she said she couldn't let go of the woman's hand who took her into foster care. She couldn't let go. She needed that hand.

When Sara sat in the hospital with the little girl whose father "The Buffalo" abused her and whose sister was also her mother, Sara took the little girl's hand.

When Sara almost got a DUI, Gil was there to take her hand.

When she told him what happened to her parents, he reached out to take her hand.

When she found a dying girl under a bed, she held her hand. Then, she held the hand of the person who murdered her, unknowingly offering comfort to a killer.

Now, Sara needs someone to hold her hand, and Gil does.

This connection was so intense...I hadn't seen it till you pointed it out, as is often the case

Alyssa said:
Gil smiles down on her with a look of love so intense, I melted into a pile of goo. He's looking at her as though he were completely naked, stripped of his pretenses and fears. In this moment, he is Gil Grissom, the man who's in love with Sara Sidle. He's no one else. He's not her boss. He's not her former mentor. He's not an entomologist. He's not a CSI. He is a man. He's a man in love with her.

One of the most beautiful connections you've ever drawn- the truth of this analysis almost brought me to tears. Is that sad? I mean, I'm tearing up over a connection between two fictional characters drawn by a complete- but amazingly insightful- stranger. I give up, this obsession has reached unhealthy levels :lol:

Also, when Sara was wandering around in the desert with her shirt tied on her head, did it remind anyone else of those on-set pictures of her just joking around with Billy? The ones where she's wearing that shirt with the flames on it...

My YTDAW account is acting very screwy. I want to participate in this dollar campaign but I can't download the fliers. Could anyone PM/email me the documents? If you're willing, PM me and I'll give you me email address. Thanks so much!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey guys, I've just been going through my address book adding everyone I know to the Petition to Save Jorja's job .
There is no GSR without Sara. Come on guys, get on board. Also the

I also came accross another great GSR fanfic writer. Kristen Elizabeth. Not much smut, but boy can she write. And the characters are really spot on.

Edited to remove link.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

butterflied08 said:
Also, when Sara was wandering around in the desert with her shirt tied on her head, did it remind anyone else of those on-set pictures of her just joking around with Billy? The ones where she's wearing that shirt with the flames on it...

So THAT'S what it reminded me of! :lol: Geez, that was driving me insane! At first I thought it was just reminding me of the people on Survivor, but it didn't quite seem right.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Ptsh. Everyone knows Survivor is carefully scripted.
Kirsten Elizabeth, you say? Links plz? *puppy eyes*
Also, new avatar. *directing attention to self, rather selfishly* I think it's cute. Doesn't he look like a cat?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

seattlegsrfan said:
Hey guys, I've just been going through my address book adding everyone I know to the Petition to Save Jorja's job .
There is no GSR without Sara. Come on guys, get on board. Also the campaign.

I also came accross another great GSR fanfic writer. Kristen Elizabeth. Not much smut, but boy can she write. And the characters are really spot on.

*see previous post of mine*

Seattle, I PMd you with my email address...could you send me the flier documents pretty please with GSR on top??

edited to remove link to solicitation website.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Brooke you mean this one.[below]. and did you realize how great the make-up dept. did on her bloody, scraped face/arms and bruises, amazing, so realistic :eek:


with her man
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