Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

This is so funny, everyone's either readin currently or has read casa! I didn't even know about cincoflex until someone from FF net told me about it. Now I don't think I could live without it.

I don't think they both actually got rid of their other places though, wouldn't someone notice that their addresses were the same? I think they just unofficially live in Grissom's townhouse together, but Sara still has her apartment. That way, they don't actually have the same address but it would still be THEIR bedroom, not just his.

Everyone should come on here and talk about the premiere once it's over. What sucks about living on the west coast is that by the time I come on, most people are already gone from here.

Now, in the words of my sister's crazy friend, LONG LIVE SARA!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Be my idol...Don't Kill Side
Save the Sara, Save the Lab
and I agree i think they both still have their places for records for their work
but i think they mainly live at Grissom's townhouse and maybe Sara helped redecorate.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I have this page in my school notebook that I call my "crazy page". I write things like 'Save Sara, because she's the only person Grissom ever loved' and 'CSI without Sara is like sex without love' and 'GSR forever'. I don't let any of my friends see it, because they wouldn't understand it.

I just KNOW that she'll live and we'll get some kind of huge GSR scene. And when I KNOW things, it always happens. Right now I want Sara to say she loves him. I go back and forth between a kiss and an "i love you" from both of them. It's like I'm on a rocking chair. (*giggles*)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

This is a minature view of Sara's apt. from a ways back, does this look like it would be suitable for him? I hope we do find out who's place there at, his or her's or both! and maybe by the time, their back together will find out!


Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Desert, that is so cool, where did it come from?
Anyway, as to there having different addresses, couldn't they use post boxes? At least one of them could, then no one would know, right?

I haven't been posting as much because I am only on the "F's" on the cincoflex home list, I am doing the whole, season seven marathon thing, and I had to watch the season premiere of NCIS tonight!! I am sooo busy, :lol:

But I wanted to pop in and say SAVE SARA CUZ GSR RULES THE WORLD!!!

Thank you very much and here's the countdown for now-
can you believe it ONE DAY twenty two hours and 3 minutes.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

i love circonflex and i can't wait to finish casa then read all the other stuff on there, there's so much. it's great. that's what i'll live on whenever csi goes away. or if they do something stupid to gsr and sara.
that apartment pic is cool...but it doesn't seem to fit her... i dunno, too colorful? too happy go lucky? very retro. where did it come from?
i think they live @ griss's townhouse. the scene in wtg struck me as sara's apartment, though it may have been too big for an apartment, i'm not sure. and the ll scene struck me as grissom w/ a hint of sara?...make sense? they couldn't get away w/ living at the same address unless they're alread married or have worked something out w/ tptb at the lab. which i still think is, wishful thinking i supposed
i can't believe it's so close!

i feel sad because all you cool cats get on here and discuss stuff after i got to dreamland (to dream of sara and grissom of course) ...i guess cause we're in different time zones. oh well, something to wake up to
another chapter of casa and i'm off
GSR will rule the world!!
csi w/out sara is like sex without love or like or lust or interest or ...hell, it's like being very sexually active for one or seven years, and then abstaining for the rest of your life...crazy, stupid, pointless, sad depressing frustrating...

grr, do i make myself clear? lol. i'm loopy tonite.
keep the faith

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

bengali A friend sent it to me she's on YTDAW, along time ago, I think S/5.. and remember when he came to her place in "Nesting Dolls" this is her apt. from then, so I downloaded it, and searching fo new pictures for you all, came across it..thank's ;)





This I think is when they first......well you know
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

awww, desert. lol, that was my reaction to that last bit.

the apartment in nesting dolls looks more like her than the one before, but i see the similarities. i could study it for hours, lol.
desert, i think that's when they began, you know, talking being friends again, laying the groundwork for what was to come! (no pun intended, though my friends do tell me i've got a very dirty mind!)

on the coffee table, she was playing solitaire. lots of books, artsy photographs on teh walls, very retro. cool lamp, cool pillows. nice fridge. wonder what books she's got out. an entomology text, perhaps? and waht the pics are of...future vacation spots for our geeks?
night gsr fans! less than forty eight hours
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Does everyone remember the paintings in Time of Your Death are all of Sara.
Sara must live!
Everyone has put too much effort in to end it now.
And frankly wouldn't it be nice to see them happy on TV and not just fanficiton. So few shows ever do that, but I think CSI can if they bring up Sara's past. What happened to her mom and where is the once mentioned brother?
Our geeks can be happy, but you can have the tension come from Sara's past.
Plus I think they were hinting at Sara's foster care childhood again, remember how Nick looked at the pictures in Living Doll so weirdly?

GSR Rules and CSI Rocks in that order!
Go Team SO!!!!
No Sara, No CSI
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

omg!!! omg!!!! only ONE DAY!!! can you believe it?!?! we made it through four and a half months waiting for this!!!! now its only one day!!!! i HATE going to school on thursdays (Especially on the 27th) :mad:cause the day drags on F O R E V E R.!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

one day day. actually, 33 hours and 7 minutes if we're gonna get specific. I'm out of town tonight and tomorrow morning and am hoping that we'll be back home in time to watch CSI in the comfort of my own home...if not, I'm renting a hotel room- I'm not even joking.

It feels like lately everything I see reminds me of GSR. Like today, I was driving to work and saw a truck for a company called GRS and totally flipped out because in my delusion-riddled brain I saw GSR. And I met this new person the other day with the last name Petersen...AHH

Save Sara!
Go team SO!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

One day to go! :eek: Must be optemistic, must be optimistic...

I'm out of town tonight and tomorrow morning and am hoping that we'll be back home in time to watch CSI in the comfort of my own home...if not, I'm renting a hotel room- I'm not even joking.

Lol, you sound like me when I was planning on going to London when the finale aired (about 2th July?) just so I could get a hotel room and watch it! :lol: I hate living in Sweden...We are behind with everything!

I also flipp out when I see random things that reminds me about GSR, both canon and fictional (á la rocking chair). It is funny, but it creeps both me out sometimes.

I have a stomach ache, plus I got butterflies :)D) in my belly from excitement over the premiere. I desperately want Sara to live. Seriously, I don't think I'll be able to watch another episode of CSI knowing that she's dead (if she does).

I'm so excited that I'm probably going to ditch (I really am ill!) school on Friday because I'm going to be home, sitting in front of the computer, bawling my eyes out (either she dies or not). No kidding. Or maybe tomorrow, seing as I only have school until 12 o'clock.

Go Team SO!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Does everyone remember the paintings in Time of Your Death are all of Sara.
what are you talking about?

and i'm so psyched, everything makes me think of gsr and sara and csi...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

AHHH.> sorry Elin don't worry, and Sweden is awesome.. we'll all keep you posted ;) and to keep our spirits up till tomorrow, here's something Jorja said in June, and I think she wouldn't say or be in a photo, if she's gone :confused: she's alive and will be on the whole season 8.. and that's a fact.. and I think everyone's entitled to my opinion :D

Jorja Fox, who showed off this TV Guide cover, played it coy about Sara's return "If did know, I'd smile and tell you I didn't" she says, "But I hope Sara's alive and well and back for a sexy Season 8 romance" hint-hint-clue-clue

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

What paitings in time of your death. I am confused as well.

I am so excited you guys. Every hour on the hour I tell my friends how many hours there are left until CSI, during school. Tomorrow is going to be the longest day of my life. I am getting sick. I have a sore throat. I love your pictures desertwind as usual. You always have the best pictures. I can't wait. I don't know how I am going to sleep tonight. We have lasted the entire summer. I can't believe we have a little bit longer than a day left. I know Jorja Fox wants to stay based on that article. I CANNOT wait.

We have 1 day, 5 hours and 15 minutes left until CSI.
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